

On his deathbed, Rimuru receives Temptest's abilities and his wish is unexpectedly granted. The story of a slime in the multiverse

Daoist9sLu8Q · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


"After an uncertain period, my consciousness began to slowly return. I don't know how long it took, but I can say it wasn't brief. I thought I was going to die, but it seems like I've been saved in the end. I feel strange, but I'm sure I haven't died. I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't.

What's happening? Has my illness reached a point where I can no longer control my senses? I tried to move my fingers but realized I couldn't. Despite usually not reacting to anything, I'm starting to feel scared now. Having consciousness but being unable to control anything... it's truly a terrifying experience.

Even death and relief seem too much for me right now. After a while, I forced myself to calm down. Panicking won't help at the moment. He exerted all his will and tried to move his body slightly. After struggling for a while, he felt a grass-like substance beneath the lower part of his body.

"Why is there grass on the hospital bed?" he wondered after feeling the grass touching his lower body. Is he in a different place than the hospital bed right now? He knows his bed very well after years, so he's sure he's not in it now. Could my family have taken me somewhere? They've done it a few times before.

At that moment, he heard an emotionless voice in his ear. "Activate Unique Skill『Predator』? YES/NO"

It was the same voice he heard before losing consciousness. He didn't know if the voice was a product of his imagination or real, but hearing any voice right now was quite reassuring.

To find out what it was, he chose the <YES > option.

The moment he chose it, he lost the sensation of the grass touching his body. It disappeared as if it were completely gone. Despite having many questions in his mind, he tried to move his body again.

Interestingly, he realized that his body movement was more like rotating around itself than crawling like a ball. As the movement continued, he repeatedly encountered the grass-like substance, and the voice asked him to make a choice each time. He probably had to accept hundreds of times. I don't know how long I've been moving, but I assume at least hours have passed.

Initially, even moving a few centimeters was difficult, but over time, he got used to it, and now he's moving quite comfortably. I don't know where I'm going or what I'm doing, but I keep moving. While progressing, I also think about my current situation. Did I really die and get reborn?

He thought about what happened while lying in bed. When he realized he was going to die, he said he wanted to be reborn with Rimuru Tempest's abilities, and did it really happen? Although being reborn and gaining abilities is a hard-to-believe situation, he has nothing to lose right now. So, he decided to test it.

Great Sage, can you show me my status panel?" Yogiri began to speak in his mind.

Name: Yogiri Sato

Race: Slime

Abilities: Ultimate Skill [Multiverse Door]

Unique Skill『Great Sage』

Unique Skill『Predator』

Slime Natural Skill『Dissolve, Absorption, Self-Regeneration』

Resistances: None.