
Reborn Metal BAT on the MCU

A new graduate dies, but has a chance to be born back. (very poorly written, I use the help of a translator, I'm still studying English and I'm trying to write better)

Marcelinho_Ggazeli · Movies
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29 Chs

Beginning of the fight against Bi-beast

In a big room was a huge Android, it was Bi-beast the great champion of the planet Sakaar.

"skull brother what kind of garbage we're going to face today" who said this was one of the heads of Bi-beast....

"Don't call someone you don't know rubbish, brother skull, we can't underestimate our enemies, don't you remember the rules of war?" mind 2...

"Whatever skull brother, there's only weak garbage on this planet, if it wasn't for that freak of the grandmaster I'd want to get out of here to find real strong enemies and not this garbage" mind 1....

"I heard that our enemy today is a rookie, he defeated Caiera...." mind 2.....

"Defeated Caiera ? that woman was a little strong and held our power for 15 minutes, I hope our fight lasts for 20 minutes today hehehe" mind 1...


The big arena was full, more than 100,000 people came to watch the fight between Bi-besta and Metal bat...

"Daddy this is very boring, if it wasn't for the money I wouldn't even come" said a beautiful girl with white hair, she is Va Nee Gast daughter of the grandmaster...

"you don't understand the beauty of it, see fighters of different races and different planets, each one uses their own power and combat style it all comes together in our arena" said the grandmaster with a look of pride.

"It doesn't make sense to me, daddy you could kill them all easily without challenge I don't understand why you like to see weaklings fight so much" Va Nee Gast..

"if I fight it wouldn't be funny, letting ants amuse me is the real fun....however don't worry daughter, it seems Metal Bat wants to fight me, he's a terrible liar, this day will be interesting hahaha" grandmaster.

"another idiot wants to fight you daddy?" Va Nee Gast asks with an excited look....

"In fact, when I tried to read his memoirs I almost couldn't, besides understanding his plan and where he came from not getting anything else, it seems he has a big secret in his mind and a great being protects his mind from invaders" grandmaster...


Finally I will fight against the great champion of the planet Sakaar, this week was very useful for training, my strength stabilized at 50 tons...

After I defeat Bi-Beast my objective on this planet will be completed, me, Caiera, Korg, Miek and firechad have also created an escape plan from the planet, I will fight the Grandmaster while the 4 will team up to steal a ship...

When I entered the arena my opponent wasn't there, I think it's a tradition where the champion always comes last...

Suddenly the arena floor starts to shake... a huge being came out through the gate, yellow skinned, gray armor and had 2 heads, without a doubt it was Bi-beast.

"brother skull, look how small our opponent is, that's not funny" mind 1....

"don't say that brother skull, be polite" mind 2.....

I hear two loud voices talking to each other, no doubt they are Bi-beast's two minds, it's really strange to see a body with two minds...

I don't intend to underestimate my opponent, so I use all my 50 tons and advance towards him, with my vibranium baseball bat I use my power and aim at his head....

"What rudeness you didn't even introduce yourself" mind 2 complains as the Bi-Beast's powerful body raises its hands to defend itself...

"boooooooooooooooom" my baseball bat collides with the right arm of crossbow... after the initial collision I see that the right arm of crossbow is still intact....

"hahaha brother skull you were right this enemy is stronger than Caiera, let's have fun today brother" mind 1....

I use my feet to run around the bi-beast, I intend to limit his movement, even if he is strong he is much slower than me, I run around him and use my baseball bat to hit his body...

Legs, back, arms Bi-Beast's entire body is bombarded by my baseball bat with 50 tons of force....

"how annoying stay still so I can crush you" mind 1 screams in rage....

"skull brother break the ground and limit his steps, it's impossible to run fast on an uneven ground" mind 2 reminded his brute brother...

"hahahaha run now idiot" mind 1, he raised his arms and hit the ground...

"BOOOOOOOOOOOOM" 70% of the arena floor simply exploded into collapse flying debris everywhere....

I use my baseball bat and twirl it quickly to create a small whirlpool around me and clear away the debris that has flown over my body...

As I already imagined, this fight will be fun hahaha......