

"How could she say such a thing about you, that girl has surely eaten more than she can chew". Xing said in anger.

That's right, why should i risk staining my hands getting revenge for myself and risk having bad blood with the Tang family while this dumb Xing is going to do it for me.

"I don't like how she spoke to you so, I will ask her to apologise". Said Xing.

"It alright sis, I know she is just jealous of me always doing better than her, that's the reason she spoke that way, and adding the fact that on this week on B Country fashion show am a guest of honor and my clothes will be worn by all the esteemed guest". Jinning said with pride.

"Well, it's still not enough reason for her to be rude".

"It's enough ladies, can we just go, I have something to attend to by 14:00". Su Ning told them.

"OK, let's go ahead then". Jinning lead the two women out of the shop.



"Good day second miss". the house keeper greeted Jinning.

"Good day to you, I want to know if my father is in, I will like to speak to him on some important matters". She said.

"Oh miss, the master is in his study. Would you like to see him now". The house keeper replied.

"Yes, that will be nice". said Jinning.

But as they were on their way to Mr Liam study, he came out.

"Good day father, if you will give me a few minutes of your time I will like to talk to you". Jinning said acting pity fully, then Mr Liam pointed at the lounge area for them to sit and talk.

"No problem Jinning, as long as it doesn't take much time. Said Mr Liam as he sat down.

"No it won't take much of your time at all". she said dipping her hand into her jacket and bringing out an envelope.

"Father you know that the fashion show is holding in a week's time and as before you never attend, but I will like for you to be there on that day being that I am going to receive an award for my work". She told Mr Liam.

"Everytime, you tell me this Jinning and I always give you the same answer that". But before Mr Liam can finish his words he was rudely interrupted by Xing.

"He will be attending this year fashion show sis, do not worry your father will be attending this show and will also present the award to you".

Mr Liam was shocked and Jinning raised an eyebrow to enjoy the good show.

"Have you lost your mind Xing, how dare you interrupt me when speaking but you also had the audacity to make a decision for me without my consent. I think that I have respected you enough that you now think that you are my elder and not the other way round". Mr Liam spoke angrily.

"Really?," She pointed at him.

"You an elder?. Which elder don't take responsibility for their actions?, Which elder deny their daughter in public?, Answer me dear 'FATHER'. She retorted back in anger.

Hello everyone is the weekend and I hear a mass release.

celine2467creators' thoughts