

Born an orphan but blessed with great power Lucryn competes with his twin sister Lucy to see who becomes the strongest spirit master and reach the pinnacle of the spirit master world the level of spirit saint but the journey isn't as easy as he had hoped it to be.

EDIAL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


The early morning sun had risen showering its rays of light onto a building which was as pure as white and had golden engravings on it even though the sky was still a pale grey dawn colour the sunlight was shining brighter than ever making it seem usual. Within a large hall commotion and ruckus could be heard all over as young men and women poured into the hall in groups, some laughing whiles others had nervous looks others remained expressionless.

"Hey Lucryn! Lucryn! Lucryn*!" a pleasant voice said.

In midst of the crowd, a girl could be seen she was only a fifteen-year-old teenager her purple hair was tired into a ponytail and was very neat so were her clothes though they were simple. Though she was a still a child her whole demeanour appeared to be that of an adult, but strangely after she saw the person she was looking for her face didn't show any sign of relief but rather anger. She began to walk towards the person at a fast pace her expression remained unchanged as she approached the person.

At that moment a boy hesitantly turned around to see who had called him. He was also standing in the midst of the group of people, glaring at the rising sun through the windows in the hall he was around 175cm tall had a well built body with golden hair which was lost in the sun rays when they fell on him as he stood beside the windows, but his pair of golden eyes were what made him stand out they were so beautiful that one would get lost when they looked into his eyes, his clothes were also simple but they neat as the girl's own.

"Hey Lucryn where have you been? I've been searching all over for you they're about to start the awakening ceremony come on lets go "

The boy was known as Lucryn quietly watched the girl as she spoke not uttering a word, after the girl was done he only smiled at her making the girl even more annoyed. Seeing his reaction she threw a punch to his stomach bringing him down to his knees, he groaned and cried out as he lay down on the floor.

"What was that for Lucy? You didn't have to punch me like that"

 "Well you deserve it so stand up and let's go or else we will be late"

Lucy immediately took Lucryn's hand and rushed towards the other side of the hall, the hall was the size of two football fields so it took the duo a while to reach the other side. When they arrived the other children were in a straight line waiting for their turns to see what kind of spirit element they would awaken.

The world that Lucryn and Lucy grew up in is known as the Spirit continent, there are four countries that occupy the spirit continent they are the Fyn kingdom which is in the north its territories are closed off to outsiders and there is no information about it, the Caldera kingdom in the south this kingdom has the strongest military they focus on improving their military, the Rhymus kingdom in the west is an enemy nation of the Endra kingdom in the east the two kingdom had been at war for the past century the Rhymus kingdom is said to be a nation focused on spirit research and said to have powerful spirit masters. The Endra kingdom in the east, this was the kingdom that Lucryn and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Lucy belonged to, they focus on training their spirit masters in order for them to reach the highest peak of the spirit world and is said to also have one of the strongest spirit masters. In this world when children turn 15 years of age they awaken the ability to control the elements of nature and each child is said to get one element but there are cases were others are born with two or three elements.

During the awakening the ceremony the innate spirit energy of the child is also measured in order to know one's potential this is the energy one is born with naturally and the higher it is the stronger one's spirit element is, but cases of people being born with high innate spirit energy is rare.

Spirit energy is basically the source of power for every spirit master and everyone one living in that world.

After waiting for a while it was Lucy's turn she walked into the middle of what seemed to be an altar in a circular form,10 stone pillars of about 190cm could be seen around the altar each of the stone pillars had a crystal embedded in it .when she stood in the middle the crystals in the stone pillars lit starting from the first, light could be seen rising from the crystal like water and after it was full the second crystal also reacted the same this continued until the 8th crystal which was filled to half .

Whiles this was happening those in line were shocked by what they saw even the supervisor was astonished that he forgot to record the test, he stared at the stone pillars for a while before regaining his awareness .The stone pillars were devices used to measure the spirit energy of a spirit master with the crystals in them giving the result .Above Lucy's head the number 85 appeared when Lucryn saw this he couldn't believe his eyes ,Lucy had the innate spirit energy of 85 points which was not a easy to get, whiles people were discussing about the matter Lucy was suddenly emitting blue light in that moment water could be seen rising from under a feet she had awoken the water element but purple trickles could be seen moving in the water but by no one noticed it, the supervisor recorded it and told her to return as she walked back to where those who had awoken their spirit element she was hailed and praised as a genius feeling proud she looked at Lucryn and smirked.

If an outsider had noticed this, they would think Lucy was belittling Lucryn but it was the opposite Lucy knew what he was capable of and by smirking at him she signalling him to shut them up. After getting ever thing ready the supervisor called out to Lucryn to come, the shock that Lucy gave them was still on the minds of the people some were even wandering if the same thing would happen again whiles others just mocked him. He walked to the centre of the altar and began his awakening ceremony the first stone pillar began to glow and seconds later the crystal was filled. 

The second stone pillar also began to glow measuring his innate spirit energy after a while it also got filled this continued till the tenth stone pillar when its crystal was filled the spiritual energy in the room became violent and at that same moment a golden bright light could be seen around Lucem when the supervisor saw this he was shocked that he couldn't speak .Lucryn was not surprised by this he was already aware that he and his sister had high spirit energy but didn't know he was born with 100 innate spirit energy, after the spirit energy was measured they began the awakening suddenly golden light began to illuminate the alter blinding everyone but Lucryn noticed something odd within the golden light there was pitch black spots hidden in it that couldn't be seen by the others .

After the light vanished the super visor in a shocked tone said" innate spirit energy 100 points element light" when the children in the hall heard this, silence hovered in the hall even the other supervisors couldn't help but be astonished .Lucryn was not only born with a high innate spirit energy but had also awaken one of the rare elements which was light , He stepped out of the alter with a smile on his face and walked straight towards Lucy not even looking back or at his new admirers and after a few seconds he arrived at where Lucy stood and took her hand.

The duo left the hall without looking at anyone with their heads held high they walked through the crowd,the other children were curious to know who they were some thought they were nobles disguised as commoners whiles other thought otherwise. But after carefully looking at them they saw that the duo resembled each other more like twins, when Lucryn and Lucy heard their lips curled and a smile could be seen on their faces.

 When they got out the duo looked at each other and began to laugh they were so happy that they couldn't keep it in anymore, they jumped around and screamed in joy the guards at the gate didn't react to their behaviour because they knew what it meant to awaken one's spirit element.

"Now we can achieve our dreams of becoming spirit saints" Lucryn said with a giggle

"Shut up brother and from here we will see who reaches there first"