
Reborn Mechanic Lords

Finding yourself reincarnated to Terminator World is hard. Found out that you get reincarnated into a Fanfic Universe is harder. Between capturing the loyalty of sexy robots, gaining followers, waging war with other worlds, and ensuring your world influence do not fall. There is no rest for the wicked. Inspired and my own take version of a Chinese Fanfic, Mechanic of Infinite Legends by Sir Mirror. Considering he/she delete the fanfic, this is my take of his version. The premise and system won't always be following the canon storyline. Because, the one getting reincarnated is not the same person.

Kur0s · Movies
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60 Chs

Chapter 56 Tyrant

"Don't talk too much. Leave it to Ying Zheng" order Leon to Christine using his ability. "Your face is too stiff"

"The virus spreading in Holigrad is not the same type of virus incident in the Airport and Ruikamir. My supervisor want to ask you"

"I am Ying Zheng, B.S.A.A Eastern Europe Branch officer"

"Well I am wondering who do you really work for miss Ada Wong, your identity is counterfeit" smile Svetlana.

"Miss Ada is our freelancer agent. So she was not listed in the B.S.A.A agent record" said Ying Zheng as he showed his B.S.A.A Identity card.

It was at that moment when another adjudant walks in "Miss President, we already bringing in Miss Ada Wong"

Ada Wong walks in as she spoke "It seems you have another guest, your excellency". When she walks in, she really resembles Ada Wong from the Resident Evil game series. An aloof yet beautiful short haired Chinese descent.

Her eyes quickly change as she identify Christine "Well, this is interesting" as she watch Chaterine "What the hell are you playing"

"Hmmm, who are you?" ask Catherine with aloof demeanor. She cross her leg as she tilt her head at Ada Wong with an arrogant look.

"I am Ada Wong, who are you?" as the real Ada Wong stand in front of Christine, she also take a look on her high and low "This style of dress is also something I like"

"Interesting, I am also Ada Wong" said Christine.

"What the hell is this?" said Svetlana with a gloomy look to her bodyguard.

"Mrs President, when I was told to bring miss Ada Wong, I was going to her hotel directly, but I meet her on the front of the Presidential Palace, yet I meet her again on the road just now" answer the Guard with sweat on his face.

"Fine, whoever you are. Your stay here would be permanent!" said Svetlana to both Aa Wong as she pushed a hidden button on her desk. Soon dozens of guards coming in.

Ying Zheng barely shout "You are under arre…." when Leon in a dash bash the closest guard. The guard was thrown to the wall. Ada Wong is pissed off as she think she was trapped by these pretenders, she tries to kick Christine with all her might.

Christine doesn't bother to dodge. But when she hit her, she was surprised as Christine didn't budge at all when her kick landed. She felt she hit a steel wall. Christine grabs her leg and throws her away.

Other guards who tried to subdue her were also thrown like nothing. While the boy was fast and precise, defeating every guard that tried to subdue him.

Ying Zheng started to fight with Svetlana, trying to subdue her. But Svetlana is not an easy target. She able to deflect Ying Zheng fist and use a judo move to throw him to the ground. Ying Zheng was able to roll away when Svetlana was going to stamp his head with her high heels.

Leon already brought down another two guards by making them unconscious. One was thrown to the wall another was knocked out by a kick to the head. Ying Zheng vs Svetlana, Christine vs Ada Wong and Presidential guards.

Ying Zheng curses as his fight against the President is not as easy as it seems "You crazy bitch" as he tries to evade and defend himself from a series of kicks and punches from the lady.

Ada Wong subtly look for an escape, but Christine now stands on her way to the door, while the boy stands at the window. Both are dangerous, the boy already defeated a few guards with ease.

Leon's smile goes wide as he now puts his hand on the Presidential desk. A sudden sound was heard as the entire window and door was shut as he activated the Presidential secret system.

Svetlana's eyes go wide, "How do you…."

While Ying Zheng now stands between Leon and Svetlana. Ying Zheng himself is now a little bit wary of Leon. A 12-13 year old kid disabled entire Presidential Guard like a walk in the park? That is not normal.

Svetlana and Ada Wong both see each other and they silently start to collaborated as they consider Leon and Christine as the biggest threat. Svetlana brought down a decorated sword from the wall, while Ada bring out her hidden blade. Both move at the same time to Christine. Christine stop Ada Wong attack with her bare hand, while her right arm capture Ada's wrist, pulling her in to capture both of her hands. She twists her hand to the back and pushes Ada to the ground.

While Svetlana dash passes Ying Zheng as she kicks him to the wall, and throws the blade to Leon. Leon easily captures the blade and dash to Svetlana. Punch her on her stomach and wrestle her down.

