
Reborn With The Magical Academy System

The Fire, Father of Legends has turned into embers. The era of gods has been forgotten, and soon the era of heroes will follow. The new era of men is tormented by the savagery and superstition of the unworthy heirs to humanity. As magic, once a source of wonder, becomes a weapon of war, Roderick, a veteran war mage seeks to change the course of fate. Forsaking conflict, he endeavors to create an academy dedicated to the peaceful study and exploration of magic. But tragedy strikes as the war mage dies before his dream can be realized. In a twist of fate, a god takes pity and reincarnates a man of science from another world to take his place, however, the house isn't empty and there is danger within the walls.

Mitico · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 3: He is back!

Taking a deep breath, Alex attempted to focus on the fragmented memories of Roderick swirling within his mind.

It felt like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle with only half the pieces and no clear image as a guide. Despite this challenge, he knew that embracing this new life was his only chance at survival in this strange world.

Gradually, Alex accepted the identity that had been thrust upon him. He would become Roderick, or at least a reasonable facsimile while keeping his past a closely guarded secret. The consequences of revealing his true nature could be deadly, and he couldn't, wouldn`t take that risk lightly.

He didn't know much about this world, what little he had gleaned from the confused memories in his head, but he highly suspected that if he was ever discovered, he would be lucky to keep his head.

With this resolve firmly in place, Alex started to explore the office, hoping to glean more information about his new life and surroundings. He ran his fingers along the spines of the books on the shelves, pausing to examine the titles and subjects that Roderick had been so passionate about. The tomes on magic theory, history, and practical applications offered a glimpse into the vast knowledge Roderick had accumulated, but to Alex, they were little more than fiction, after all, it was hard for him to believe that magic existed.

On earth, he had been a man of science, and now at the prospect of another world running with its own set of scientific laws and magical weirdness, he felt equally rueful and excited.

He turned his attention to the crystal display case, admiring the magical artifacts and historical trinkets that Roderick had collected over the years. Alex felt a pang of longing and other touches of melancholy while watching them, like seeing your favorite childhood toy after forgetting about it.

He shook his head, pushing those alien feelings aside.

As he continued his exploration, the sound of footsteps echoed in the hallway outside the office. Alex froze, realizing that he was not alone. His heart raced as he heard the door unlocking, and he quickly searched for a place to hide.

However, there was no time to find a suitable hiding spot before the door swung open, revealing Elara and Thane, locked into a serious discussion.

"We can't continue like this, Thane, if we don't c-" Elara was saying as the words died in her throat upon seeing Roderick.

"Roderick!" Elara exclaimed, her eyes widening in shock and joy. Thane, too, blinked thrice taken aback, his gruff demeanor momentarily replaced by genuine surprise.

For a moment, Alex hesitated, unsure of how to respond. It was the first time he saw either of them, but a warm feeling spread inside his chest like seeing a family member after a long time. 

The world around him vanished, giving way to a haunting vision of a battlefield. He felt the rough drag of black soil against his legs and the deafening roars of thunder intertwined with distant screams. They pounded his ears, as relentlessly as war drums. As he tried to take in his surroundings, he realized a man was pulling him along, gripping him tightly by the collar of his shirt.

"Thane..." The name escaped his lips involuntarily,speaking the familiar name of the stranger above him. Thane's visage was marred with streaks of dried blood and exhaustion. Alex couldn't discern whether the blood was Thane's or belonged to someone else. "Resist, Roderick! I'll get us out of-" Thane's words broke off, his face paling and his eyes widening in shock, transfixed by something in the sky.

With a forceful stomp, as if trying to shatter the earth beneath, Thane made the firm soil behave like quicksand. In moments, they were sinking. Just as they disappeared beneath the surface, an explosion reverberated where they had just stood. Roderick, immersed in darkness, tried to push through the encroaching soil, only to find himself suddenly wrestling with a blanket in a bed.

Groggy and disoriented, he scanned his surroundings. A gentle touch on his arm drew his attention, and as his vision cleared in the dim light, he recognized the silhouette of a beautiful woman. "Did you have another nightmare?" she whispered.

"I'm sorry, Elara. Did I disturb you?"

With a smile that radiated warmth and tenderness, she replied, "It's okay." She leaned in, planting a soft, slightly damp kiss on his lips. Caught up in the moment, he closed his eyes, savoring the warmth.

  When he opened them again, the intimate setting had vanished. He was back in his room, confronted by two longing gazes from intruders that made his heart flutter with unspecified guilt and warmth.

