
Recollection (LN)

A certain boy was living alone in Tokyo and was been traveling in the past to know what's the purpose of his life. he saves his friend from the past and forgot everyone the person he knows.

Charuzu_Amiru · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Volume 3 Chapter 2: Seek For The Cure

My sister and i ended up sleeping beside the tree.

I dream again about two people fighting each other. after that fight, a person went to a village and straight to its house. He did something like magic. And in the end, the sword that he was holding fell to the ground and he vanished.

"Hey… Hey, you dumbass get up!"

"Huh… what time is it?"

"It's already morning. Also, someone took your sister—"

I immediately woke up and look for my sister. With the power i have, i track my sister in the open field area. A girl cast a magic circle barrier on my sister and locked her inside.

"What do you think you are doing to my sister!"

"Don't move. Your sister will blow up if you tried to kill me."

"Then, take her without killing you."

"I can blow her by will."

"Tsk! What do you want to us?"

"It's just simple… Join our guild."

"If i refuse?"

"I'll blow her up."

Perfect! I'm planning to look for a guild to make money. Then, I'll just accept her invitation.

"For the peace between us, let's make a bet. If i win, you will join our guild. If you win, i won't bother you anymore—"


"Did i hear that wrong?"

"I'll join your guild."

"Alright! Hasuki-san, cut out your illusion—"

"Don't try to move or I'll cut off your head"

At the time i arrive at the field earlier, i lost the track of my sister. I already knew that my sister inside the barrier is fake. And a girl was hiding in the bush. I punched the ground with wind magic that makes smoke and go after the girl to the bush.

"That's very fast! As expected to the Sun magic user Tosaki Arisu."

"Don't try anything funny and show where is my sister."

"Hasuki-san, release her now. I think she overjoys there."

"Visual Magic, copy place release!"

And my sister appears.

Amatsuru talks in my mind and said that it was visual magic. Bloodlines of Ishida. There are many types of visual magic. Amatsuru also mentioned that the Kitahara bloodline also has visual magic. Imaginary reality. One of the first bloodlines that were created in the world.

She wasn't moving even her eyes earlier. Was it mean that she only focus her eyes on the target? Well, maybe all visual magic users like that.

"So… are you just lying about joining our guild earlier?"

"I'll join your guild. But make sure not to do like this again."

"Gwah! He was easy to talk with i guess we went too far. Alright, let's head to the guild Arisu-san"

"Don't call me Arisu."

"Hmm… What about Tosaki-san? Arisu-chan? I'm not sure if i can call you Arisu-kun because you look like a girl. Hmm… Ah! Ari-nii—"

"Cut that off already."

"Hehe, just kidding."

"That again! You always tease people around you. By the way, I'm sorry for earlier."

"Ah, that's nothing, as long she enjoys it, I'll let it slide."

It's been too long since we are walking. Just how far this guild is?

"Oh! Just remember it again. How should we address you?"

"My name is Shiwanara Aki. Call me whatever you want just don't call me Arisu."

We arrive at the city at night already. We entered a building and it was still crowded. Drinking, laughing, gambling. The only noise is inside the guild. Just what on earth is this about?

We straight ahead and a girl approaches us.

"How can i help you Shinoe-san?"

"He will join the guild. Also, tell the master that he is already level as the SS-class."

"EH?!!! SS class?"

"SS-class? he looks weak just like you"

"Then, why don't you have a duel with him, Mr. S-class Tawaru-san?"

"Hoh? That's interesting."

"I refu—"

"Just do it. It's for your own good."

Inside the guild, we started a duel.

My opponent attacked very fast. His S-class title isn't just for nothing, He is a good one. He uses sound magic. we eye contact and i didn't know that he was planning to attack my sister. I didn't make it in time but Shinoe blocked it.

"Tawaru-san, this is a duel so don't involve the others."

"Sorry, i just miss to hit him."

"Thanks for that Shinoe."

The guy attacked over and over again. Thanks that he stopped at the time my heavenly sphere vanish. I guess it's time to counterattack.

"Impossible! Tawaru's attack didn't scratch him. It doesn't even touch him. This guy has nasty power."

"Don't screw with me. I'll take you down with this shot. Sound magic, deadly punch!"

