
Red Anemone

Anemone was brought up to be the heir of her family, Duke Castiano. When her brother was born, she was forced to be raised as a Lady. She has always thought being a Lady was useless and demeaning. As she grew older, she realized how dangerous it is to be a Lady than a Gentleman. Veiled daggers... Insidious schemes behind decorated fans... Would she be able to survive long enough to be with her true love? *This is an original novel. Please don't steal or copy.

asianotaku · Fantasy
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98 Chs

11 - It's For The Best

She had been standing in the middle of the room for a few minutes now. The door was closed behind her and her father sat at his desk, scribbling away. She knew she should wait for him to call upon her, as patience was something a lady should have. Something Miss Sophie had taught her. Her eyes roved around the room. There were bookshelves lining the whole room. The only wall without was the one behind her father. Two wide windows were on either side with thick burgundy brocade drapes.

The windows looked out into the main entrance of the mansion. There were no paintings hung in the room. A huge dark oak desk covered with piles of paper seemed to be very imposing on her. Anemone's father, Duke Castiano, finally put down his pen and looked up. His expression was hard to read for her as it showed nothing what he thought as he seemed to study her.

Duke Castiano stood to walk over where she was, his strides slow and with purpose. She had gone through his scrutiny before when she was to become an heir. The first time was when she was five. They had dressed her in simple training clothes. Her father had also walked around her and pointed at what needs to be corrected.

Just like what he was doing now.

She had been a toddler then and was not accustomed to being put in the spot. Now she was older and understood what was happening. She kept her eyes forward, not following her father with her gaze. Her father had a slightly muscular build, as he had cut back on training with paperwork. His shoulder length black hair was tied in a loose ponytail with a red ribbon.

His dark brown vest covered his white blouse and his red tie was loosened to hang down his chest. The pants he wore was tan. His face had streaks of tiredness but still youthful, despite bein

g in his mid thirties. His brows were narrowed in concentration as he frowned.

"Anemone, your mother says you train with a sword?"

Startled, she nodded as her hands clenched her skirt. "Yes father."

He stopped in front of her. "It isn't known for ladies to wield a sword." The Duke rubbed his chin with his thumb in thought. "Are you keeping up with your studies?"

"Yes, father..."

"Hmmm... Miss Sophie says you learn fast and are able to finish your lessons before lunch. Maybe these lessons are too easy for you?"

She was silent as she didn't know if it would be good to say yes. The lessons were easy to her. It was mostly about posture and composure, which was easily taught in fighting.

"I see... Then I will make sure to increase your studies. You will learn the management of the Estates. Miss Sophie will need to teach you on manners and etiquette. I will bring in another teacher to teach you on music and art. It would be good if you learned the piano."

"But father, I want to continue my swordsmanship..."

He raised a hand as if to silence her. "After the piano, you will learn painting and embroidery. After that, you will..."

She couldn't hear properly. Her thoughts were in turmoil, voicing each of her fears loudly. Was she going to adapt to these lessons? Will she be able to succeed? The lessons he kept mentioning seemed to fill her whole schedule. She wouldn't have time to do what she wanted.

"Fa-father... what about... my swordsmanship?" she asked faintly.

"Your brother will be the heir and will learn the swordsmanship. You will learn to be a lady. No need for training on the sword."