"Ying Zheng, you sucked! To be defeated by a Politician lady" snort Leon to Ying Zheng that was now walking to them as the entire room goes down.

"I am not a monster like you, you crazy kid!" said Ying Zheng as he restrained Svetlana.

"Well, miss Wong, you know what are you doing by giving the Plagas to Simmons?" Leon asked Ada whose hands is now tied.

"Simmons? I don't know what you talking about" she answered coyly.

"Neo Umbrella, C-Virus? You know what would happen if the Plagas fall on their hand?" he asked again.

"Plagas is just a defective product. Since some people asked for it, it was just an easy money. Why should I care about it" she answered with an indignant voice.

"You know nothing. How sad" said Leon as he held her feet.

"Why don't you tell me, kid?" she asked with a seductive voice.

Leon just snorted, grabbed her high heels and removed both of her shoes and throw it far to the corner.

"Sorry, I am not interested in some stupid old hag who would try to stab me" Leon said as he walks away. Ada Wong face shows anger and indignity as she was insulted by him. She assumed the boy was easy to manipulate with her beauty, but she was humiliated.

Leon now walks to Svetlana

"You know what you have done?" said Svetlana as she returned to consciousness.

"I am saving this country!" Leon answered.

"You are from the Rebels" she said with anger.

"You are playing with fire Svetlana Belikova. Using biological weapon would give pretext for the Security Council to invade Eastern Slav, taking over your oil field from this nation"

"You kid knows nothing. Without this war, this country would collapse, you know nothing about the situation of this country" she shouted, then she relaxed, "Beside, you can't escape. You would be defeated anyhow"

Leon just raised the woman's face with his finger "We would see!". He then gives order to Christine "Watch the door, prepare to fight! Decimate all opposition!"

Not too long after they reach the lowest floor, the room door is opened and they see soldiers in a fan position from the door. All with their guns aimed at the door entrance.

"Surrender! Put your hands up!" a shout was heard from behind those soldiers.

"How long those soldiers would be able to resist her?" joke Leon to Svetlana.

"In your dream" Svetlana snorted.

Christine quickly dash to the soldiers, gun fire quickly heard as those soldiers shoot at her. She doesn't bother to evade as those bullets can't even penetrate her liquid metal body.

One by one the soldiers were taken down as their arms or legs were twisted, crushed, or their body thrown to the wall by her punches, kick, or slap.

Svetlana and Ada Wong's eyes went wide as they saw Christine defeat others. They were scared when hundreds of bullets fall down from her body.


A single soldier was left from the onslaught, he was the only one left. He still squeeze the trigger even when there was no bullet left on his AK-74. Leon just walks out and kick an empty helmet, hit the scared man and making that soldier unconscious.

"You are too slow, using too much brute force" Leon complained.

"I will be better Leon"

"Well good" said Leon, he then face Svetlana, "You should stop what you are doing right now. Remove those Tyrants you control so the UN has no reason to move this country. They won't care your face miss President"

"You know so much. It misread you, boy. But you know it is already too late. Since I have removed all those 12 old relics. I am the only person who rule this country"

Right after she spoke, a loud bang sound was heard. Leon watched as a large container inside the large room was moved as another loud bang was heard. From the container a large hand shows up. Then a Tyrant walks out from that container.

Different from <Resident Evil 2> Tyrants, this Tyrant is 4 meter in height. Their body form is azure grey, and there are some signs that this Tyrant is not on berserk status.

"Are you an idiot? Sending them out like that? You giving UN reason to invade your country stupid Woman?" shout Leon to Svetlana.

"Hahahaha, useless! Once they are activated they won't stop. You want to save this country? You would realize everything you have done is useless" sneer Svetlana

"Christine, Tyrant inbound. No restraint, use Ion cannon if you have to" order Leon to Christine. From the back two more Tyrant walks to their position.

T-X quickly dash and try to form a blade and slash the Tyrant. Yet the Tyrant fist clashed with hers before she could strike her blade and she was thrown back. Leon just rolled his eyes watching the T-X action so he gave her orders. "Don't counter them with your strength. Use your agility. Fire from the side, weight wise they are heavier than you are"

Leon brings out Nuibari. Bringing out his robots against the Tyrants is futile, just sending them to scrap. Thankfully these large monsters are basically flesh, blood, and bone and not as dangerous as T-X and T-XA.

Giving some wind element chakra to the sword, he then threw Nuibari to the most left Tyrant. The sword pierce the Tyrant with ease, Leon throws the Nuibari front and back to another Tyrant. A scene where all three Tyrants were restrained in a bundle by high tensile steel wire was surreal. It has been so long since Leon used this sword like this against a more robust opponent.

"Fire the ion cannon!" order Leon.

Christine nods and aims her cannon. A bluish flash explodes on the Tyrants as their body melts to nothing.