
Reborn Otherworldly Immortal Demon Practitioner

  On the way back from work, Hu Huan didn't know if he had done something harmful to heaven and reason, and he was accidentally struck by lightning, but fortunately, he usually helped the grandmother cross the road when he was fine, and he didn't throw a coin when he saw the beggar with inconvenient hands and feet, so God saw that he was reborn in the body of a miscellaneous disciple for the sake of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. In order to cultivate immortals, he fought with people and heavens, and by chance, he integrated many exercises of all the sons and hundreds of schools to create a unique body training exercise, and since then he has embarked on the path of cultivation of immortal and demon practitioners.   The magnificent otherworldly continent, the romantic and timeless history of immortal cultivation, and the unpredictable battle of a hundred races are all in "Reborn Otherworldly Immortal and Demon Practitioners

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A new heaven is decided

Lu Yuan has been hoping to integrate the strengths of a hundred schools of thought and perfect his own practice. After Xiang Xiu's introduction, he became very interested in barbarian skills. However, when he actually practiced the skills, he realized why the barbarian skills could not be practiced by the Terrans.

Xian repair qi, walk is meridians; The devil cultivates the body and walks the body, but the barbarian guides the aura directly into the blood. They divided blood vessels into five veins: the qi veins that flow through the sea of Qi, the god veins that flow through the sea, the heart veins that flow through the heart, the bone veins that flow through the bone marrow, and the flesh veins that flow through the muscle. The first is the heart pulse, and the last is the God pulse. Repair a successful vein, is the witch, repair into two veins called Wuyong, and so on, the last five veins fusion, no longer indiscriminate, is the highest realm for the ancestor wizard.

Lu Yuan sat on the futon and slowly guided the Reiki into the heart. As soon as the blood in the heart receives Reiki, it speeds up and rushes to the heart. The heart immediately came almost to explode the pain, so that Lu Yuan almost fainted, "wow" suddenly ejected a large mouth of blood, suddenly pale face, breath also followed a lot. Lu Yuan was shocked and stopped practicing immediately. You're kidding. If his heart bursts, his life will be over, and that's not something you can test lightly.

After stopping his practice, he took out the magic stone to absorb it and breathed slowly. It took him nearly two hours to fully recover. But he is a madman, a recovery, and then thinking of the day magic forging formula. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how wonderful it was. The first is to temper the heart, a strong heart support, of course, the body is strong, no wonder barbarians in the wizard stage so good fighting makes sense.

But how do you get there? Lu Yuan fell into deep thought.

"According to Xiang Xiu, this day is very popular, and many monks bought it to study it. But up to now, I haven't heard of any non-barbarians who have practiced it, so it is very difficult to break through the barrier of cultivation. But my pursuit of longevity itself is against the sky, today I prefer to practice heaven evil forging formula. I can't practice if I don't believe! "

As soon as Lu Yuan started, he tried to cultivate twice, but the injury was more serious each time. He was depressed until the morning, but he got nothing.

As a last resort, Lu Yuan can only choose to temporarily put down, breath recovery. It took another two hours to recover. At this time there was a knock on the door, his god knew a sweep, standing outside a goose yellow dress to show.

"Good morning, Xiu 'er. Hey, what's wrong with you, you look so ugly? "With that, he reached out his delicate hand and touched Lu Yuan's forehead. Lu Yuan was so affectionate that his pale face suddenly turned red.

"That's all right. Last night, I tried to practice the sorcery of heaven. I accidentally got it. "

"Song, I was also tried, almost put the heart burst. Since then, I dare not try again, you do not practice again, in case of an accident, I am guilty to death! "

"It's OK. People are alive, but the skill is dead. If we sense something's wrong, we stop. There's no danger. Here, sit down. "

"What you say makes sense, but people are worried about you! "Xiang Xiu said with a smile," I heard from my uncle that in the past, there were non-barbarians who practiced this sorcery, and they were more profound and powerful than the barbarians. But then he joined the barbarians, became an ancestral evil, they say, shattered the void, and ascended to the upper realms. "

"Oh, that's so. It seems that this barbarian skill is not insurmountable, but we haven't found the right way. "Lu Yuan heard Xiang Xiuyi said, immediately excited.

