
Record of Ragnarok: Humanity's Savior

People of all race and culture observe you with their hopes and dreams baring into your very being, pushing you forward, lifting you, this is your final chance to right all your wrongs, yes... this is your last chance at redemption, for you are to face the gods, the ones who have tempted fortune on the final battle to decide the fate of humanity...."RAGNAROK" This is just my way of doing some messing around with the mythology and giving a story of some guy I don’t own anything except my OC’s Don’t expect loads of updates, they’ll be random And I am doing it as the mc’s story and then into the ragnarok fights, it’ll be different then when the manga says the backstory during the fight just so you know

NotSoBigShlong · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Time Heals Nothing, You Just Have To Find A Way To Live With It

General POV:

"1674," A young man muttered as he sluggishly rose to his feet, using the walls he had been leaning on as leverage to get to his feet. He slowly lifted his head, the lifeless look in his eyes were filled with listlessness and pique, his hair flowed and swayed reaching his neck, pure white. Hidden behind the hair on his nape was a brand, it showed a number, "001", and around this number was the image of a dragon winding its way around the numbers. He was in one of the countless identical scenarios of being used for entertainment and economic benefit.

"Ha! There ain't nothin' special about you! Just a pretty boy with no muscle!" the young man looked upwards with disdain as he looked behind him towards the walls before nodding to himself, proceeding to silently stride forwards toward his aggressor.

"Well ain't you lookin' quite calm for a dead ma-" before he could dwell on the young man's unexpected lack of emotion, he disappeared without a trace, the man swiftly scouring his head everywhere he could, but to no avail.

Slashing his dagger in a perfect horizontal line, at the neck of the man that was once beaming with confidence, the pride faded from his face as his body went limp.

The young man knelt and closed the other eyes, "You mistake my calm for a readiness to continue. Perhaps it once was. Not anymore. Now it was only exhaustion, quiet and subdued, always hoping for a respite from the pain," he stated as he walked away. Upon nearing the exit, the man is greeted by a cheering crowd, clearly amused at the previous events.

Eichii POV:

There was only one more to go now until everything comes together and I can leave this hell hole, though this place was all that kept me going in those days of uncertainty. There was a reason to keep training, keep getting better, keep improving my skill. I needed that. And so I continue to walk down to my designated "room", slowly traversing a hall filled with multiple "champions" of the lady.

The air is so brittle it could snap, and if it doesn't, I might. No one speaks, what is there to say? Platitudes won't cut it now, they all stay quiet to silently keep the despair inside, because we all don't know which day will be our last, well, except for me, I have snuck out of this room multiple times and snook around to see what the layout of this area is, though, I have never once been able to get further than the exit, whenever I steer close, some sense of fear hits me, but there is one thing I found out, and that is the fact that this is just your everyday building, blended in with others in the streets of the city.

I have lost track of how long I have been here, the only sense I have is the number of skirmishes I have participated in. I am soon to have another, but this time, things are going to be different...very different. Being anxious is normal when there is something important on the line.

It's okay to feel it. All emotions are there to educate you. What is not normal is for that feeling to be there all the time. Some emotions are supposed to be short term, others are welcome to stay for the long term.

When I feel how I am now, it feels like there is a floor, a rock bottom, and finding it is a blessing. When you hit it, when it feels as if you should stay down, you find a reason to get back up again, maybe it's to live, maybe it's to find happiness, maybe it's just for the sake of finding out what happens tomorrow...but then you get up.

Then, it's rinsed and repeat. At the time it feels as if you have no strength, yet after days uncounted of all this, you are still stronger than those who wear the mask.

You become the hope. You become a chance to give others heaven even as you walk through a personal hell. Yet since you are here, in this flame pit others are oblivious to, perhaps you can become a heaven for others. The road to hell is comfort and self-confidence - the road to heaven is lashings of pain. Maybe you'll be the one who gets there first.

Maybe you'll be the one with a little piece of true happiness, the one with a love that can light up the world. Finding a love such as this isn't the reason I agreed to go to hell, I did it because I'm a weirdo freak who wanted to save creation, humanity too, but I asked for love if it was possible. So I walk these fiery coals with pride.

The freedom to starve and the freedom to become an abused "free" slave is incompatible with loving your neighbour as yourself. Yet the freedom to a proper share of the global harvest, clean water, a home, good health, nature and a safe environment is compatible with love.

So when you think of freedom, my friend, run it through the "love filter" first... otherwise, all you are protecting is the freedom to become monsters and victims of monsters.


The people-watching from the stands held themselves still in bemusement. I was a fool to think that confusion was a marker of stupidity, it is not. All dysfunctions evolved for function. Confusion is when fear scatters the higher thoughts to promote the chance of a subconscious solution finding its way through. Theirs was fear. The slightest mention of the slaves escaping was enough for them to start panicking.

I swiftly struck my arm towards the wall at the perfect spot I had left untouched all this time. *BANG* Vast amounts of rubble fell like heavy rain on the floor and quickly formed havoc all over the floor.

The wreckage started to smoke vigorously, people who were up watching this ran to the exits as the ones being kept imprisoned ran to the arena, to the dismay of the guards, to witness sheets of torrential rubble crashing to the thick, impenetrable floor. As it fell to the ground, loud thundering noises were made like the shattering of glass. The floor was almost groaning in grief as the construct continuously hammered it at a great force and settled in great pools of motionless bricks.

