
Reborn Might Guy

What do you get if you have one of the strongest taijustu users of all time, But he is reborn into the DBZ universe? Will he become the strongest human? Will he get a system? Will Guy's full power of YOUTH be enough to go toe to toe with some of the strongest people in the universe? If you wanna find out start reading ;) This is my first novel got 0 experience in this I hope this goes well If it does enjoy if it is a little eh comment and I will see how I can improve as a author. Disclaimer: I do not own any of these Naruto/Db/DBZ /DBS and any other stuff I may or may not include

HuskyWarrior · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Pride Versus Youth

Guy finally heads outside and fly's to their location he sensed their energy. On the way, there Guy gripped his fist as he thinks 'Don't worry everyone the springtime of youth has not ended.'

All of the other z fighters sensed the new energy that appeared on earth so everyone started to fly over to that location. Meanwhile, in a populated city, 2 small white pods crash land in the middle of the city. Everyone nearby instead of running away got closer to see what happened. They got closer to see the 2 pods open up. A few seconds later you can see 2 men exiting their pods. A bald man standing over 8 feet tall exits the pod and a 5" 5' Shorter man with spiky black hair pointing up with his very noticeable widow's peak. The 2 men got up and moved around a little for being in that pod for so long. They both float above their pods looking around to see all the humans looking at them. The tall bald one said in a gruff voice. " What should we do with these gawking fools Vegeta? They are pissing me off"

The short man laughed a little as he said "You can decide for once Nappa"

"Oh that's good then," The bald man said with an evil grin. He gathered some energy into his hand as he raised 2 fingers. The energy begins to spread out destroying everything within the city. What was once an alive thriving city is nothing but a destroyed landscape with the bald man laughing at his work.

Guy who was only a few minutes away from the city suddenly sensed the disappearance of thousands of different energy signatures. When Guy sensed that he increased his flying speed even further. Guy clenched his fists harder as he kept thinking 'They haven't even been here for more than a minute and they have already killed thousands of people. I have to get there now'

"God Speed"

The white aura surrounding Guy now had yellow lighting arching of it. Guy's spiky black became even spikier and his bright yellow eyes became even brighter with small lightning bolts coming out of his eyes. Guy's speed increased over 5 times as he quickly flew to the city.

Meanwhile, Nappa was laughing he suddenly stopped as he looked in a certain direction because the Scouters they had on exploded. They both got on guard as they looked in that direction while talking amongst themselves. "Vegeta did you see the power level before our Scouters blew up"

The much shorter Vegeta scowled and said "Barely... All I saw was that it was over 9000 and then it skyrocketed"

Nappa got concerned because to break the Scouters they needed power over 18k. That was also Vegeta's max power at the moment so somebody at the same level if not even stronger was coming for them. Nappa got annoyed as he yelled out "Wasn't this supposed to be a low-level plane VEGETA!"

"SHUT THE HELL UP NAPPA!!" Vegeta scowled at his annoying partner as he looked up to the sky as he says "What the hell is that"

Nappa looked up to the sky only to see a man in his low 20s with a lean compacted physique. Shiny almost glowing black hair bright almost blinding yellow eyes with sparks of yelling lighting coming out of his eyes here and there. But the thing they both noticed the most was how fast he was coming to them. They both watched as Might Guy started to get closer and before Nappa could say something they both heard Might Guy shout out.


The yellow flash that was Guy slammed his foot into Nappa's face who got sent back dozens of meters with some of his teeth knocked out and passed out. Guy looked to Vegeta with a neutral look as he asked with a calm voice. "Who are you?"

Vegeta was slightly stumped because this weird human just came and kicked Nappa. But he shook it off and said. "Who I am isn't important human. I and my current unconscious partner came here for the dragon balls. So give them up or you will die"

Vegeta says with a smug look looking at the still calm Guy who now depowered back to his base form. Guy had a thoughtful look on his face as he says "Sorry can't give you the dragon balls and you can't kill me"

Vegeta scoffs at this human's confidence. He knows Guy is strong so he had to finish this quickly. Vegeta starts to power up as thunder clouds appear striking him with lightning. You could hear him powering up to max "HAAAA"

Guy gives a small smile as he is ready for this fight. His enemy was nowhere near his max in his base form. But so far he is the strongest opponent he has faced yet. Vegeta charges at Guy and throws a powerful punch which Guy easily parries and pushes him away. All that did was piss Vegeta off as he goes on an onslaught throwing many attacks at Guy who's just testing the limits of his enemy before he attacks. While they were fighting the rest of the z fighters showed up to see Guy easily toying with the enemy. They were shocked when they heard Vegeta roar out "STOP MOCKING ME AND SHOW ME YOUR FULL POWER!!! YOU DARE MOCK THE PRINCE OF ALL SAIYANS!!"

Vegeta finally lands a punch on Guy which makes him laugh as he saw Guy was not moving. He thought his attack stopped Guy dead in his tracks so Vegeta continued to laugh but Vegeta stopped laughing when he heard these next few words. "I see you also have the power of youth but if you want my best... YOU HAVE TO EARN IT!!!"

Guy starts to power up to his max in his base form which blows Vegeta back with Guy's power level skyrocketing. Vegeta was shaking because he didn't expect the power difference to be so big. The Z fighters were shocked too while it wasn't as high when Guy used his forms but Guy's base form right now... was over 150k. Vegeta knew he couldn't win how he was right now so he did the only option he had he formed a dense energy ball in his hands and shot it towards the sky. Eventually, it stops forming a temporary moon.

After Guy saw the moon being formed he was defiantly confused until he saw the grin on Vegeta's face he raised his guard as Vegeta's body starts to shake. Soon after black fur starts to sprout out of Vegeta's body. His teeth become more animal-like and soon after his body starts to grow until he was a giant ape of around 50 feet tall. Guy was shocked seeing this as he said aloud to everyone who was nearby "What is going on?"

Vegeta gave a little low laugh that shakes the very ground a little as he said. "What's going on is now you will DIE"

The giant ape throws a fast punch to Guy who barely blocks it. Guy is being slightly pushed back. Most people would be scared facing a giant ape but Guy had a grin on his face as he screamed out "NOW THIS IS YOUTH!!"

Guy's aura raised even more as he flew towards Vegeta to begin their true battle now. Meanwhile, on the side, all the z fighters are discussing among themselves.

"Hey I've never brought this up but how come Guy screams out Power of youth sometimes?"

This question made all the z fighters think for a little bit. But most of them were focused on the fight. The transformation Vegeta did make his power ten times stronger. Right now it seemed Vegeta was stronger than Guy. They would be worried if they didn't know Guy had a few trump cards if he needs them. So there just sitting back and enjoying the fight. Gohan was has grown up a little asked Piccolo. "Mr. Piccolo, will Uncle Guy be ok?"

Piccolo doesn't look at Gohan as he was focused on the fight. "Don't worry about him Gohan as annoying as it is he is the strongest out of us all. Besides..."

Piccolo looks at the previous knocked out Nappa who is getting up with a pissed off look glaring at the z fighters. "It seems we also get to fight"

Nappa gets off and sees the z fighters looking at him he yells out "What are you looking at!"

But because Guy knocked out some of his teeth his speech sounded lisped. Gohan who heard this was laughing a little and everyone else was trying not to laugh.

"WHAT'S SO FUNNY?" Nappa says in pure rage but with his missing teeth, it sounded lisped and slurred. All Nappa got in return was laughter so he charged towards them.