"Yes, I have a feeling you might be able to make it. "Xiang Xiu winked at Lu Yuan with her beautiful big eyes, as if to say that you are omnipotent.

"I am very interested, but can not practice, also need to think about, not to mess with. But what makes you think I can?"

"Intuition? We women have very good intuition. I thought you were good at singing, and I'm sure you'll be even better in the future." Xiang Xiu was holding Lu Yuan's hand, almost close to Lu Yuan. At this time, she turned her face up to Lu Yuan, breathing like blue, with a sweet smile on her face, which was really charming. Lu Yuan couldn't help but feel a flutter in her heart, unconsciously pulling her away, and had an impulse to embrace her in her heart.

To show he gently pull, along the trend in the arms of Lu Yuan, buried his head, the heartbeat is very severe, but feel unspoken happiness, just want to hug Lu Yuan. When the passion came together, it was like a flame burning and could not be suppressed any more. So he stretched out two plain hands and hugged Lu Yuan at once. His soft body was close to Lu Yuan, and the firm and full two jade peaks pressed Lu Yuan's chest.

Lu Yuan suddenly all over hot, to show the release of the girl passion and close to the body, so that his throat dry, but also can not control, two big hands tightly to show. Let out a happy sigh in the hair. It was as if nothing existed between heaven and earth but their two burning hearts were beating.

After a long time, Lu Yuan woke up with a start and loosened his hands. To show eyes blurred looked at Lu Yuan, the face is full of happiness and joy, still with a little sense of unfinished, asked in a low voice: "Song, are you happy? "

"Well, happy! It's just a little out of place. "Lu Yuan was embarrassed to answer.

"No, I love it. I like it when you hold me. Song, we monks have been penance, can not enjoy the happiness of life like mortal! "Xiang Xiu asked with a faint sigh.

"Practice is important, of course, but let life take its course. I don't think you need to suppress it. But, Xiu 'er, I have a bosom friend who has been waiting for me far away, and I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. "Lu Yuan thought of Yin Rou, full of cruel to Xiang Xiu said.

Xiang Xiu was not surprised at all, but An listened to Lu Yuan, then smiled and said: "That sister must be very beautiful, I don't know when I can meet her. "

"She is as beautiful and gentle as you. You will be good friends when you meet. "Thinking of Yin Rou, Lu Yuan couldn't help but feel a deep longing on his face.

"Song, you miss him very much, don't you? "Women this is sensitive, Lu Yuan just showed a little emotion, was immediately captured to show.

"Yes, I miss her very much, but she is well now, I am very relieved. I think she must be worried and worried about me. "

"Song, after you leave me, will you think of me? I'll be thinking about you, too. "Xiang Xiu said, once again rushed into Lu Yuan's arms, tightly hugged Lu Yuan, this time but no just shy, but bold and unrestrained.

"Yes, I will certainly think of Xiu 'er. "Hugging Xiang Xiu's soft, warm body, Lu couldn't help but say.

"Then I will be satisfied, as long as you sing and think of her, she will be very satisfied. "With that, she suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed Lu Yuan's lips warmly.

Lu Yuan was kissed warmly by his soft sweet cherry lips, and his whole body was boiling with blood. He also took the initiative to respond and kissed her warmly together. They pressed their lips together in heavy gasps. Xiang Xiu felt his body was completely melted by Lu Yuan. Body close to Lu Yuan, keep peristaltic, two jade peak back and forth rubbing Lu Yuan's broad chest. Lu Yuan felt his lower body rising. He was taken aback and gently pushed it away to show.

