
Red Anemone

Anemone was brought up to be the heir of her family, Duke Castiano. When her brother was born, she was forced to be raised as a Lady. She has always thought being a Lady was useless and demeaning. As she grew older, she realized how dangerous it is to be a Lady than a Gentleman. Veiled daggers... Insidious schemes behind decorated fans... Would she be able to survive long enough to be with her true love? *This is an original novel. Please don't steal or copy.

asianotaku · Fantasy
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98 Chs

30 - Big News

She stood again in his study. Her father's back was to her, reading a book. Her mother stood behind her. They had been standing for a few minutes now. Father always made them wait for him before he addressed them.

To her, it was weird and she didn't understand it. Cayden seemed more like Father in this aspect. They were good at waiting. Mother became impatient and pretended to swoon. Father hurriedly put his book down to run and support her as she slowly dramatically fell.

"Rose! Are you alright?" he asked, concerned.

"Dear, we have to talk to Anemone," her mother muttered to father. Anemone pretended not to hear as she smoothed her dress. Her father lifted her mother up and turned to Anemone. Her mother smiled encouragingly to her.

Father coughed a bit. "Anemone, how was your visit to see the Queen? Did you get your magic?"

Anemone relaxed her tense fingers. "Yes, father."

He made a sound of acknowledgment, walking slowly back to his desk. "Did you like the Queen?"

Anemone turned her head little to look at her mother. Her mother only smiled at her. "Yes, the Queen was really nice and let me see her magical beast."

A crash was heard. She turned to see her father picking up books that had fallen from the desk. "I... see, I see. That's very good. What else happened?" his voice seemed to shake. Anemone never saw her father like this.

"She told me that I can see when people use magic. Afterwards, she wanted to meet again and gave me this brooch." She gestured to the brooch on her dress. Her father turned and got on his knees in front of her. He seemed to be afraid to touch it. His fingers trembled nearing it.

"Oh, Anemone," he bemoaned as he finally grasped her shoulders.

"What? What is it? Did I do something wrong?" she asked, looking nervously from her mother to father.

"No no, Anemone," her mother assured. "Your father is overreacting. Tell her, Derek," she said through gritted teeth. Her father hugged her tightly before letting go.


"Yes?" she asked expectedly.


She waited for her father. Anemone could see her mother getting angry. "Father, tell me what it is," Anemone asked softly. Her hands touched the top of his hands.

"Anemone, as you know... The Queen is known for telling the future as her magical beast enables her." Her father faltered and turned away, as if sick.

"Oh, for heaven's sake!" her mother scolded father. "I'll tell her. Anemone." Her mother made her face her. "The Queen held me back to talk about something very important. Your father and I agreed as it will be the best for us all."

Dread filled Anemone. She knew what her parents were going to say but feared it. "The best for us all," she repeated her mother's words.

"Anemone, the queen wants you to be her daughter in law.

She wants you to marry the crown prince!"