
Reborn with Hancocks Superpowers in MHA

Guy dies, gets reincarnation into the MHA world. Nothing new.

The_Auth0r · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: The Villain That Started It All.

I watched as mom battled the villain through the body camera embedded in her suit. God, she's amazing! She's so strong and makes everything look easy.

She was landing some pretty solid hits on a guy who can turn into air. I guess timing plays a huge role in it. Or maybe its reflexes. Both? It's hard to tell just by watching through a screen.


I heard the sound of my mother being stabbed right in the middle of her chest. Ians eyes widened a little, though he played it off, so I wouldn't have any reason to be worried.

"John, your mother will be fine. She's only ever lost four fights, you know?"

Four fights out of a recorded 347 missions. Pretty good record. Though, she doesn't compare to dad! He's only ever lost one battle out of a recorded 1,261 missions.

Dad really was H.I.M.

I nodded and continued watching. It might seem crazy to show a child this kind of stuff, but my father and mother believed that in this kind of world, children should know what kind of dangers lurked around each and every single corner.

Mom took the knife to the stomach and ate it. She jumped back, but to her surprise, she was stabbed again. This time you could tell it actually caught her by surprise.

When she tried to heal herself, he gave her no room to and kept attacking with a crap ton of different weapons. What happened after that was literally a blur.

Her camera shut off after some time, spooking me because as soon as she did, both me and Ian heard a loud sound of thunder that was ear defening.


Our heads shot to the front door. Ian quickly changed the tv to show our front door surveillance system. The knock surprised us because if anyone was to approach our house, our systems should have allerted them from when they set foot within ten feet of our house.

"Go to your room. And whatever you do, don't come out, no matter what you hear, got it?"

You didn't have to tell me twice. I quickly ran off and hid inside my room. I was starting to get worried, not gonna lie.

My mom was off fighting a big bad villain. My buttler was about to go answer the door for some stranger we couldn't even detect on our surveillance system.

And here I was.

Powerless inside my room. Sometimes I wonder if I really was Hancocks son. I ask that because my dads quirk manifested as soon as he was born. He literally came flying out the womb.

Luckily grandma had a quirk that could take that kind of pain and shock. Anyways, I came out the womb slimy and covered in shit.

Although the doctors stated that I was far healthier than dad was when he was born, so that makes me happy in some regard.

Back to Ian, he went over to the door and looked through the peephole. He saw a man dressed in black looking down towards the welcome home mat. He had a black hat and jacket on as well.

He had Villain written all over him.

"How can I help you?"

Ian spoke through the peephole.

The man slowly looked up and said, "Open this door." Upon a closer look, you could see green tubes run around his body and up to his face. With a thick mustache and beard, followed by his caramel skin and tall stature, this guy could easily pass for an underground model or something.

"Excuse me?"

"You hearing can't be that bad, old man. But fine, we'll have it… your way…"

Ian jumped back and made an X with his arms to cover his face. The door was kicked in and snapped in half before reaching Ian.

"Who are you?! A Villain?! What is your name?!"

"My name, huh?"

The man walked into the house and looked around. Through his vision he could see all the electricity and power in the house which made him smirk.

"High Voltage is what you supes call me. Though I feel like its a little lackluster."

"What is your business here!"

Ian touched the marble floors and a sheild made up of it, extended from his right forearm. It wasn't detachable and could only be used by him.

"I was just patrolling this area when I saw how rich in life it was. The tech here is… something else for a backwater place like this. So I thought I'd come knocking to see if anyone was home. MAN, who would've knew that this home… this very home…"

He picked up a broken family potrait laying on the floor. "Who wouldve guessed that this was the home of the renowned Hero, Hancock and Azure. What a small fuckin world."


Ian charged at the man as he sat the potrait down gently. Putting his left hand up and pointing it towards Ian, green electricity trickled down his arm, and through his fingertips that then turned dark green.


I looked out my window and saw Ian laying in our miniature waterfall. With no signs of movement and red dye quickly changing the color of the water, I thought of the worst.