A smile bloomed on his face, he stepped forward and greeted them, his voice tinged with the faintest hint of uncertainty. "Elara, Thane... it's been a long time." 

Like a homing missile, Elara tackled Roderick into a hug, almost dropping the two of them to the floor. Luckily Thane had been one step faster and caught the duo from behind.

"Take it easy, tiger, or you might put him back to sleep," he said with a tenderness that hid an undertone Alex couldn't recognize, steadying the two and gently pulling them apart.

Elara reluctantly released Roderick, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I'm sorry," she murmured, her voice wavering. "I just... I can't believe you're awake. We've been waiting for so long." She stared into his eyes and Roderick looked back at her, blushing a little upon noticing how beautiful she was and remembering the kiss.

Elara was a striking figure, with an air of grace and authority. She stood at a medium height of 5'7", with an elegant and slender build that gave her a sense of poise and agility. Her long, flowing hair was the color of midnight, cascading down her back like a silken waterfall. She often wore it in intricate braids or pinned up in a sophisticated style, reflecting her meticulous nature and attention to detail.

Her face was a study in contrasts, with sharp, angular features softened by the warmth of her deep, emerald-green eyes. Her high cheekbones and refined nose lent her an air of aristocracy, while her full, expressive lips mesmerized those that looked upon them with promises of passion. Elara's eyebrows were delicately arched, framing her eyes and giving her a look of quiet intensity that could be both intimidating and reassuring, depending on the situation.

As acting dean of the Argentum Magic Academy, Elara dressed impeccably, favoring elegant robes and gowns that exuded authority and refinement. Often, her clothing was adorned with intricate embroidery, showcasing her affinity for the elements, particularly air and water. The fabrics she chose were always of the highest quality, in rich hues of blue, green, and silver that complemented her eyes and accentuated her ethereal beauty.

Despite Roderick's new perspective, he could still discern the dark circles beneath Elara's eyes, subtly concealed by a light layer of foundation. Each time she furrowed her brow, creases on her forehead rippled into view. It was evident that she had been consumed by worry and had sacrificed sleep in the process.

Thane nodded in agreement, his expression softening. "It's good to have you back, Roderick. We've been doing our best to keep things going here at the academy, but it hasn't been the same without you."

On the other hand, Thane was a man whose appearance was as imposing as his reputation. Standing at a solid 6'2", he was a formidable presence with broad shoulders and a muscular build honed from years of rigorous training and battle experience. His dark hair was cropped short, and a well-maintained beard framed his strong, square jawline. A faint scar stretched from his left brow to his cheek, a lasting reminder of a long-forgotten skirmish.

His eyes, a deep shade of brown, were sharp and observant, always on the lookout for potential threats or opportunities. They held a hint of warmth behind their stern gaze, a reflection of the loyal friend and mentor he was to those who knew him well.

Thane's attire was a mix of practicality and style, befitting his role as head of the Magical Combat and Strategy department at the Argentum Magic Academy. He typically wore a well-tailored, dark leather armor that offered ample protection without hindering his movements. Intricate silver embroidery adorned the edges, a nod to his status and past glories he conquered.

Alex, still posing as Roderick, smiled reassuringly. "I appreciate everything you've both done, and I'm grateful to be back." He hesitated for a moment, and with a frown asked, "What's been happening at the academy in my absence?"

Elara and Thane exchanged concerned glances. It was Thane who spoke up first, his tone grave. "To be honest, Roderick, things haven't been going well. After the explosion, many of our students and teachers left, and we've struggled to attract new ones. Our reputation has taken a hit, and the academy's future is uncertain."

Elara nodded, her gaze distant as she added, "We've managed to keep the doors open and continue our research, but it's been an uphill battle. The loss of the magical tools and the diminished mana in the area have been major setbacks."

For a moment, silence filled the room, punctuated only by the faint crackle of the enchanted candles. Alex could sense the weight of their shared burden, and he knew that he had to do something to help, even if he was only masquerading as Roderick.

Taking a deep breath, he said, "I understand the challenges we're facing, and I'm determined to help set things right. Together, we can rebuild the academy's reputation and restore it to its former glory."

Elara and Thane exchanged hopeful glances before turning their gaze back to Alex. "We're with you, Roderick," Elara declared, her voice filled with conviction. "We'll do whatever it takes to ensure the academy's future."

Thane nodded in agreement, his gruff voice surprisingly gentle. "You can count on us, Roderick. We're a team, after all."