
Red Anemone

Anemone was brought up to be the heir of her family, Duke Castiano. When her brother was born, she was forced to be raised as a Lady. She has always thought being a Lady was useless and demeaning. As she grew older, she realized how dangerous it is to be a Lady than a Gentleman. Veiled daggers... Insidious schemes behind decorated fans... Would she be able to survive long enough to be with her true love? *This is an original novel. Please don't steal or copy.

asianotaku · Fantasy
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98 Chs

20 - Magical Beasts

"The first time I saw a magical beast was when the king was coronated. His beast was very magnificent! It had blue scales and a huge mouth filled with sharp teeth. There were wings on the back that seemed to expand wider than the sky. It's claws were large enough to grab cows by the handful."

Anemone listened to Miss Sophie as she described what they call a dragon. She had never seen a creature like that before. The only creature she had ever seen were the birds that flew or the horses.

"And it blew fire into the sky! It was very majestic," Miss Sophie finished. Anemone waited but Miss Sophie didn't continue.

"Did the queen show hers?"

Miss Sophie noded as she tried to recall. "They told us it was a white horse and people didn't care much about it afterwards. They were too amazed by the King's."

Anemone looked down at her booklet and traced over each letter. The font was fancy, with loops and swirls. She had learned her letters but not this font. "When will I meet the royal family?"

"Two weeks from now."

Anemone realized that was why she was getting more gowns. The dresses seemed to get bigger and bigger for every event. "Am... Am I going to be alone when it happens?"

Miss Sophie caressed Anemone's loose bangs back. "Your family will be there to see you receive. As you are a Lady, you'll receive your blessing from the Queen. Your brother, when he becomes of age, will be blessed by the King. There is no difference of the magic but our society doesn't allow an unmarried person with the opposite gender.

"As you have debuted, you can't mingle with the opposite gender. When you had gone to parties, you may see a brother or a father, but they will or should be accompanied by their relative and someone you know. This is to protect your reputation and body. When you marry, you must be chaste. Do you know what that means, Lady Anemone?"

She shook her head as that was a new word to her. Miss Sophie held one of Anemone's hands in hers. "Chaste means you must be untouched by anyone. Only the man you marry will be the one you hold hands, kiss, or sleep with. If it is discovered that has happened to you, it will be social ruin on you and the rest of your family.

"Lady Anemone, please remember this. When you were masquerading, it was alright. They all assumed you were a boy. If you choose to do it again, make sure they don't know you are a girl. The men in this society do respect women but you never know what can happen. This also goes for women you interact with."

"Yes, Miss Sophie," Anemone replied. Her mind was racing with thoughts. She can still dress as a boy if she wanted to. She will need to avoid people who could identify her, like her family and her guards. Or maybe... she can persuade her younger brother to join in this secret.

"Now, Lady Anemone... Let's discuss your etiquette for when you meet the royal family."