
Red Anemone

Anemone was brought up to be the heir of her family, Duke Castiano. When her brother was born, she was forced to be raised as a Lady. She has always thought being a Lady was useless and demeaning. As she grew older, she realized how dangerous it is to be a Lady than a Gentleman. Veiled daggers... Insidious schemes behind decorated fans... Would she be able to survive long enough to be with her true love? *This is an original novel. Please don't steal or copy.

asianotaku · Fantasy
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98 Chs

10 - It Is Expected

He took the necklace back wordlessly. "Don't you like me?" he asked confused.

She was confused too. He was acting different from how he acted before when they played. Before, he was always aloof and smiled shyly but gradually became more attentive and mischievous. Now he seemed persistent and demanding. "I do like you..." she swallowed her nervousness down. "As... as a friend."

The fairy wore a sad expression, as he was very disappointed. "My mother says if you like someone, you should always hold onto them."

She nearly cried out in fear! Does that mean he wanted her to be locked up too? Anemone calmed herself down. No way would he think like that. "My mother says a person should always be free to do what they like."

He looked up at her with an interested look. She patted herself mentally for giving such good advice from her mother. Then, she remembered what he said. "Ehh... Do you like me?" she asked, her nervousness heightening again.

He smiled angelicly. "Of course I like you. You remind me of a chipmunk," he said gently as he squeezed both her cheeks. He moved her cheeks up and down as she frowned. This wasn't what she expected from him. Anemone pulled his hands away. "Stop! Why are you being like this?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know," she replied nervously, rubbing her sore cheeks. "You're being weird."

His eyes widen for a moment before narrowing with an unknown emotion she didn't know but she felt kind of scared. "Okay, Anemone. Let's play a game." He raised his hands, moving them as claws. " It's called the monster game and I'm going to be a vampire who sucks your blood if I catch you on the count of three. One..."

She bolted.


The next day...

Anemone had just finished her studies when she was called in to see her father. It was rare when she saw her father. He was always on a business trip, going to the Capitol, or overseeing the Estate. The last time was when he told her she would no longer train to be the heir. She felt nervous as it seemed something big may change again.

Her maids were changing her play clothes to a more formal look. She was too young to wear the constricting bone corsets maidens wear so she was given a brocade cloth corset. The black corset covered the top of her simple dark royal blue dress, tapering just below her waist. Her sleeves were short and puffed above her forearms.

The maids had gathered her bright red hair into tight twin buns, scattering pearl pins around them. Her short bangs were curled down to her right side. As she stared at herself in the mirror, she didn't like this look at all. It wasn't her.

The maids praised her beauty and thought she looked like a real small lady. As she thought she was done after putting on dark blue heels, the maids fixed a big pouffy royal blue skirt under her corset. How was she to walk with this? Now the maids were cooing over her while the head maid put a single strand of pearls around her small neck.

Miss Sophie walked around her, inspecting her whole look. She pulled a intricate white lace handkerchief and pushed it between the top of her corset and dress. "There! You look ready to see Duke Castiano. Now Anemone, remember to show what you learned so far to your father. He wants to see how you have advanced."

Ugh, she knew it. This was all a test. She straightened her shoulders and stretched her back, correcting her posture. She made sure to clasp her black gloved hands together in front of her waist. Raising her head with confidence, she nodded and Miss Sophie led the way to her father's study room.

Her room was located in the opposite side of the mansion from her parents. The mansion was split into three floors and each floor was separated into four wings. Each wing was connected with a covered walkway that overlooked into a small garden in the middle.

As she looked outside, she noticed the sun had not set. She hoped she would have enough time to go see her friend today. She smiled as she remembered how she ran so fast, he had to give up. When he had neared, she realized it was time to go home and ran off. Maybe she should stay a bit longer to tell him she had to go.

"Lady Anemone, you may enter," the butler in front of the door said as he gestured with a bow.