"T–That's dangerous. Arisu! Run for it! You can't take that one!"

"Now, try to see the way to the land of the dead. Death Path!"

Death path is a power that crushes your heart. No magic such as the third generation can handle it. It was a path to the land of the dead, The sensation of your death.

"W–What is this? It's very heavy!"

"A–Aki… stop it… your sister is also being affected too"

I cut it out and said, "That's the end of the duel—"

"I–I'm still standing…"

"Tawaru-san, you already lose. Look at yourself, You barely stand against it."

"Alright, you win. But everyone, I'll tell you one thing. Careful, that thing… inside him. He is far than S-class—" and he ends up losing himself and fell to the ground.

"Shinoe, I'll go out now. Can you take care of my sister?"

"Sure but where will you go this late?"

"Something important to attend to. I'll come back in 3 to 7 days or maybe longer. Also, give me some quests. Better to take care of my sister. I won't show mercy to anyone if something happens to her this time."

"Alright! Alright! Take care of yourself!"

"Buy me suorvenirs Onii-chan!"

"Alright, I'll buy everything you want."

I opened the door and bump into the guys i run into at the village last time.

"HUWAA!!! What are you doing here?!"

"Oh! Arisa-san, welcome back!"

"Arisa's group came back!!! Let's have more parties tonight!!!"

"So this is the guild you were talking about that time."

"Right! I guess you already registered. So, what's your class now?"

"I don't know if the guild master will make him an extra quest to rank faster."

"Eh!!! How the hell is that?"

"Want to see his power?"

"No! No! No! I have already seen it. ! I'm doing my best to reach the SS class unlike him just join and had nice treatment from the guild master. That's unfair!"

"...Alright, i have to go now."

"Huh? Where are you going?"

"Some very far place."

"Far place? Hmm… Alright, we're coming with you!"

"Hasuki-san, take care of Aki's little sister. I'm coming too!"

Seriously? This is not for fun.

We were traveling and it was already dawn. All of them were sleeping and i was wondering why they come with me.

We run into a village. It was all ruined already. We look around and we saw nothing but dead bodies.

"This is terrible"

If we just arrive here sooner, this village won't be like this.

"I guess we have to keep going… Aki-san? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, let's get going."

Half of a day passed and we haven't still seen any fine village, everything is destroyed just like the first village that we saw earlier. We keep and keep going until we reach the top of the mountain. We found a village down this mountain. We rest for a bit and i gathered some fruits to eat. I went off alone and tried to talk with Amatsuru.

"Amatsuru, are you awake?"

"Alright, let's start from the ages. 3 visual magic born in the very first timeline in this world. The death, punishment, and reality. I was the death, Michael is the punishment, and the reality is Shynn."


"Shynn powerful. But let me tell you this first before that. Kitahara bloodlines, Ishida bloodlines, and Nagahara bloodlines live the same timeline as the 3 visual magic users. I and Michael were destroying those bloodlines because they were bad news to both of us. I and Michael wasn't a friend or formed an ally. It just happens that we have the same goal. But Shynn was sided of those bloodlines. The bloodline of those 3 bloodlines wasn't still developed so we tried to kill them all. We succeed and Shynn is the only one left. I and Michael lost to Shynn. Michael runs away and i stay behind. Shynn and I continue fighting until he cursed me and he turned into a sword. Now let's talk about Shynn. Shynn is already powerful before we developed the Visual magic. He was at the level that they called God. in history, he was called, the god of war. The person who fought millions of enemies alone. And at the time he tried to seal me and made me a spirit, he told me something. Lately, i realize why he sided with Kitahara. He wanted to pass his visual magic with the bloodline of Kitahara. I can't read Shynn's mind but he must have done something before he got sealed."

"What is it?"

"He said that he was one of the Seven deadly sins 'The Wrath' He said that the Seven deadly sins are about to awake but he wants to prevent it because that generation can't win the 7 Deadly Sins. He sealed himself to the sword to prevent destroying the world. And that sword is the one with you"

"Huh? Are you serious?"

"Yeah. i heard about your talk with the princess. She said that your sword has been damaged before, right? It means that the first layer seal has been destroyed. I don't know what Shynn was planning but you are already one of the 7 deadly sins. Shynn passed you the wrath."

