
Red Anemone

Anemone was brought up to be the heir of her family, Duke Castiano. When her brother was born, she was forced to be raised as a Lady. She has always thought being a Lady was useless and demeaning. As she grew older, she realized how dangerous it is to be a Lady than a Gentleman. Veiled daggers... Insidious schemes behind decorated fans... Would she be able to survive long enough to be with her true love? *This is an original novel. Please don't steal or copy.

asianotaku · Fantasy
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98 Chs

39 - Time With Mother

Anemone followed her mother, the door closing behind them. The garden was located behind the townhouse. Townhouses were granted small backyards to encourage ladies in gardening. A pathway split the townhouses apart from the others. Soldiers would patrol by these pathways, guaranteeing safety for the nobles.

The fences were tall enough that it would take great effort to jump over. It was also thick enough to leave no hole for peeping. Duke Castiano had arranged some of his guards and some maids to watch over the garden. The maids helped tend to the florals and bushes with her mother.

The garden was big enough for a small koi pond with a willow tree. The willow tree's leaves had all turned colors, as if touched by a gold hand. Small hedges were also turning gold and red from the change of season. Touches of purple and blue flowers dotted around the hedges.

A maid was seen, sweeping red leaves from the stone pathway. Their maids' uniform were black long sleeved dresses that reached to the floor. White aprons covered the front, from top to bottom, to prevent their dresses getting dirtied. The ones outside wore red coats and white hats with black boots for warmth.

The soldiers wore black uniforms with their family crest emblazoned on the chest. Red trimmings on the sleeves and hem were embroidered with gold etchings. Mother personally embroidered each one. The soldiers also wore red hats and white gloves with black boots. With their

Anemone marveled at how her mother could plan a beautiful garden even in the fall. She hadn't picked up most of what a lady should learn. Her mother finally stopped near the pond. A black bench was situated across. Her mother gestured her to sit while she say down.

They sit there for a moment, gazing at the pond in silence. Anemone laid her hands on her blue dress, twisting the fabric in nervousness. Glancing sideways, she studied her mother's clothes. Her mother wore a gold color dress with green embroidered lacing. Her auburn hair was tied in a loose braid over her shoulder. When they were home, they didn't dress fancy like most nobles.

"Anemone, there's something we need to discuss," her mother finally said. "But I am not sure... if you are old enough to understand." Her mother turned to look at her, her golden hazel eyes piercing her jet black eyes. "I was once in your shoes... And I resented my mother so much..."

Anemone stared at her mother's sad expression. "I don't hate you, mother," she replied softly.

Her mother smiled a little and took her small hand. "Thank you, Anemone. Just know, your parents love you and only wanted the best for you."

Anemone laughed nervously. "Mother, why do you say it like that? It was my fault for not understanding."

"Anemone," her mother stopped her. "You were wrong with what you thought the role was, but you weren't wrong in trying to pursue it. At the time, it seemed right to raise you as a son. When your brother was born, we realized it was a mistake. This error is your parents."

Anemone frowned at her words. "How is it your error? You wouldn't have known that Cayden would be born."

"We did know. We just chose to not believe... that it would happen like this."