
Red Anemone

Anemone was brought up to be the heir of her family, Duke Castiano. When her brother was born, she was forced to be raised as a Lady. She has always thought being a Lady was useless and demeaning. As she grew older, she realized how dangerous it is to be a Lady than a Gentleman. Veiled daggers... Insidious schemes behind decorated fans... Would she be able to survive long enough to be with her true love? *This is an original novel. Please don't steal or copy.

asianotaku · Fantasy
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98 Chs

19 - Magic

The seasons had slowly changed to autumn. During that time, Anemone went to many gathering and parties. In spring, there were many flower viewings. In summer, many festivals and dance parties were held. In autumn, she should expect parties centering around music and art. When she turns fifteen, she'll be able to enroll in the academy for nobles.

Miss Sophie handed her a booklet. Anemone looked at it curiously. They had just finished her piano lessons and were now moving to her studies. "What is this?" she asked.

Miss Sophie gestured. "This book is to help you learn magic. The Duke wants you to learn this next."

Anemone looked at the cover. It had strange glyphs and lace work drawn on. "Father?"

"Yes, Lady Anemone. Every noble learns magic at the age of ten, after their social debut of course. This is one of the privilege of being a noble. Only nobles or royalty are able to use magic. It is also how you prove your blood."

Anemone looked up in surprise. She remembered when her fairy prince had used magic on her. Musing, she realized maybe he did tell her the truth. That he was a royal and he must have been over ten years of age at the time.

"It's also important to recognize the aura magic produces " Miss Sophie continued. "This is how we know which family is responsible for what spell. We give out a faint color to our magic that we casts. The problem with this... Only a select few can see the colors. That would be the royalty and some nobles who are highly sensitive to magic."

Anemone opened the book and glanced at a few pages. "What about the new people who become nobles?"

Miss Sophie nodded to her. "That is a good question. All our magic comes from the royalty. This means when a new noble is made, they receive magic from the royalty. Right now, you would be consider a new noble. Even though you were born in a noble's family, you will need to go through a ceremony to receive your magic."

"Do they use their own magic in their bodies to give to us?" Anemone asked, her eyes wide with shock. There was so many nobles that she had met since she had debuted. Miss Sophie shook her head.

"Only the king and queen can give magic endlessly. They are able to provide magic through the help of magical beasts."

"Magical beasts?!"

"Yes," Miss Sophie confirmed. She smiled at seeing Anemone's excitement. "Magical beasts have the ability to change their forms from beasts to looking like one of us." Miss Sophie poked Anemone's nose. "They have the ability to show themselves to us or hide. Many people want to be chosen, as it will make them be next in line for the throne. Unfortunately for the people, they have always favored the royal family."

Anemone was in awe. Maybe her fairy prince was a magical beast? "Miss Sophie, have you ever seen one?"

"Yes, I have," nodded Miss Sophie.