"Song, what's wrong with you? "To show is still immersed in just a warm love, see Lu Yuan pushed her away, a little sad asked.

"Xiu 'er, I felt myself a little overwhelmed. I was afraid I'd hurt you. "Lu Yuan said truthfully. To show a listen, immediately lowered his head, face red purple, but in the heart secretly muttered: "is really wooden people, wooden people... "

"Xiu er, let's go out for a walk, by the way I sold the talisman. "Lu Yuan looked at Xiang Xiu with her head down and quickly found a topic to say.

"Yes, let's go." Xiang Xiu also a little calm, immediately happy to answer. After some intimate contact, they went out naturally now more naturally intimate.

Fire cloud symbol was soon surprised thousands of Fu cabinet shopkeeper with a fifty magic stone all bought, the shopkeeper has been Lu Yuan to the gate, and then repeatedly told Lu Yuan the next batch of talisman must sell them. Lu Yuan naturally agreed, because each 50 magic Lingshi, he is satisfied.

"Song, you make money this speed is too fast, much faster than our medicine pavilion." To show Lu Yuan to see the talisman so hand welcome, the heart is delighted, all the way said non-stop.

"You'd be surprised to see how quickly I consume. If I hadn't been able to make a charm, I wouldn't be able to continue my practice." Lu Yuan heart sad smile, anyway, his magic stone is fast, but go faster. He wondered when there would be enough magic stones.

Back to the room, Lu Yuan determined to continue to participate in the enlightenment and practice days of witchcraft forging body formula and eight battle skills, to show away. To show is very clever, jumped in front of Lu Yuan, and gently kissed Lu Yuan a little, this is waving small hands, light to leave.

Lu Yuan soon got rid of his thoughts and entered the meditative state. He began to understand the war in all directions. He decided to release the sorcerer's body. Let's start with the war game, maybe we can find a way to break through.

Since Chapter 73 was deleted and is still under review, I'm going to put it here in one for your reading.

Chapter 73 The New Decisions of Heaven

As the most basic warfare skills of the witch tribe, the battle of all directions seems simple, but in fact contains a very profound "Tao". Lu Yuan tried to figure out a move, the broad and profound battle skills gradually let him drunk, a move in his mind flowing, is no longer a move, but a kind of artistic conception. It is not only a artistic conception, but also a deep exploration of human potential. He emphasizes the high coordination of body, stride, fist, leg, palm, eye, vision and spiritual power, and then delivers the strongest blow at the most appropriate time.

Lu Yuan thought he had grasped the essence of the moves, so he stood up and began the real practice. The first move is called the Eastern lightning, which requires the body to be electric, punching straight, without any fancy, is the electric general attack and kill the past. Lu Yuan, according to the requirements, kicked off with his feet and pounced with his fists, but he started to move. Immediately, his feet were weak and he collapsed to the ground.

The original war eight is with the day magic forging body formula matching combat skills, the use of power is also from the blood. Lu Yuan a use, immediately blood in the blood vessels intense flow, the heart seems to burst, fundamentally unable to continue.

After two full hours of breathing, Lu Yuan recovered and stood up with a look of annoyance on his face.

'It seems that there is no heaven magic forging formula as the basis, not only can not practice in all directions, even if the practice is not like four, but also have to find the problem from the source. "Lu Yuan sat on the futon, deep in thought.

'Master, there is a way." The Fire spirit could not resist, and came up with a divine message.

"Oh, there is a way, tell me." Lu Yuan asked joyfully.

"According to my memory, the witches were very good indeed. But other races, if they have strong enough hearts, can practice witchcraft even if they are not of witch blood." The fire spirit spoke, speaking of old age, but also milk sound milk gas.

"That means my heart isn't strong enough. What then?"

"You can borrow the sword, use the fairy power to protect your heart, and then practice the sorcery formula, it will surely work."

