
Reborn Within A Cultivation World With Nothing

Who needs a cheat to reach the peak? I don't need such pointless things.

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


"It's empty..." Henry looked around and found that the hidden room was empty, he looked at Sora who was looking at him with a smile. but he ignored Sora, and looked at the dog smelling something, but the smell seemed too faint.

Henry looked around, but after 15 minutes of feeling everything, and touching everything, yet finding nothing he was left helpless. he knew there had to be last another hidden space that connected to the sewers, but it was hidden well

"This is a hidden room that isn't listed in any information. because of which, I shall have this whole solan be closed down, you are now the prime suspect in her hunt for Luke," Henry said calmly, to which Sora nodded slightly.

"Just tell me how I can help... by the way, may I get your name?" Sora asked, making Henry smile as he already guessed he was Sora's target,

"The name is Henry... looking forward to our little dance," Henry said to which Sora's eyes sharpened as the two looked at each other for a moment before he turned and left, leaving them to take over the building.

'I need to have the death of Luke placed on someone else head,' Later that night, someone where a full-body suit entered the salon and entered the secret hidden room. there it walked to a wall and went on to push a few things into the side of the wall. to others, they saw nothing, but he saw an invisible screen

a wall opened up, revealing the sewers. but there was also another hidden space, large enough for a body bag to be stored. the person took the body bag and after tapping a few things on the invisible screen, it jumped into the sewers and disappeared.

"Henry, we got a breakthrough within the case. it's no longer our job, is it's not suspected that Luke was killed by one of his brothers." Lassiter said while walking into Henry's room, shocking Henry at the news

"what do you mean? I just got a lead on the case pointing to Sora." Henry said standing up from his desk,

"yeah, but... we got everything," Lassiter said softly while giving Henry a video to watch, Henry watched the video and saw it was something that took place last night. there, he saw Luke's eldest brother could be seen rushing into view of the camera, with a body bag.

Henry could see the panic in his eyes, he quickly tried to burn the body bag, but before he could do so, the second brother rushed over and the two began arguing, but words turned into pushing each other, and soon they seemed as if they would kill each other, but people arrived to stop them. moments later, the eldest brother was under arrest

"The eldest brother claims he was set up by the second brother, he said that the body back suddenly appeared in his room. he panicked and rushed to destroy the body fearing he would be blamed for the crime of murder. But at the same time, he got a call from his brother panicking as he found Luke's arm in his room. and over the phone, they agree to come here to destroy the evidence." Lassiter said while Henry's eyebrow raised

"But, the second brother never got the call. instead, he saw his brother acting weird and followed. Seeing the body bag, he realized what could be within the body and stepped forward. no record of their call is recorded on either of their phones, so it's clear that the eldest brother is lying. everything is pointing toward him." Lassiter said softly

"How was the condition of the body?" Henry asked to which Lassiter took a deep breath before giving Henry a paper. Henry took the paper and began reading it, his eyes slowly widened while looking at the paper.

"I saw his eyes... I had never seen eyes that screamed pain like those. That kid went through hell, his brother wanted to make him pay, it was disgusting." Lassiter said while feeling like throwing up remembering the sight he had seen

"... his eldest brother sure wasn't on good terms with Luke, but not to this degree. my guts are telling me that he is telling the trust, someone had to quickly point our focus elsewhere. I promise you if we were to return to Sora shop, this might seem different." Henry said with a smile, stunning Lassiter. but he followed Henry and the two returned to Sora shop where they entered only to pretty much everything the same

But Henry headed towards the hidden room, and after doing the same pin as last time, he found that he couldn't open the hidden entrance,

"he changed the pin," Henry said with a smile, before heading down towards the sewers, where he found traces of someone being there from last night. because of this, he was sure that Sora was behind all of this. So, he left and went to try and work with the eldest brother to try and see if he could help him.

"Henry, single, no family, no loved ones. a lone wolf who only cares about his job... what a troublesome man. but I should kill you as soon as possible, this guy's guts feeling are good" Sora said with a smile while eating a chocolate bar and looking at a screen showing Henry's current movement

"why kill him? just get him to lose his job or something," Lisa said softly, making Sora's eyes turn cold for a moment, but he smiled.

