


"Don't tell me that she is not a Liam". one of the women said.

"If she is Liam, then am a Kardashian". the lady said with certainty.

"Then why does she always carry herself like she is better than the rest of us?".

"That question is left for only her to answer. I knew her for a long time cause we attended all the schools together with Liam Xing, and back then, what she answered was Jing, it was only ten years ago that she changed it to Liam".

"Wow, this is news. What about her designs, you say that your sure that it isn't her that is the designer". the woman asked with happiness, for this was a very big gossip for her.

"The person that owns that design is Xing, because back then in school during our art and design classes, Jinning can't even draw a thing but Xing will design different dresses and give to her and lie to the teacher that she isn't good at drawing".

Jinning couldn't take it anymore so she came out of were she stood and behold it was her sworn enemyd and business rival that was the person saying all those things.

"So it's you Tang Qi, you are the one that is gossiping with my name, I know that you are so jealous of me and my accomplishments ". Jinning said.

"It can only be called gossip if it isn't true and everything I said here is the truth and jealous?, you say is far from it".

"And even though it is true how can you prove it". Jinning said with a evil grin.

"Well I don't need to prove anything, because you know the Truth. Everybody can be fooled with your lotus act but me" she points at her chest and waves her finger. " Will not be fooled by you". The two ladies then left the restroom.

As they were leaving Jinning was staring at there retreating figures and wanted to jump them then she tried her best to calm her nerves but Tang Qi turned around and said something that she would never forget.

"Jing Jinning, When you fly with a phoenix don't get carried away thinking you have become one. A phoenix is born a phoenix and an ordinary bird is just an ordinary bird, and in your case my dear you are an ordinary bird". She then turned and left while Jinning stared in the mirror and punched it.

"Bitch,bitch, I won't spare you cause you have bitten more than you can chew. Just wait it's only but a few days and my plans will be complete then I will show you who is a phoenix and who is a bird".

She calmed her anger and then went out to meet her friends.

Xing and Ning were still enjoying their shopping when Jinning stepped into the shop with her hands bandaged.

"Oh my, Jinning what happened to your hand". Xing asked with concern.

"Sis, I met Tang Qi in the restroom and she said such awful words to me, she called me a bastard, an impostor and also a golddigger". Jinning said as tears rolled down her eyes.