
Recycle Bin

Author: Shivam_031
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 28.7K Views
  • 34 Chs
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What is Recycle Bin

Read Recycle Bin fanfiction written by the author Shivam_031 on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Anime & Comics fanfic stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


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Boku No Hero : The Quirkless Hero

Welcome to my first novel! This is a fun project for me, so I won't be releasing chapters on a regular schedule—school keeps me pretty busy. Please bear with me as this story unfolds slowly. Just a heads-up, the cover image isn't mine. Thanks for your patience and understanding as I embark on this creative journey! (Also, I want to be transparent: an AI is helping me write this story. I'm not the best at writing, and I'm doing this purely for fun, so I don't mind if it doesn't turn out perfect. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy creating it!) WARNING : 1. Might Have No Romance 2. Slow Paced 3. Bad Grammar 4. This Novel Might Contains Of Explicit Violence And Gore 5. This Novel Most Relying On Chat GPT 6. I Often Remaking The Chapter So The One Who Comment On The Story Always Get Removed (Sorry) 7. Genre Might Be Changed (Maybe) Synopsis : John Hammer was a genius dirty fighter, devoid of honor and shame. His relentless pursuit of strength drove him to push his body to its limits, even to the point of overworking himself and nearly succumbing to death. Unfazed by fainting spells or severe injuries, he trained tirelessly, even in his sleep, with the singular goal of becoming the strongest in the world. Remarkably, he possessed the uncanny ability to continue training and fighting even while unconscious, a testament to his unwavering determination. However, John's insatiable thirst for power led him down a dark path. Succumbing to the allure of steroids, he sought to enhance his abilities artificially, ultimately meeting an untimely demise from an overdose. Reborn in the My Hero Academia universe as Sato Kenji, John awakens to a world where superpowers, known as "quirks," reign supreme. Despite being born quirkless, Kenji's indomitable spirit and combat prowess from his previous life remain unscathed. Determined to forge a new path free from the shackles of substance abuse, he vows never to tread that dangerous path again. Kenji's journey is one of resilience, determination, and the unwavering pursuit of greatness in a society that idolizes superhuman abilities. Through sheer willpower and unrelenting effort, he confronts numerous challenges, serving as a guiding light for other quirkless individuals. His odyssey becomes a beacon of hope, illustrating that true strength emanates from within and that anyone, regardless of their inherent abilities, can emerge as a hero.

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Shattered glass: Darke Lord protects the Glace Queen

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terlalu bodohnya aku mencintaimu

Menceritakan tentang siswa pindahan dari luar kota dan baru pindah di Jakarta baru dua bulan. Sosok cowok yang ada di cerita novel ini sosok cowok yang menjadi idola di salah satu SMA sekolah negeri DI Jakarta. Cowok itu bernama Xavier..Xavier sosok menyerupai pemain film di drama drama.. Xavier punya cewek sebelum pindah ke Jakarta tapinya Xavier tidak sanggup dengan kemauan ceweknya.. dimana selalu memanfaatkan hartanya saja, ceweknya ini cinta sama Xavier jika ada maunya saja. Orang tuanya sudah melarang Xavier untuk pacaran dengan cewek yang hanya memanfaatkan hartanya saja. Dan akhirnya Xavier memutuskan hubungannya dengan ceweknya ini.. Kebetulan Xavier dan keluarganya pindah ke Jakarta... Xavier sudah lelah dengan sosok cewek yang manja, kalo tidak di turutin keinginannya cewek ini akan marah, yang setiap malam minggu selalu shopping dan lain lain.. sekarang ini dia sedang mencari sosok cewek yang mandiri, smart, tidak perlu cantik.. Dan kisah ini berawal ketika dia pindah sekolah dia menemukan sosok cewek yang selama ini dia cari.. cewek itu bernama Grizelle.. Dia cewek yang cukup terkenal, bukan hanya kerendahan hatinya saja, dia selalu siap membantu jika ada penggalangan dana untuk bencana selain itu dia adalah wakil OSIS. Grizelle ini anak yang pintar, ramah, jika ada kesulitan teman temannya dalam pelajaran dia siap membantu, dia yang tidak pelit ilmu selain itu Grizelle juga aktif ikut mengajar di sekolah terbuka, sekolah untuk anak-anak yang kurang mampu.. Grizelle pernah menjadi juara 2 dalam ajang paskibra antar sekolah.. Grizelle sudah menjadi siswa kebanggan sekolah. Lucy, yoona, Elena sahabat baiknya Grizelle, mereka berempat sudah seperti anak kembar empat karena kemana-mana selalu bersama-sama. Sudah seminggu Xavier menjadi siswa pindahan, dan sekarang dia siswa paling tampan di sekolahan. Setiap hari cewek-cewek dari kelas lain datang ke kelas 3 IPA 3 hanya untuk melihat ketampanan Xavier ada yang mengirim pesan buat Xavier, mengirim bunga, coklat, makanan, bahkan ada yang meminta nomer Whatsapp tapi tidak di hiraukan Xavier. Xavier sosok yang dingin, cuek, bodoamat, tapi dia dari sikap dinginnya dia perhatian.

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