
Record Of Evolution

============== Mysterious energy called mana has come to the world. Causing the world grown in size and creating big earthquake that destroy a lot of contry in process. Because of it the old law no longer followed, the world became complete chaos But world not the only thing change. After succeed withstand and absorbing mana that flowing in the atmosphere all living being has evolve. Human has become stronger and awakaned ability to gain skill. Animal has become a vicous beast that much more stronger and more intellegent then before. Plant has gain self awarness and become bigger and terrfying. Harold Frandes is a 25 year old normal office worker. The day the world change he was going camping with his 2 litte brother in forest that have a lot animal and plant. Can he and his brother survive in forest full with evolve animal and plant and get out ?. ================ Earth in this novel not the same with the real one. ================ Cover is not mine. If the artist want me to take it out, u can tell me :) ================

ChrisTheSlacker_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Chapter 22 : Drifting Cloud Step (4)

Thankfully after 3 minute of struggle. The rest of unique energy finally able to spreed to his two feet withou crumble away.

But even though he able to succeding spreeding the energy to his whole two feet, its still in unstable condotion.

So he not letting his focus down and keep control the energy till it become stablelize.

After he able to stabilaze the energy in his feets, he try to remembered the last step he need to do according the skill manual.

The lasting he need to do is, just to adjust his feet pivot and apply his pyhsical strengh and the energy to the ground with his feet at the same time.

Following the method from the skill manual, Harold immediatly adjust his feet direction before he grip the ground with his toes and start applying his strengh to his feet while active the the unique energy effect at the same time before he start to taking a step.

Harold immediatly move 3 meter instanly from where he stading leaving there with a lot of dust rise up.

Just after he done trying to using the skill, he immediatly fall to his knee, even though his status increase after the level up, he still almost half of his stamina and mana go to drain.

Everytime he using the skill, will cost him 5 mana point per step and even though his body got protected with unique energy that reduced the recoil, even litte he still need to endure the recoil from moving in extreme speed too, ended him with a drained stamina.

Because his tiredness Harold decided to taka small break again, before start to continue to try the Drifting Cloud Step again.

He looked at the direction where his brothers located. He found both Alex and Roy standing up with their eyes closed while a lot of sweat running down from the face.

Looking at them closely he can see there a dim light purple aura glowing around their body specially around their feet.

They actually succeding to control the unique energy to circulate properly like the skill manual show them.

Harold cant help to feel happy about both Alex and Roy their prosess to acquire Drifting Cloud Step, after all he now how hard it eas just to do it.

Feeling proud for a while, Harold immediatly back regain his focus and start to circulate his mana moving it to the skill core.

Just like before, he immediatly using the circulatinng method from the skill core, to move 50% unique energy to spreed to his whole body and 50% other to his feet.

Even though he struggling quite hard when he try to move the unique energy, this time he able to do it more faster and effecient than before.

After stabelizing the unique energy, Harold taking a deep breath before start to move using the footwork method from the skill manual.

Just like before, just after he start to move a step, he immediatly move from where he was before only leaving a rising dust.

This time, he able to move 3,5 meter to the front from where he standing before.

Even though he ended with falling to his knee with a heavy breath again after that. He cant help himself but to feel happy about his prosess in acquiring the Drifting Cloud Step.

After having short break, he immediatly repeat the same prosess again, try his best so he can quickly acquire the skill.

But just after he do it again, he immediatly fall to the ground because of tiredness and depleted mana.

He need to taking quite long rest before he can continue to practice the Drifting Cloud Step again, after all his mana have a sloe recovery rate.

From what he experience, he can only recover 1 point per 5 minute naturally, and for his own extimation his mana capacity is around 20 point more or less after his level reached level 7.

While taking rest in the ground lie down. Harold looking to hos both Alex and Roy direction again.

When he looking at their direction, he found Roy lie down in the ground with a heavy breath, his face is dripping with sweat all over.

"So how about your prosess in acquiring the Drifting Cloud Step ?" Harold asked as he taling out another wooden bucket filled with water from his storage box.

Hearing his voice, Roy turn his head to his direction looking at him with tired face.

"It really hard, and the one where i need to control the unique energy is the worse. I feel dizzy just thinking about it" Roy said as he hold his head with frown in his tired face.

"Hahaha i guess you right. When i try to control the energy to move, it feel like driving a racing care in shacki g slippery ice road after all, it really hard to control" Harold said with a laugh.

"So how much time you try already ?"

"I already do it two time, while Alex currently in his 3rd time" Roy said as he start moving closer to Harold to drink some water from the bucket in his hand.

"Are you already able to use the stepping motion ?" Harold asked as he give the bucket to Roy hand.

"In the first try i cant do it. But in the second i able to move around 2 meter before collapsed." Roy replies before drinking the water inside the wooden bucket.

"I see, how about Alex ?" Harold asked ss he looked at Alex that still standing with closed eyes while still trying to practice the skill.

"Actually Alex able to do it in his first try." Roy said as he looked at Alex to while drinking from the bucket.

"What ?! he can do it in first try ?" Harold turn his head looking at Roy with suprised eyes.

"Yeah, i think able move 3 meter from where he standing in his first try. While at his second try he able to move 4 meter, i suprise too when i see it" Roy said with ridiculed face.