"Sure, anything for the girl of my dream," Sora said with a smile, making Lisa smile sweetly at his words. She kissed Sora before she got to work, and so, in the following few days, Henry found that his boss was getting in the way of him doing this job, in the end, he was forced to stop or risk losing his position, so he stopped and began getting to the bottom of Luke death in secret.

So, months passed. by then, Sora had a stable flow of robots being created, although most of the robots had the strength of 10 humans, but the stronger ones had the power of 10 tons.

Sora had a whole factory secretly made with the only goal of creating new robots, in a month he was birthing up to 5 robots, each equipped with technology far above this era, and were controlled by Jarvis. they were all like his body to react with the world

Sora's 19th birthday soon came along, and Sora's products could finally be sold to the world. and many had a whole year to save up to buy the phone which was said to be able able to change the world.

But sadly Apple couldn't keep up with the demand of the people, they were sold out of phones on the first day, even though Sora made the phones expensive, many had a year to save up to buy such a phone,

but it was not just the phones, but also the headphones and perfume. in a matter of a few days after Sora's birthday, Sora was running a company worth billions, Sora had to go to many interviews, and travel the world for some time, spreading his name and brand all over the world.

But little did the world know that what was doing all of this was a robot, Sora had no time for such things, and instead was busy working to improve his tech or working out to grow stronger.

Every 5 years, every kingdom had a competition where all talents gathered to see who was the brightest within their kingdom. It was similar to the Olympics, but there were no spots, but simply a show of talent and strength for each of the 12 kingdoms. the funny thing was that it was called the Olympics, just in a different language

5 months after Sora's 19th birthday, the Olympics were beginning, taking place within where North America was located long ago, although it was under a different name today. standing a skyscraper, a man wearing a dark bat suit stood, looking at a mansion far away.

"Sora, please don't do this." a voice came from the bat-suit speaker, followed by Lisa's hologram appeared above the arm of the suit.

"Lisa, you underestimate me. I'm unwilling to finish this one off as peacefully as I did the others. I will not be gone for long, I'm not so easily killed." Sora said with a smile, at the screen before he ended the call

"Jarvis, make the location of all Qi signatures and mark them by level. also, scan every living being around here, anyone thats acting off should be taken note of." Sora said calmly, his voice coming out of the bat suit deeper than ever before. The suit released a weak vibration, similar to how bats used eco locations to scan the world around Sora

"Understood, there are over 100 guards hidden around the missions, with over 300 people around it acting weirdly. the strongest is at level 40, with the weakest at level 30. I'm unable to sense within the mansion due to the mansion being made out of rocks too thick for the vibration to pass through from this range. but by hacking your phones and releasing the vibration through them, this is what I found." Jarvis said as the information appeared before Sora's eyes, which were covered by a white layer that hide his eyes from the outside world, but inside the suit, Sora saw the world perfectly fine.

but currently, he was seeing the layout of the mansions and their paper. like a video game, there were numbers above everyone listing their levels, even those in hiding were shown to Sora.

"It has been a while since I did a stop secret assassination job," Sora said softly as he pulled out a rifle and aimed it toward the first target.

"Mark everyone in the field of sight, but do like those assassinations jab where it shows its safe to attack and when it's not safe to attack... what was it called Assassins Creed. well, you might not know of it, anyways take this as your training." Sora said calmly

"Understood," Jarvis said as in Sora's field of sight, everyone was marked, even those hiding behind buildings were a scene. Sora looked around, before picking his first target,

"Are they using items to make sure that each other is alright?" Sora asked before pulling the tiger,

"yes, sir. I already hacked them to make them look as if they were normal" Jarvis said to which Sora smiled

"Good," Sora said before pulling the tiger, from over a mile away, a bullet shot through the air, pierced through a wall, and went through the head of a man who was within a building, looking at the light view below

"Lasers would be too bright, not a good weapon for an assassin. So, I had to create these bullets, for this night." Sora said with a smile while piecing his next target

"If you don't mind me asking, how is it that you can be so pinpoint account from over a mile away?" Jarvis asked to which Sora smiled

"I'm the closest a human can get to being Superman," Sora said softly, senses were pretty much superhuman. he had managed to take all 5 of his senses and fuse them, creating a super sense. remember how he used synaesthesia to torture someone? well, he had synaesthesia. he wasn't born with it, but he grew to gain it and mastered it.

So, he had super senses, forget 1 mile, Sora can hit a target from across a city with a laser rifle. everyone was within his range,