
Reborn to be a Street King

Kaito is a regular guy with a shitty life and a passion for martial arts. He dies in an accident while trying to save a kid, but he gets a second chance from an AI from a distant star, named Orion. Orion sends him to another dimension where he can become a martial arts legend, but he also has to help him prevent a cosmic war from happening in this galaxy. Kaito wakes up in the body of his younger self in a world where martial arts clans rule the streets and fight for power and glory. Kaito's family is the leader of the Dragon Fist clan, the most influential and wealthy clan in Tokyo, but they disowned him when he was young because he was weak and useless in martial arts. Kaito has to survive on the streets, where he fights against other gangs and thugs, but he also has an advantage: Orion has given him a system that allows him to level up his martial arts skills and abilities without limit. He also has a goal: to become the king of the streets in this world. Follow Kaito's journey as he fights against all kinds of enemies, both human and alien, to discover the secrets of this world and the true source of his powers. This is the story of how Kaito became the ultimate street king in a multiverse world, with the help of Orion, the AI from a distant star.

PhoenixKing2 · Action
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5 Chs


Kaito waited at the door for the Scorpions to break into his apartment. He waited with a knife he found in his kitchen sink, with the skill he already had thanks to the death of the first time. He waited with a smile on his face and for the first time in his life a plan in mind. 

The urge to kill was high so he waited patiently for them.

Since he knew most of the moves they were going to make, their steps, and weak points to dodge, he was pretty sure he could take them on. 

He died once already and learned from his stupid mistake, but that mistake gave him a skill 

So now he is stronger and better than he was before with the skill Knife mastery 

"Knife Mastery: Level 1

You have learned how to use a knife as a weapon. You can deal more damage and inflict more wounds with a knife.

+10% damage with a knife

+10% chance to cause bleeding with a knife"

He also had something he could use as well in his arsenal 

Something he learned when he was a child but became too lazy to continue. 

*Breaths slowly* With his eyes on the door a notification message pops up " A new passive skill" 

"Uhn" he looked at the message as he tapped it and it revealed the passive skill 

"Old Martial Art: Level 1

You have learned how to use your body as a weapon, You can use all the martial arts in your world and protect yourself here. You can enhance your strength, speed, and agility with your ki.

+10% strength, speed, and agility with ki "

"Martial art uhn"  he chuckled as he began to recollect his father teaching him different martial art 

Kaito's father majored in Kyonshin Karate but that didn't stop him from learning another form of martial arts…  Taekwondo, CQC, Kung Fu, etc. 

He learned them to protect his son and teach him how to protect himself. 

Kaito remembered the love his father gave him when he was alive till he was murdered and still he had a smile on his face to reassure him it was going to be okay. 

Since then the world turned black and white for him at the age of 10, his stepmom abandoned him and re-married another man a few weeks after the death of his dad. 

But still, he could remember the words that his father said to him to encourage him never to give up "Kaito, you are my son. You are my pride. You are my legacy. You have a gift that no one else has. You have a potential that no one else can match. You have a destiny that no one else can stop. You are destined to be a king. Don't let anyone get in your way. And if anybody does you can trample on them"

"Dad" He sighed and smiled 

"I'm in a new world…  I hope this world dad is as nice as you…   but now…" 

as he began to hear multiple footsteps at the door 

"... I'm about to write my story for real" 

One of the Scorpions banged the door 

""Hey, Kaito! Open up! We know you're in there!!!" 

Kaito realized something when the scorpions were banging on his door and on the verge of breaking it down. 

The way he died was unnatural…  A knife came from out of nowhere without a little ricochet that's impossible. 

"Orion you there" Kaito looked at a black space for a while before a robot-like child popped up in mid-air 

"What is it…  You are about to be in battle" Orion pointed out to him 

"How did I die in the first round…  Can you play it back for me" Kaito said while ignoring Orion's warning 

Orion played the way he died and Kaito noticed one of the thugs used a martial art knife technique to throw that knife that killed him 

"So that's how I died" Kaito walked around his apartment for a second before realizing what he needed to do 


"Let me through" One huge buffed Scorpion with red hair and a long sword…  With a huge slash, he cuts open the door and all of the thugs begin to rush in to see Kaito about to escape the window 

"Ah…  Bye" as Kaito jumped from his balcony to another and began to run to the main garage to get to his bike. 

