
Reborn to be the strongest God

After Centuries of being the Demonlord, Gerar quits. Why must he torture men when it's no longer fun? Why must he conquer the world when there's nothing to gain from it? Why must he be the demon lord when there's nothing left to challenge? So, he decides to quit and just dies. But instead of being reborn as a weak demon or even a human, he gets reborn as an Angel and thus his journey to supreme godhood begins! . .. ... Hi, Yet here- So, this is a fantasy story but there are also sci-fi elements. There's a harem but Mc's not particularly into romance. This story is basically a culmination of the things I find interesting and hopefully, you guys will find it interesting too (It'll keep on evolving into different coherent stories as the volumes pile up). This'll also be my largest planned novel yet, so let's see how that turns out. I'll try to keep the updates regular and will release bonus chapters if I can. In return, I expect votes. Oh yeah, I do have a server. https://discord.gg/vnnbHCJ4Sn Thank you for reading; I wish you a good day.

Nr_Yet1208 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

Bonus chapter Rose: Free

Rose was always a sheltered child. 

Her parents had kept her indoors for the vast majority of her life.

As a high angel, she had to learn how to act elegant and proper.

Not just to be a role model for the vast majority of other angels, no. But because she was going to be the next priestess of Sir Skullmandathor. 

And thus increase the glory of the house of Rosinte. Her father Rosbold Rosinte had dreamt of someone from his family being the priestess of a supreme god since childhood. And so, this was the perfect opportunity. 

Which was why, he was always strict with Rose when it came to etiquette and her studies. However, he was also a doting father and loved his daughter dearly. Sometimes, a bit too much. 

When Rose decided to move into the dorms of Godness Gracicus, Rosbold was shocked. No, it was as though heaven had crumbled-

The daughter he'd loved so much, the daughter he'd sheltered so much, was going to leave?