
Red Anemone

Anemone was brought up to be the heir of her family, Duke Castiano. When her brother was born, she was forced to be raised as a Lady. She has always thought being a Lady was useless and demeaning. As she grew older, she realized how dangerous it is to be a Lady than a Gentleman. Veiled daggers... Insidious schemes behind decorated fans... Would she be able to survive long enough to be with her true love? *This is an original novel. Please don't steal or copy.

asianotaku · Fantasy
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98 Chs

31 - Engagement

"I'm only ten," she heard herself say dully. She was still in shock over the words. "I'm only ten! I'm too young to be married to anyone!"

Her mother nodded and smoothed her dress folds. "We understand, Anemone. You must also understand. The Queen has sent the decree. It's not like you are getting married now," she pouted, not happy hearing her daughter's words.

"I... I..." Anemone was speechless. "I haven't even met the crown prince! I don't even know his name!"

Her mother winced at her words. "Well, we can go see him together. The Queen is setting up the date now. The crown prince is very handsome! He's two years older than you!" Anemone listened to her mother ramble. Her father still had his back to them.

"Father, you approve of this?"

Her father's back stiffen. "Yes, Anemone. The engagement is already set."

"Oh, Anemone! They said they will do a pre engagement since you are so young. When you turn sixteen, they will finalize the engagement! After you graduate, then you will marry and live happily ever after!"

"Mother! That's not what I want!" Anemone shouted. She was tired of everything planned for her. "I don't want this!"

"Anemone," her father turned to warn her. Her mother stopped him as her face turned cold.

"What do you want, Anemone?" her mother asked.

"I..." Anemone faltered but then she hardened her resolve. It was now or never. "I want the title of heir!

"The title of heir? You are still thinking about that?" her mother asked.

"Yes! And I am more worthy than Cayden for the role!"

There was a long silence.

"I see," her mother finally said and looked to the Duke. They both nodded. "Anemone, since you think such things, we will do according to your desires."

Anemone angry face turned happy. "Oh, mother-!"


Her face fell again at hearing her mother's words.

"But you will need to prove yourself that you are the rightful heir." Her mother's voice was no longer the warm and gentle voice she was used to. It was hard and cold.

"How?" she stammered in nervousness.

"You will verse Cayden in a battle with your swordsmanship. If you win, you will be the next heir and forgo training immediately. If you lose, you will stop thinking about this ever again and will continue to listen to me. Do we have an agreement?"

Anemone lifted her chin, strengthening herself. She knew she won't lose in this. "Yes."

Her mother turned to her father. "Derek, inform Cayden of what he must do. We will prepare in the training hall. Come, Anemone."

She followed her mother out into the hall. All she could hear was her mother's heels clicking on the wooden floor. Making their way to the courtyard, Anemone calmed herself down. She was excited and nervous. She was going to make this big change for herself.

They waited in a private room. The maids changed her big dress to the training uniform. She was given her training sword. Anemone tested the weight by swinging a few practice. Soon, Cayden came down with father, dressed in similar clothes. Anemone's heart raced with anticipation.