
Red Anemone

Anemone was brought up to be the heir of her family, Duke Castiano. When her brother was born, she was forced to be raised as a Lady. She has always thought being a Lady was useless and demeaning. As she grew older, she realized how dangerous it is to be a Lady than a Gentleman. Veiled daggers... Insidious schemes behind decorated fans... Would she be able to survive long enough to be with her true love? *This is an original novel. Please don't steal or copy.

asianotaku · Fantasy
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98 Chs

38 - Forgiving

When she got back to her room, Anemone decided to not stay in her room anymore. She was going to follow what she promised. That reason and she need food. She changed into a simple blue dress and tied her hair back with a blue ribbon. When she opened the door, she saw Cayden fall on his back.

"Cayden?" she asked.

He stood up and turned quickly. His cheeks turned pink from embarrassment, being caught waiting for her. "A-anemone! You finally came out!"

Watching him, she realized he was really worn out. His clothes seemed to be hastily put on. His eyes were swollen and red. His black hair was disheveled. He was still that foolish stupid brother of hers."Why aren't you dressed properly? You're the heir and should not look like this."

The words already came out without thinking. Since it was too late, she might as well act like normal. Being mean to him... He seemed really shocked. "A-a-anemunee..."

Sighing, she grabbed his arm. "Let's go get some food." She half dragged and half pulled him with her down the corridor. His face beamed with happiness while trying to keep up with her. Anemone soon entered the kitchen.

The kitchen was empty as it was the time the servants cleaned the rooms. All the food had been put away. She pushed Cayden into a chair and looked for food. After a meal, they would serve the leftovers to the servants or it would go to a homeless shelter.

Her mother was one who did a lot of charities. Looking around, she didn't understand where all the food went. She turned toward her brother. "Cayden, what happened to all the food?" she demanded.

"Mother said if you decide to finally come out, you have to look for her."

She was silent, staring at Cayden's smiling face. "And you thought you should inform me now?"

His smile faded into worry. "I didn't know it was important." He looked down sadly. Irritated, she poked his forehead.

"Stop acting stupid! You proved you were better than me at the fight," she scolded before turning to leave. Flustered, he stood and ran to catch up with her.

"Sis-sister! Tha-that's not true! I only won by mistake!," he stuttered.

His words annoyed her. "You're saying that you won by luck?" She stopped and he bumped into her. Turning, she poked his forehead again. "Listen Cayden! You won because you were good. Since you are now the heir, you need to start acting more your role! Don't give me these dumb excuses!"

Before he could react, she turned again and walked off. He rushed to catch up with her. "Si-sister-"

"Where is mother anyway? Is she in the garden?" Anemone interrupted him. His stuttering was annoying her too. Watching him nod, she headed toward the garden. Passing another hall, she stopped at the doorway leading to the garden and went foward to pull open the door.

"Sister, do you hate me?"

She stared at the door handle before turning to face him. His eyes were wide, tears forming at the corner of his eyes. She couldn't help thinking how cute he looked. His hair was still disheveled and some locks fell on his face. "No, Cayden. I don't hate you," she answered softly.

His expression turned to a look of relief. "Sister, I- "

The door opened and they turned to see their mother. "Anemone, good. You're here. I would like to speak to Anemone alone, Cayden. You may go," their mother said, her voice firm. Cayden looked at Anemone sadly and slightly bowed to their mother.

"As you wish, mother," he said and turned to leave. Anemone watched him go. Her mother turned back into the garden, without looking at his sad retreating figure.

"Come, Anemone. There's much to talk about since you had your little vacation."