
Reborn With The Magical Academy System

The Fire, Father of Legends has turned into embers. The era of gods has been forgotten, and soon the era of heroes will follow. The new era of men is tormented by the savagery and superstition of the unworthy heirs to humanity. As magic, once a source of wonder, becomes a weapon of war, Roderick, a veteran war mage seeks to change the course of fate. Forsaking conflict, he endeavors to create an academy dedicated to the peaceful study and exploration of magic. But tragedy strikes as the war mage dies before his dream can be realized. In a twist of fate, a god takes pity and reincarnates a man of science from another world to take his place, however, the house isn't empty and there is danger within the walls.

Mitico · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 36: The decision

Roderick's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. He looked up to see Elara peeping in, a smile on her face. "The kids are doing well," she said, entering the room. "And you seem deep in thought."

Roderick chuckled, glancing back at the chalkboard. "Just thinking about the potential here," he replied, waving a hand towards the room in a general gesture.

She followed his gaze, her smile widening. "They're a bright bunch, aren't they? And they're lucky to have you."

He shrugged, brushing off the compliment. "I'm just giving them the tools. They're the ones doing all the work."

Elara moved to the desk, sinking into the chair across from Roderick. "Coming in I saw quite a crowd camping a short way from the entrance, friends of yours?" She asked with a cheeky smile.

Roderick chuckled lightly. "Actually, yours."