
Recollection (LN)

A certain boy was living alone in Tokyo and was been traveling in the past to know what's the purpose of his life. he saves his friend from the past and forgot everyone the person he knows.

Charuzu_Amiru · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Volume 3 Chapter 3: Yatsemi's POV: Apocalypse

The earth became different after the hero candidates were sent to another world. Vampires, Devils, and demons across the universe have already been made inside the earth. Shynn is missing and we won't ever fight the other universal enemies.

"Ma'am! The third branch has been defeated. All of the second branches make their way to the afterlife."

"Yatsemi-san, what is the news to the candidates?"

"Good and bad. The bad is that many candidates are returning. And the good thing is, some of our candidates got incredible power. But…"

"But what?"

"Angels are the enemies. I know what is going on now. Mayase, I have something important to tell you. Tell this to everyone also."

"What is it Yatsemi-san?"

"It's time to contract with the Devils and Demons."

"That's dangerous. But if we are going to do it, how?"

"Everyone's weapons were created by my power. I cast a sealing power to every weapon of everyone. If my power is forbidden here, then try using their powers. It's our only hope. If the time has come, everyone will dive into the other world without accelerating back to a young age."

"That's impossible. but I'd like to believe that. Understand, I'll inform everyone."

I never imagined this would happen in a short time. The flow of time there is much faster than here. It's been 2 years and 6 months here before the heroes were summoned there. so it's been 15 years already. And now, they are making progress. Not only that, Amatsuru is with Amayori, they can beat any X Demons at any time and start killing the other rank of demons.

But what happened to the pillars? They should be helping them. Only Sato is the only one making a move.

A person smacks the door and I let that person in.

"Ma'am! Emergency! Shibuya is already done. Yokohama now is starting to fall into their hands. At this rate, the hero candidates won't make it here in time. We will be done for!"

I picked up the knife and sliced my arm. I pour the blood into the glass and start drawing a summoning circle.

"Ma'am… what are you doing?!"

"In this blood, I summon my greatest four knights."

Since my magic is sealed here and was inherited by Amayori. I guess, this blood will work out somehow.

The four circles glow and my four knights appear. It seems it works out very well.

"Long time no see, Amaterasu-sensei"

"Rumia, what's wrong? You seem not happy?"

"I'm happy but… Gin has been ignoring us since then."

"We'll talk later. We have to save people first. Karin sends them to their location."

If I can just use magic, I can also summon my fellow archangels. But this time, those four are our only hope of buying time. Kids should have to get stronger until those four give in.