It was a long time in the making but it paid off. For all of my fights, I would always have myself hit on this exact wall so I can continuously damage it by gripping it or using any type of force I can to weaken its defences. I was also able to do a little trick with the roots traversing through the grounds from nearby grass to be able to have a good feel at how well it was built on the ground and let's just say the foundations were extremely shabby.

I used every chance I could in this damn arena for this... I was sure as hell gonna make it out, I planned for every possibility, if the wall didn't fall at first, I had prepared the weeds outside to crumble the construction, if arrows came my way, I was already prepared to be on the move to dodge them. So as I saw all the people that were trapped here with me leave, I knew there was one last thing I had to do and it should be arriving soon.

TAP* *TAP* *TAP* The resounding footsteps continued as a figure slowly emerged from the shadows and entered my view, I looked down from my hill of rubble as my frown deepened into a scowl, lifting my chin to see a face covered in scars approach the arena. "You have made quite the mess 001," he commented with a sigh, looking over the mess made around him, I say nothing as I prepare myself to battle him. "No bark all bite huh? The Lady will not be happy about this," he said as he got himself into a combat stance.

I stayed lurking in the shadows, manoeuvring myself between the boulders hiding from his sight as I slowly made my way towards him, all the while lodging different select rocks from their position making the hill of debris all the more unstable.

I noticed a gap in his stance, swishing my foot across the floor to make a temporary smokescreen as I swiftly travelled to his six, lurking behind his back, and as the smoke cleared and he didn't see me, he turned just in time to move his head away from my fist.

He smirked and commented "Coward," I launched my foot upwards towards him as he ducked under it and grabbed my heel, sidestepping sideways as he threw me towards the debris. I stabled my landing, using the continuous force of my landing, jumping backwards, performing multiple backward flips and other jumps to get myself around the middle of the makeshift hill.

Using the rocks I picked up from the floor, I threw two of them consecutively, the second trailing behind the other in the hopes of catching him by surprise. Though, he caught both, one in each hand with ease. He rushed towards me, jumping from one rock to another to reach my height, all the while either dodging or catching the rocks I threw, they were only the size of a man's hand, but it was enough to slow him down slightly.

The moment his leg touched the floor in my range I sweep kicked toward his ankle to disrupt his balance as he placed both his hands on my leg, jumping with his arms as he spun bringing his foot down like an axe kick. Barely dodging his heel, I used a straight punch towards his abdomen, finding my hand caught in his as he twisted it and palm fisted my chin, pushing my body backwards. Using the momentum, I launched my foot into his face and I threw more rocks while mid-air.

I stabled myself into a landing, quickly ducking downwards as his fist brushed over my head. While crouched, I placed both hands on the floor as I did half a summersault, pushing my body into a handstand as my feet strike his chest, his vision distorted slightly as I dashed backwards, hiding from his sight again.

Time passed and more close-quarter combat ensued as our breathing slowly became more ragged, blood painting over our body as I slowly retreated upward to the peak of the small hill of rock. We stood looking at each other as he said "Well well well 001, seems you are better than I gave you credit for, though you lack refinement," I looked at him for a moment, "Still not go-" He stopped speaking as I calmly said, "Eichii Himari," He looked confused for a moment, "What? A name? Some sort of God?" I laughed slightly at that, "No, it is not, but... it is the person you will be praying to soon," I commented before moving my feet wildly, using the curves in the floor for my better movement, not allowing him to get a read on any of my movements, swiftly advancing towards him as my eyes met his, I looked down towards his right leg, he followed my view as he hurriedly moved his leg; Not noticing a strike approaching there he looked back to be met with a finger, piercing his right eye, his head jolting backwards as he held his face with his hand.

"You piece of sh*t!" he bellowed, darting towards me, I reached out my hand, grabbing a badge of sorts he dourned on his torso, ripping it from his clothes, "Goodbye," I commented as I brought up my leg and smashed it to the ground, the loose rocks on the hill lost it's, solidity as they all crumbled down. "Those times you moved your hands," He said in exasperation.

Seems he figured it out. Those times I was moving the rocks wasn't to get a better view of his position or to have a good foothold. No, it was for this moment, make the hill unstable enough so a large impact would make it tumble and fall.

"You fuck*ng bast*rd!" he screamed as I planted my foot on his face, pushing from him using it as a platform for my momentum to push myself towards the open wall, further trapping him in a barrage of boulders, surely killing him, crushed under the absurd weight.

He was only one of many who gave me pain, many who deserve their punishment for it. I landed on the floor with a loud thud, rushing out of the wide expanse of the caved in wall, I had no time to appreciate the beaming light of the sun as I dashed to the alleyways of the city, my legs losing all of their strength as the dark overcomes me.

There was no light, when there was nothing beyond the boundaries of my skin, hope was a ladder woven of heaven's vibrations that spoke right to my healing soul, for I felt that new hope was approaching me.

A/N: No more room for the author's thoughts so imma ask here, what do you think about the fight scene? Is it good or Nah? Anyway, there is only so much a 15 year old mind can think of.

WOW! I have had zero time to write anything recently! Like I do not know what happened but ah well here ya go you sexy people.

Did you guys see the new chapter? Buddhas ability to see into the future is super cool, and zerofoku is way too overpowered aswell, the guy can become super strong from being upset and stuff... like bro! WTF!

Anyway, I am now totally out of it, but it is bank holiday monday so I might try and do another chapter tomorrow but meh, we'll see, anyway peace out see ya!

NotSoBigShlongcreators' thoughts