
Record of Ragnarok: Humanity's Savior

People of all race and culture observe you with their hopes and dreams baring into your very being, pushing you forward, lifting you, this is your final chance to right all your wrongs, yes... this is your last chance at redemption, for you are to face the gods, the ones who have tempted fortune on the final battle to decide the fate of humanity...."RAGNAROK" This is just my way of doing some messing around with the mythology and giving a story of some guy I don’t own anything except my OC’s Don’t expect loads of updates, they’ll be random And I am doing it as the mc’s story and then into the ragnarok fights, it’ll be different then when the manga says the backstory during the fight just so you know

NotSoBigShlong · Anime & Comics
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Sometimes You Must Embrace The Feeling Of Being Abandoned Until Your Deepest Self Warms To The Thought Of You Being Its Closest Companion

Eichii POV:

I awoke to the skies lit by the wintry sun, a sort of visual poetry. In the soft white-gold light of the day, the hues of the sun creeping its way over the rooftops move from impressionist pastels to a brilliant canvas of yellow. I sit up as if it's an emergency as if sleeping had become a dangerous thing. My heart beats fast and there is a buzzing in my brain as I irrationally look around, analyzing my circumstances.

I suddenly notice that unlike the rocky alleyway I currently reside in, I am laying on a rug, it wasn't anything flashy or nice to lay on, but the fact that it was there and I was lay on it meant there was someone else here. With that fact in mind, I do my best to find anyone who is around me. *shuffle* *drag* Darting my attention to where the noise came from, I observed and saw a small figure languidly emerge from a shadow.

The first thing I see is a small piece of veal being held off the ground, albeit only a minuscule distance. With an elevated step comes a miniature slinky fox, one small enough to fit in the arms of a child. Its eyes looked towards me, at first, it seems curious but eventually starts to speed up towards me in excitement and places the meat in front of my laying figure and stays looking at me, its airy tail continues to stay swaying with the rhythm of the wind.

I slowly stretch my hand towards it, my body feeling weak, in an attempt to stroke their head. The tiny fox pushes its head against my palm. "Oh," I said, "Are you feeling excited, little one?" My voice is as sweet as I could have it be. There is a natural soothing quality to its eyes and to see it is to feel my body relax ever so slightly and my brain begins to blossom once more. I abruptly felt a small damp sensation streak it's way up my palm, "Kisses...why...thank you," I told the fox sleekly.

They tapped the meat with their nose a few times, as to motion for me to eat it. So I did just that. Though it wasn't cooked, I still took a bite out of it, it was much better than any of the food I had eaten the past how many years it had been, though, the people I had a slight conversation with said that if someone saw me, they would think I was of the age of around 16. I wouldn't know my age, I lost count of the days.

I handed the small fox the meat, wondering if they also would like some. They placed the meat between their teeth and tugged roughly until a small piece was ripped from it and landed a little distance away, the fox quickly dashed away to grab it. While we both enjoyed what we ate I started to appreciate the presence of this little fox more and more, it was smart enough to lay me on a rug and bring me nourishment.

It is so very hard to admit even to ourselves that we are lonely - it is far easier to "invent" a myriad of problems that we buy into and encourage others to do the same. How many "problems" would actually be simple to solve for ourselves yet we experience a form of mental block and instead are diverted to asking another for assistance.

It's little wonder our society is broken. Only when we aren't emotionally starving for real companionship can we have good relationships of every sort. So, when we are brave enough to feel the loneliness instead of allowing our brains to distract us from the pain, we can then begin the process of solving loneliness on a personal and social level.

I languidly rose to the soles of my feet, my head unexpectedly becoming flimsy, I reached out to the wall to keep myself from falling, gradually getting my bearings together, giving a decrepit reassuring smile to the concerned fox looking up to me. "Here," I said to him as I held out my arm towards him. "Get on," I motioned my arm in front of him as he haltingly put his two front paws onto my palm, before slowly being able to mount his whole body across my arm, sliding his way up to my neck with some help from me.

Looking down at myself I noticed I wore ragged clothes, my lower legs were visible, as well as my feet and lower arms. I still had clothes covering the main part of my body so I am sure it will be fine for me to continue as I am. "So little guy, let's get going," I told my new companion as he stayed inside my rugger shirt, his head poking out of the collar, leaving the alleyway we stayed in and entered the streets. Ignoring the stares I received from the other people, I looked around for where my next destination.

I wandered around for a long time, I searched and I searched until I finally found a part of my past I memorized years ago, the time I swore I will get back what was taken from me. Upon the wet rain-washed cement of the old pathway near an entrance to an alleyway is a simple door. It was small and cheap, about the size of an average grown man. It was the kind you see in all the other buildings here, rimmed in wood, the wood was slightly worn away, small scratches covered its surface.

I feel impatient when I see my destination, yet there are times one needs to take the ticket for the long way around. The lessons you learn may be the grounding you need to appreciate and make the most of your arrival.

Without any warning, the door swung open and a man he still remembers to this day came rushing out holding a small basket of belongings. That man ran out of the door as he tripped on a stray piece of wood and fell towards me as I easily swayed to the side, allowing the man a rough landing. Before he was able to lift his head from the filth-ridden grimy mud, gracing the floor, I placed my foot on the back of his head as I pushed it back down into the ground.

Bending down, I grabbed his hair tightly and pulled him upwards, some hair-tearing away from his scalp as I did so, quickly covering his mouth with my hand to quiet down the scream leaving his lips. Dragging him across the floor, I lead him through the door into the building. I threw him roughly into a chair at the end of the hall as I grabbed a metal spike to the side, setting a fire and placing its tip onto the flame. I looked to my right and saw the cell I used to reside in when I was younger.

