
Reborn Otherworldly Immortal Demon Practitioner

  On the way back from work, Hu Huan didn't know if he had done something harmful to heaven and reason, and he was accidentally struck by lightning, but fortunately, he usually helped the grandmother cross the road when he was fine, and he didn't throw a coin when he saw the beggar with inconvenient hands and feet, so God saw that he was reborn in the body of a miscellaneous disciple for the sake of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. In order to cultivate immortals, he fought with people and heavens, and by chance, he integrated many exercises of all the sons and hundreds of schools to create a unique body training exercise, and since then he has embarked on the path of cultivation of immortal and demon practitioners.   The magnificent otherworldly continent, the romantic and timeless history of immortal cultivation, and the unpredictable battle of a hundred races are all in "Reborn Otherworldly Immortal and Demon Practitioners

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Is Lu Yuan and show two people confused, difficult to restrain, wild magic square city over suddenly came a powerful voice: "all the magic square city personnel listen, magic Xuanzong in this service, square city has been surrounded by us, all people wait in place do not move, we will not hurt you, you need not panic. "

Upon hearing this, Lu Yuan immediately knew that it was directed at him. He gently pushed it aside and said to Xiu, "Xiu 'er, did you hear the disciple of the Demon Xuanzong Shouting? They're here to see me. By the way, my name is Lu Yuan, not Hu Huan. I'm sorry to keep it from you. Now go back! "

Xiang Xiu heard, immediately said: "The original song is the famous Lu Yuan! But I won't go, I'll die with you! "There was a firmness in her face, and no confusion at all.

With a warm current in his heart, Lu Yuan gently stroked her hair and smiled and said, "How can you talk about death? Your elder brother I will be fine, the Demon Xuanzong just wants to take away my fire and Dan Ding, will not murder my life. But if you're here, you're going to suffer, so go away. I'm sure I'll be back for you. "

"I won't go. I wanted him to love Xiu one more time, but I don't know what a bad time these kids are coming! "Xiang Xiu said with a faint sigh, still nestled in Lu Yuan's arms, reluctant to leave, there is no fear.

"Xiu 'er, you are good, go at once. I'm going to be fine; And he will surely come back to you, when far brother love you so much, with you to the wild forest in search of the cure. Well, you know what? "Lu Yuan gently pushed Xiang Xiu away and said softly.

"Elder brother, will you forget me when you meet sister Roo Er? "Xiang Xiu looked at Lu Yuan, two clear tears along the white cheek brush flow down, a little plaintive asked.

"I will not forget Sule, never forget. All right, there's someone outside. I think your uncle's here to see you. "Lu Yuan is comforting Xiang Xiu, but the spirit is very keen to catch a high-level monk outside.

"It's not easy, Xiu 'er, Lu Xiaoyou is right, you not only can't help here, but let Lu Yuan distracted, come with me" a "bar" just fell, people have already arrived in front of Lu Yuan and Xiang Xiu.

"Lu Yuan has seen the seniors, please take the seniors to leave now! "Lu Yuan said respectfully, pushing Xiang Xiu toward his uncle.

"No, uncle, I want to stay with my distant brother! "Xiang Xiu struggled, but his uncle waved his hand and immediately carried her out of the room. Looking at Xiang Xiu left safely, Lu Yuan long breathed a sigh of relief, and then sat in the retreat, waiting for the arrival of the disciples of the Demon Xuanzong and the Immortal Cloud Gate.

He knew that if the Dark Lord had come, the gate would surely follow. But as soon as I sat down, I heard a loud bang, but the door of the room where I lived was suddenly blown open.

"Lu Yuan, still don't go with me! "Four or five disciples of the Demon Xuanzong were standing over the inn. One of them shouted, but his hand did not stop.

Lu Yuan's body collapsed under a huge pressure. Lu Yuan quickly mobilized his broken sword and fought hard. Only hearing the cracking of his bones, he suddenly got rid of the friar's shackles. As soon as the cloud hit the hand, it was crushed before it exploded, but the hand paused for a moment and then went on grabbing at him.

Lu Yuan closed his eyes knowing that it was difficult to escape. At this time, but listen to a shout: "Yang Tong, you a hall of magic Dan period friars actually to a magic chain period friars hand, also not shy. Look at me!"

Lu Yuan quickly opened his eyes, he heard the voice of Shuzhang Xianyun gate. Shu Zhang said while stretching out his hand to stop Yang Tong's paw. Two powerful hands collided in midair with a cracking sound. In the aftermath of the shock, Lu Yuan was suddenly hit fly out, the whole person lying on the ground, difficult to move.

"Go and get it before Fairy Cloud gets hold of it. Shu Zhang, fuck, how dare you in my demon realm of wild, today I will kill you!" It was Yang Tong who shouted loudly.

"Hurry up and protect Lu Yuan. Whoever catches him, I'll kill him immediately!" It was the voice of Shu Zhang. Lu Yuan lay on his stomach, but could not stand up for a moment. But I heard it clearly, and felt that the whole town was full of high order monks, who were fighting around them. Poor him was injured, then in a group of monks fighting below, under a wave of pressure and magic, spirit of the impact and concussion of the aftermath of the attack on each other, is really miserable, and immediately "wow" spit out a mouthful of blood, and then struggle to stand up.

"Damn it, you're blind. Don't fight over land, kill him, there will be no game!" Shu Zhang saw seven or eight monks are fighting in the sky, immediately to scold.

"Damn it, Bishop, let's stop together. The fight goes on like this, and the boy is dead before we can win." Yang Tong a look, but also feel wrong, and issued a truce to Shu Zhang.