He lands and accidentally kills a scorpion 

"Congratulations! You have killed a Scorpion. You have gained 10 XP and 1 gold."

"Awesome" He smiled with glee but his excitement was cut short As he continued his run he saw more thugs coming out from the gate and the corners. 

Kaito gets hit by a car as he is two feet away and rolls on the ground before seeing four thugs coming out of the car and laughing at him… 

He looked at their status and saw something weird and strange…  He saw Apprentice level 3 at their status together with their power level 

"You have been running for a while little monkey…  It's time to pay your debt" as the red-haired guy knocks him out with a punch. 

They put him in a van and drove off out of the neighborhood he was in, Kaito started to dream of his father and the fun training he had... What looked like fun to him was hell training for others who wished to join them, but because Kaito didn't want to upset his father he put on a smile and got used to it until those training made him happy


A few minutes later on the outskirts of the city by an abandoned building Kaito was bounded by a thick rope and blindfolded 

"I just came to a new world and this is what I'm going through…  What kind of life did this bastard live" Kaito muttered to himself 

"You do realize that the bastard is an alternate version of you right…  All the life choices you wouldn't make daily he did " Orion pointed out 

"I know… " Kaito was cut short by a figure he could hardly put together splashing water 

"How hard did you hit his head that he is talking to himself" The figure was looking at the crowd behind him as they were bowing down and apologizing to him 

Someone behind Kaito took off his blindfold he squeezed his eyes for a bit because it was scratched up and he saw he was bound by a thick rope, both his hand and legs were tied up by the rope connecting to a chair he was sitting on 

"Kaito…  It's been a while" A grown man who looks like he is in his forties with a bit of gray hair on the side 

"Oi Orion…  Who is this man" Kaito looks up a bit confused 

Orion flushed Kaito with the memories of his alternate self of the man" That man's name is Renji…  One of the generals in the scorpion gang"

Kait looked at Renji's face and smiled" Ahhh Renji San…  are you sad that I escaped your arms the last time we encountered…  You couldn't even deal with a high schooler" 

Kenji's veins were about to pop as he heard Kaito's taunts against him, Looking at his men he smiled and waved them off because he knew Kaito was a useless martial artist who wasn't even in the apprentice-level 

"You know Kaito…  This thing you're doing is not worth it…  We were paid top dollar to have you killed, and now… " Kenji sighed and looked at him" I feel like we should have been paid more because you are a cockroach" 

Kenji swatted him on his with a bat imbued with Ki 

"You have received 40% damage" as the notification pops up in his face while he got hit by the bat 

"Urghh" Kaito grunts with a drop of blood coming out from his head already, his eyes are filled with rage as he looks at Kenji 

"Oooh I never knew your face could do that" Kenji snickered 

"Anger point has reached maximum level, Do you want to activate it" A notification pops up with a Yes and No button 

"Yes," Kaito silently said as a rush of energy entered Kaito he was able to break off his bounds and hit Kenji with an uppercut using his fist… 

Kenji takes the hit unexpectedly as he feels hurt by the one useless kid, it hurts his pride so bad that he takes his sword and strikes at Kaito. Kaito dodged with ease as he clenched his fists together and unconsciously covered them with ki" Father Martial Style: Double Horn" as he stretched forth his fists in the air and hit Kenji's stomach while ignoring all defense mechanisms in his body 

Kenji flys backward and hits a pillar, The pillar becomes unstable and the building begins to collapse 

Kaito began to run at the nearest exit he could find and jumped off the building to land in a trash can that hurt his back 

"Oh shit" Kaito groaned at the pain as he walked away from the building 

"You just completed the Quest, Now receive your Reward of 100 XP, 10 gold, and 1 skill point" the notification popped up while leaving a big red box behind

Sorry, for the delay my editor said I should put more thought into the chapter and try to extend it a bit... Sorry for the delay... I do hope you enjoy this chapter

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