"This is now getting complicated! If that's really true, then there are still more seven deadly sins already awake?"

"That's what i don't know. You are the only one i know. Also, are you sure you won't return to that country?"

"After i remove my sister's curse, I'll leave her to Shinoe's hand and go back to that country. I need to save my family."

"Stupid! That's not what i mean."

"Then what do you mean?"

"Probably, the 7 deadly sins will only awake from that country. If all seven deadly sins happen to unite without controlling it, the world will get worsen fast as what the angel wants."

"I'll think about it."

"Do you know that you aren't from this world?"

"You think that too?"

"That's pretty obvious. Amaterasu won't pass her power to others if it's from this world. She doesn't believe the person in this world. She is a student of Shynn that becomes a world goddess. She absolutely knows about the angels. And let's get to the point of this. Amaterasu travel to another world called the parallel world. About her plan. She wants you people from the other world to save this world from the plan of the angels who betray her. The Heavenly Sky was founded by Amaterasu. She made it in secret because she already knew about the angle scheme. The Pillar, Waka, and I, Amaterasu trusted us to guide humanity."

"So the reason why you agree to stay with me is that Amaterasu trusted you?"

"Correct! So don't be stupid about me be-friend with you."

"I don't know about anything or understand it. But I'll just do whatever you say, you are the only person i can trust right now."

"Man, i explained everything and you didn't still understand? You really an idiot like before— Arisu, get out of the right now!"

I opened my eye and sensed a huge invisible sharp that cut the mountain.

And it happened that it was an attack from the monsters.

"GWAAA!!! That's a devil beast! Everyone! There's an enemy!"

"Devil beast?"

"That's right, It's an S-class quest. "Kill the Devil beast and bring its collars. Well, you are still in the lowest rank so you can't get a reward for killing that."

"Perfect timing. Hey, Amatsuru, do you think i can use the Kusanagi?"

"Well, for now, maybe it's good training for you if you use it on that monster."

"Aki-san? Who is Amatsuru?"

"Yikes! I–I was talking to my imaginary friend. Anyway, back me up if something happens to me."


She distanced from me. The devil has made its move. And I'm about to do the Kusanagi. The devil changed and they fuse themselves into one. They were just like little beasts earlier, but now, it really looks like devil beasts more than earlier.

"Now, devil beast. Show me how tough you are."

I did this before, that vanishing fire has the ability to walk in the air due to its speed. I used my aura to power up my body and my power. I used it and use Kusanagi from the above. After using Kusanagi, the devil beast has been defeated. The Kusanagi that i did was fully red. It was different from before and the cause of the red Kusanagi, i vomit blood.

"What's happening to you Aki-san?!"

Amatsuru tells me that the Kusanagi i used was the perfect Kusanagi. She said that you can use perfect Kusanagi needs incredible strength. I used my aura earlier to give me strength. And she also said perfect Kusanagi can also be performed with how fast you swung the sword. It's very speed. My sword is burning. I swung very fast and the sword released red flames and that's how my Kusanagi works out. After hearing that, that means my speed has crossed to the other dimension?

"Partly yes."

Amatsuru talked.

"Well, you would have died doing that but thanks to my power and that sword of yours prevent you from dying in a shameless way."

"Shameless way?"

"That's right. Your aura isn't still strong enough to strengthen your muscles. It's way too weak. That's why i possessed your magic with 70 percent of my strength. And that sword of yours stopped you from continuing the perfect Kusanagi."

"So that's really why I'm vomiting blood."

"Well, you broke your 3 ribs. It's dangerous to use that again without my help."

"I'll keep that in mind. Sorry for bothering you in the middle of your rest time."

"Alright then, I'll go back now."

Shinoe was looking at me creepily. It looks like she was feeling ill.

"A–Aki-san, do you really have an imaginary friend?"


"Then it was like a ghost!"

"I–I wasn't a ghost!"

"Then what is it? Human spirit? Devil spirit or something else? Just a delusion?"

"I'll tell you later. We need to go to the village now to rest."

"Alright, let's go back now."

And we continue our way down to the village to get some rest.