Originally, both sides want to capture Lu Yuan, who are afraid of each other to occupy the first hand, so close around Lu Yuan, and more and more close to Lu Yuan. By this time, Lu Yuan's two nearest disciples were already less than ten zhangs away. Jindan period friars in ten Zhangs, a do not pay attention to, immediately can beat Lu Yuan into a pulp.

"Yes, I agree. There were five pairs of opponents over the land. We shout one, two, three, and stop."

"Well, as you say. Here we go. One, two, three. Stop!" Sure enough, all five pairs stopped at the same time. Lu Yuan felt a sigh of pressure, a sigh of relief relaxed down, "wow" and spit out a big mouth of blood.

"Damn it, buffaloes fight, and the loach gets hurt. If I hadn't got a strong body, you'd have blown me to death." Then I felt pain all over my body, my clothes were disorganized, my hair was dishevelled, my face was covered with plaster, and my chest was covered with blood.

"Shu Zhang, tell you something. Lu Yuan is my disciple of the Demon Xuanzong, today I will take no doubt. I advise you to stop this and go back to your fairy cloud gate. And I will let you go."

"Joke, but Lu Yuan personally promised to follow us to Xian Yun Gate. That's why we let you sons of bitches go. Does Lu Yuan have that?"

Shu Zhang retorted to Yang Tong, and then asked Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan gave a wry smile and nodded in recognition.

"Damn it, you have so many people. Since you dare to arrest my disciples of the Demon Xuanzong, it seems that I can't care less about you today." Yang Tong saw Lu Yuan admitted, immediately grasp Shu Zhang handle, start the article. Because of his geographical position, he naturally did not care about the fairy cloud gate.

"Well, if it's a matter of haggling, why don't we have a fight, because we're afraid of you, Fairy Gate? In addition, last year you captured more than a thousand of our disciples, and today I, Xian Yun Men, will also settle accounts with you!" Shu Zhang in the face of Yang Tong threat, do not show weakness.

"Fuck, Shu Zhang you really not afraid to die, here is my magic Xuanzong territory, kill you these ox nose, but lift a hand."

"Hem, it was easy. We are a million miles from the Underworld, and I have more than a hundred more men than you, and I will destroy you all before your reinforcements arrive. Yang Tong you do it! Either I take Luyuan or we go to war now. I tell you, no one is afraid of death."

"Lu Yuan, you are a disciple of the Demon Xuanzong. You should return to the original Zong. Come with me! As for the Yunxiong who falsely accused you, I have slain him by order of my Lord. All you have to do is return to the Buddhist gate and the Buddhist Gate will immediately make you a disciple of the inner Gate. "Yang Tong see hard to no, immediately temptation Lu Yuan road.

By this time, the situation had completely depended on Lu Yuan's choice. Because if someone attacked Lu Yuan, it would be stopped immediately. Only Lu Yuan himself to which side, which side can occupy the initiative.

"Ha ha, Lu Yuan, although you are a low level student, you are a character, so remember your promise and don't be a small man who doesn't keep his word. "Shu Zhang also immediately launched an offensive against Lu Yuan.

"Yang seniors, thank you for killing framed my villain Yunxiong. But as I said in Black Genfong. It is not that I am sorry for the Demon Xuanzong, but that some people are sorry for me Lu Yuan. I Luyuan as early as in the black dark Fang city for six disciples of the devil Xuanzong, since then with the devil Xuanzong two Qing. In the future, I will neither hate nor thank the Dark Lord. That's my position. I think the Lord of the Underworld, with hundreds of thousands of years of tradition, should understand my choice today. Words have been so far, please forgive Yang seniors. "

When Yang Tong heard this, he knew it was over. The heart is very unwilling, so he immediately said: "Well, what you said is a little unreasonable, but now you want to take out the sky fire Dan Ding. "

"Heaven fire Dan tripod is indeed my accidental income, but now not me here, but hidden in a place only I know, sorry. "

"Heaven fire Dan tripod has been refined by you, collected in your Qi sea, but also said that you are not here. You're lying to me again. "Yang Tong was furious.

"Yang elder that is too flattering Lu Yuan. Can I, a little monk of the Magic period, make a cauldron of heavenly fire? The younger generation is just good at system symbol, used a talisman covered the breath of Tianfire Dan tripod. Moreover, if the fire Dan tripod in the younger generation gas sea. You can't get past the old divinity check. "Lu Yuan answered very calmly.

When Yang Tong heard this, his face was clouded over, but he could not think about it, because what Lu Yuan said was indeed true. As early as a moment ago, he had scanned Lu Yuan's body inside and outside, and there was indeed no discovery. And Lu Yuan dared to do so, of course, long ago launched the residual sword, covering the existence of the fire Dan tripod. The cover function of the sword can not be found, that Yang Tong nature is not found.

"Hey, hey, so that's it. That day the fire Dan tripod is I also refining, I thought you a small magic period monk should be able to refine the fire Dan tripod. So it is, I feel very lose face, all these years of training is practiced on the dog. "Shu Zhang listened to Lu Yuan, immediately believe, and laughed, very happy.

"Shu senior, Lu Yuan this will go with you. But I have one condition. This time Sensei Shue can't lock me down. "Lu Yuan bachelor said to Shu Zhang.

"Well, it won't imprison you anyway. Come on up. "With a wave of his hand, he offered the ship. When all the flying boat opened, Lu Yuanyi jumped into the flying boat.

Yang Tong watched Lu Yuan in his own territory was taken away, as if to drop rain face gloomy, but now the situation is stronger than people, play and play Xian Yun gate, almost a blood spit out.