"Fire Spirit, my Tianlian determination is originally two in one. You let me run Tianlian determination at the same time, and then run Tianwu forging body formula, that is three in one. How can this be done?" Lu Yuan listened to the fire spirit's words and shook his head with a bitter smile.

"Of course you can't, but you still have a broken sword. As long as the residual sword can provide strong enough soul force support, your mind is strong enough, not to say at the same time to mobilize three kinds of skills, is ten kinds of eight, also can be ah. '

"You say it's possible. I'll try." Lu Yuan answered, immediately dispelled his thoughts, and then poured his thoughts into the stump sword. The stump sword kept humming, as if he had understood what Lu Yuan meant.

Lu Yuan began to mobilize fairy magic slowly into the heart, about half an hour later, the whole heart was fairy magic package. Lu Yuan separated a part of the soul force used to control the operation of the magic forging body formula. The three sets of skills were running in his body at the same time, and Lu Yuan felt that his ecstasy would soon collapse. At this time, the remnant sword made a huge roar and constantly sent out a strong breath to support Lu Yuan's ecstasy. Luyuan head over heels to get the help of the stump sword, and finally survived. Day magic forging formula also got smooth operation.

A surge of psychic power flowed through Luyuan's veins, then rushed to his heart. Lu Yuan suddenly pain is almost faint, then he finally deeply understand what is the pain of the heart.

Although the pain is abnormal, but the heart has the protection of fairy magic, but did not have the feeling of explosion when practicing before. Psychic blood flows smoothly through the heart for the first time, and then keeps circulating.

After about half an hour of training, even with the help of the broken sword, Lu Yuan could not support him any more and stood up. He looked inside his body and felt the blood and qi filling up. His heart was beating slowly and strongly, as if it were the thunder of a war drum. Lu Yuan was overjoyed that the magic of the witch tribe had been achieved as expected. If I could truly achieve three in one, my Tianlian determination would be more perfect and the power would be increased a lot. Must continue to study, continue to practice, to achieve complete integration, the achievement of a new day.

Just as Lu Yuan secretly determined, thinking of how to integrate the skills, there was a knock on the door outside, Lu Yuan God knew a sweep, it was really beautiful to show.

"Xiu 'er, come in quickly." Lu Yuan opened the door and said happily.

Xiang Xiu is not welcome, immediately happy to pull Lu Yuan's hand and said: "Song, you seem to repair and improve! It makes me jealous!" However, he was not jealous, but very happy.

'Well, master, here comes the belle, and forgets the flame. I came up with this method, and you haven't thanked me yet! "There's something wrong with the sound of milk and the air of milk.

'No, I'm going to thank you very much this time." Two people divine reading communication, Xiang Xiu of course can not know, she took Lu Yuan's hand, like a master, walked into the living room.

"Song, you see, this is the spirit fruit I bought, you taste." And he took out a dish of black spirit fruit, no bigger than his thumb, and laid it on the table.

"What kind of spirit fruit is this? It's so small and black." "Lu Yuan jokingly said, then sat down to show the horse snuggled up to him, deep thin hand, picked one, said:" Song, you open your mouth to taste!

Lu Yuan embarrassed to open his mouth, Xiang Xiu like a clever little lover, immediately put Lingguo into Lu Yuan's mouth. Lu Yuan gently bite, immediately into a warm current into the sea of Qi, Qi Sea of spirit force slightly shaking.

"Wow, this fruit doesn't look like much, but it's full of psychic powers. It's famous." Lu Yuan praised and said.

"Of course, it's a specialty of the wild mountains. It's called Black Phoenix Fruit, which is said to be the Phoenix's favorite fruit. Of course it worked out well." "Xiang Xiu pride said.

"Xiu 'er, you know so much. I want you to study hard." Lu Yuan doesn't know anything about elixir. He didn't know what he would have done if he hadn't met Ferrets in the Sin Swamp.

"My family has always been good at medicine, of course