It is so easy to break a person, it takes so very long to repair. Yet, from experience, I can tell you this. I am slowly healing and becoming stronger over years. The one that broke me sunk lower and became a Gollum. I say this for vengeance, for I have no guilt or shame in the matter, the sort of feelings that seek such things. I say it because I realise that at times those who appear broken are the heroes of future times, that they are worth the effort to save and rebuild.

I closed my eyes and took a breath before leaving and closing the door to that room, keeping my back to it as I look down to see how the fox is doing. He looks at the man with and anger and rage. I place my index finger onto its head and say, "What's wrong? Why are you angry?" After my words, it looked into my eyes with sadness. "Are you worried about me?" I smiled, only slightly, as I said, "Don't worry about me, It's him you should worry about,"

I glanced to my side as I saw another room next to mine with a slightly open door, pushing it open slowly, I saw a corpse with a few dishevelled clothes and a small necklace over the collarbone. "Ito," I murmured, grief slowly taking place. Why was this still here? "Did that bast*rd not remove you from here, but just leave you to rot?" I shouted as I turned back to look at the still unconscious man, sloped on the ground. I rose to my feet and was about to go and beat that piece of sh*t into the ground until I felt a small coarse paw touch my chin and I started to calm down.

"What?" I swiftly looked down towards the fox, "What was tha-" Before I could finish my questions, the fox pointed towards the corpse of Ito, but more precisely, the necklace on it. I bent down and took the necklace from Ito and held it in my palm. 'Live' I heard a faint voice call from somewhere unknown, 'There is no need to have it all, just make the best of what you have' this time the voice was stronger and I could hear it clearly.

"I'm still getting over my past...but old man I will tell you this, your kindness made it a lot easier for me to move on and I'm grateful for what we have, so thank you for everything, thank you for all the long talks; For listening to me when I was breaking down, and thank you for bringing the sun with you; during the times I was drowning in rain," I spoke out loud, my words were slow but they had more meaning than anything I had said before in my life.

"What? What just happened?" I heard a sloppy voice call out from behind me. I stood from my previous position, latching the necklace around my neck as I walk out of the room and close the door. "Who are you?" The man asked, wearily getting to his feet. "Stay down," I said, pushing my index finger behind his jaw, pressuring his nerve point, placing my heel onto his knee before placing some pressure onto it, easily bending his knee inwards, causing a loud snap to resound out.

"AHHHH F*CK!" He screamed like a child, rashly waving his arms around in my direction, a futile resistance. "You will tell me," I say as I pull the spike from the fire causing a screech on the ground, "Where the f*ck the woman who bought me from here is," I declared to him as I placed the flaming hot spike to his antihelix, making a hole reaching from his antitragus to his helix. "I-I don't even know w-who you are!" He screamed in the middle of sobbing. "You will, in time, after all, I have the 'God's gift'," I told him unnervingly, whispering to his destroyed outer ear.

His eyes widened as he stuttered "You! I knew I should've left sooner!" I was quite confused at this remark "And what would you mean by that?" I inquired. "She knows it was you! She knows that you are going to be coming after her! She knows you caused that destruction last night! And when you get to her, you will die!" I was slightly amused at his outrage, "As I said before, tell me where to find her," He laughed at what I said, "Fine, Go over there," He said motioning his finger to a piece of paper. I walked over and grabbed it, flashing the contents to him, "This?" I asked, "That's the one!" He said with a strange enthusiasm, the adrenaline he is feeling must be making him crazy, "When you get there you will die!" He exclaimed, a smile painting his face.

"Well, I must say thank you for your cooperation in the matter," I told him in all seriousness, I was expecting him to be a little more secretive about this. "Sure! Now leave! Get away from me, I have a long life ahead of me!" He said. The way he said his previous statement with such confidence left me speechless. He honestly thought that was the end of this, a little interrogation and were done? Seriously? I lifted my leg into the air as I slammed my foot into his femur, twisting my foot while planted, striking it upwards smashing just between his neck and chin.

"You think we are done?" I said with such venomosity in my voice, pools of tears fell from his eyes. "No wait...this isn't how it should be going," he exclaimed in disbelief. I continued to pound onto every bone I knew from the pain inflicted on others or myself from the arena that caused the most pain. After a long session of me venting out my anger and stress on him, being careful enough not to kill him yet, even the little fox would join, almost as if the fact that he knew how much he hurt myself and others and thought right to do the same as me.

"How about I leave you here to rot just like the old man? Then you will know how it feels," I said to him as I removed the spike from his coccyx, the fox landing on my head, snuggling in the bed of hair. "ha...haha..." I heard coarse laughing from behind me, "You have no idea how much you have ruined yourself," He said weakly, his voice breaking. "You won't beat her, no one can," He remarked, "And why is that?" I probed. "Because...she is a shini-" Before he could finish his sentence, his body started bubbling in a dark black fluid as he continuously spasmed on the ground until finally coming to an end, his limp body falling to the side on the floor.

To inspire others is one of the highest of highs. It brings a profound sense of goodness when you realise that upon their road you were the signpost they needed.


If there is anyone who is wondering why he is gonna fight for humans or us he a demi-God and all those questions, I am just asking for you to be patient with the tor and wait to see the answers, don't ask the question when it is clear that is will be answered later on in the future

I appreciate everyone who is reading the story and is enjoying it, and also people who are using power stones, as we had about 9 at one time before which blew my mind! But yeah, thanks for reading

Yo yo yo yo author here, I had a long week last school so I don't know if I was able to keep the chapter quality here but please let me know your thoughts

Anyway, I am quite tired and it is kinda late at night here in England so umm head out, bye!

NotSoBigShlongcreators' thoughts