'Woah, woah, its only been like four years! I can't die yet!! Ian, please get upp..!'

A man dressed in black walked out from the hole in the wall Ian came out from. He had green tubes surrounding his entire body with green electricity cackling aroud his forearms.

"An actual Villian!"

I couldn't help but say to myself. It was a real life super villain, something you'd only see in comics! I've only seen around five people in person using quirks, so seeing another made me kind of excited, despite it belonging to a Villain.

"Green… Lightning…?"

Ian mumbled as he stood up and brushed the dust off his attire. With a shield made of water, and the properties of it, he could heal himself, though not completely.

Still bleeding from the head, he started walking out of the miniature river and onto the grass. He unbuttoned his suit and threw his bow tie on the ground.

"You disturbed our peace. I can't allow any more of that."

"Oh? What's this? I never seen a quirk like that. Nor have I've seen a body like that on someone as old as you."

The wet white undershirt outlined Ians six pack. Being over 60 years old didn't stop Ian from keeping his body well kept. Five hours a day, five days a week, for the last fourty plus years caused his body to transform into a weapon that could give a diamonds durability a run for its money.

"I haven't bled in years. You know that?"

Though he was a tough as a diamond on the outside, his insides weren't the same. An internal attack like electricity could easily bypass his defense.

"In years, huh? I wouldn't even know if mine was black or blue!"

High voltage arms went out and discharged electricity. Ian stepped out of his line of fire and watched as the lighting went past his face, striking the center of the waterfall and blowing it up.

"I guess I'll just have to change that for you then, Green Lightning!

They both disappeared from their position and clashed in the middle of the yard. 'Why the hell is eveyone so damn fast… it looks like their lagging or something..'

I tried watching the fight, but I couldn't see anything! Honestly, it was scary how superhumans could move so quick and agile.

The leaves around them didn't even rustle. You would only hear the faint sounds of clashing and idle chatter.

"And you, boy! You think you can just sit there and watch!"


That was the last thing I heard before I found myself in the middle of the street. I… couldn't see anything… why couldn't I… and, and, I…. Can't feel anything either…

"It hurts~.."

I started coughing excessively. Blood and salvia came out my mouth and spewed onto the ground. Breathing became harder to do, so I closed my eyes and hoped for the pain to go away.

I'm dying…again? Not again…. No, no, no, no…. I-I didn't even get…to use my powers~…

I… started crying.

It wasn't fair. I got chosen by God himself and yet this is how things turned out? Was I just unlucky or unworthy?

I really wanted to be someone in this life! A superhero, an engineer or or even a computer specialist or something! Anything that could help the people around me!

I wasn't smart or good looking back then. My grades were just above average, so my future didn't look all that well. I was gonna go to a junior college and major in business or something then after that, straight to a job like walmart or a fucking dollar tree at that point.

"I wanted to be like you, Dad~…!"




I wanted to be a mirror of you. An exact copy. With the strength to bring peace and justice to everyone, I wanted to be a symbol like you once were. Like you still are.

I guess though…

I could feel myself falling deeper and deeper into the void.

"I guess I just wasn't worthy of this second life, nor was I worthy… of being Dads son…"

I groaned as the hand I had reaching out slowly went down. My consciousness began fading when suddenly…

"You'll be an even greater hero than I was…"

Someone grabbed my hand and yanked me up. I felt like I was thrown sky high into space. I felt my body hit something jagged, yet surprisingly smooth,which forced my eyes open.


I… was on the moon. Or a place that looked eerily similar to it. I looked around and was a little frightened to see a group of black men surrounding me, sitting on thrones while in different positions. They all dressed like ancient kings for some reason.

"I told you people! My son, no matter if he's from a different world or not, will always be my son! My blood! He has my heart and even more passion than me, you see!?"

I knew that voice… I only ever hear it through the internet, but that voice… It couldn't be faked or just simply in my imagination. It was…real…

I turned my little head and there he was.

In all his glory and might.

With that same smile he wore when he saved millions of people.


"Boy, it's time for us to have a talk..."
