
Reborn Mechanic Lords

Finding yourself reincarnated to Terminator World is hard. Found out that you get reincarnated into a Fanfic Universe is harder. Between capturing the loyalty of sexy robots, gaining followers, waging war with other worlds, and ensuring your world influence do not fall. There is no rest for the wicked. Inspired and my own take version of a Chinese Fanfic, Mechanic of Infinite Legends by Sir Mirror. Considering he/she delete the fanfic, this is my take of his version. The premise and system won't always be following the canon storyline. Because, the one getting reincarnated is not the same person.

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60 Chs

Chapter 49 Carla Radames

"What an accusation… why should I listen to you? Beside who give you this information anyway" ask 'Ada Wong'

"You should know about this person, Leon Kennedy, ring a bell?" ask Leon killing the mood. Considering Kennedy is one of the main protagonists of <Resident Evil> series, with Ada Wong, both have an ambiguous relationship with the CIA.

Considering Kennedy are the main protagonist of <Resident Evil : Damnation>, he should be loitering around in Holigrad. Looking for evidence of the usage of Bio Weapon.

Using his name would ensure if this 'Ada Wong' are the real person or not. It would be clear in her response to this name. Well Leon smile rose a little bit watching her response.

"Are you trying to anger me with this person?" ask 'Ada Wong' coldly.

"This is not our intent Miss Wong. Until now both of us have sound cooperation, but integrity is important. While through our money, what you really want is combat data of the weapon. While what we need is victory. If Raccoon city incident happened here, the United Nations would interfere and everyone would achieve nothing at the end" said Leon while tilting his head and shake it like he is regretting it.

"So what do you want? Terminate our transaction?" asked 'Ada Wong'.

"We don't want to terminate transaction miss Wong" Leon face now facing 'Ada Wong' "Colonel Moros want to get more advanced weapon…. Like Tyrant for example?"

'Ada Wong' face smiles and she point her gun to Leon temple, "Where do you get information about Tyrant? I decide if you live if I like your answers"

Knowing that he already disabled the gun without her knowledge. Leon rather than showing fear, walks up to gun showing determination and anger "What we want is victory! whatever the price! We want 'Tyrant'! If you couldn't make a decision about it, make the one who could come!"

'Ada Wong' brings down her gun, and holsters it. It seems her hostility disappeared. "We finish this transaction first. About your request I would reconsider"

Leon gave a sign to another Rebel soldier, the soldier brought a steel suitcase and opened it up, showing it to 'Ada Wong'. "Old rule, cash only!". Then he closed it back, giving it to her.

She reopened it, checking the content. Neatly stacked bank note of US Dollar, watching the number she closed it back, and giving a sign to a black man in the boat. Three large size iron briefcases, able to hold one person, were brought down from the boat.

'Ada Wong' without waiting for Leon to confirm the product jumped up to her boat, "You are quite good for a boy. See you later little boy, i hate to say goodbye"

Leon just snorts inside. Well we would see as we probably meet again soon. Leon just smile as the boat disappears into the night.

After confirming 'Ada Wong' really gone. Leon using his ability contacted Christine "Have you finished?"

From the water where the boat was, a sudden sound of water was heard. Christine walks up to the shore. Two Rebel soldiers' faces were surprised and scared knowing that this woman doesn't wear any tool to ambush from the water.

"Report the situation!"

"I have found a midget submarine under the boat. Also use the scrap liquid metal to wrap the wiretap device on the submarine and on the boat"

"Perfect. We would see if we could get the instigator behind Carla Radames. Perhaps right now they aren't angry. At least outwardly"

Carla Radames, the real identity of this 'Ada Wong'. One of the main antagonists of <Resident Evil 6>. Her backstory is quite tragic, a talented virologist, she follows and works for Derek Simmons. Falling in love with him in the process.

Sadly Derek Simmons' love interest is Ada Wong. Because of his involvement in Raccoon city bombing, Ada Wong despised him and cut off all contact with him. This makes him go crazy and angry. Making him want to make his own version 'Ada Wong' with the virus. Following a series of failures, he projected the idea to Carla Radames. Carla in her love for Derek supports his desire to make the perfect being for him.

Sadly Carla was finally tricked by Derek to be a voluntary subject of the virus. Creating a perfect 'Ada Wong' for Derek. All the way to fingerprint, DNA, sound and appearance. Yet inside her Carla soul still resides. As she slowly knows the truth, Carla goes crazy in anger for the betrayal. So she desires revenge on Derek Simmons also on Ada Wong. She even desires to rule the world, through the use of C-Virus creating a world which is dominated by her Biological Weapon. Where she rules as 'Ada Wong'.

From there a series of Bio Weapon attacks was done all over the world. U.S President even fell victim to becoming a zombie, the attack also struck a major city in China. The number of casualties is horrifying.

After discussing with Daniel, Leon makes a connection. The plot of <Resident Evil : Damnation> is the important point where the Resident Evil 6 storyline started. The one buying the Dominant Las Plagas from President Svetlana is most likely Derek Simmons and 'Ada Wong'. It was the final puzzle that completed the creation of C-Virus.

In this civil war, they provide T-Virus bioweapon to both sides of the conflict, also shows that Derek and Carla right now still cooperate with each other. In the middle of the civil war, selling Bioweapon not only provides them with funds, it also gives them valuable Bioweapon combat data.

After the C-Virus completion, T-Virus would become obsolete. Processing the obsolete product while recycling the funds? why not?

Using these analysis, the biggest issue of <Resident Evil : Damnation> on where they get the T-Virus Biological weapon are cleared.

The massive zombie horde which is present in the airport, seems to imply that it was Carla Radames behavior, it was also confirmed with Colonel Moros. Using the talk about the leakage incident, they use their knowledge of the plot to steer the dialogue to their advantage. Suddenly proposing to request Tyrant, was to give time for Christine to ambush underwater. Making them know of Carla Radames whereabout.

Carla has a big probability to look for Simmons, reporting news that the Rebel Army want Tyrant. They would be able to find their dens. Using the T-X military advantage to destroy the Neo Umbrella, gathering enough evidence of their meddling on Eastern Slav civil war, finishing the civil war would be easier.

Besides if they could deal with Carla and Simmons now, all the <Resident Evil 6> Biological weapon attacks would be prevented before it actualizes. Hundred thousand of people would not need to die.


Catherine now laid down with Leon laid his head on her thigh in a room.

"Why do you need me to use the liquid metal rather than the signal tracker?" ask Christine.

"You could still make contact with the liquid metal you separated right? And it will not give a signal that could be jammed by current technology" said Leon,

"Ah I see" Christine ponders a little bit then she asked "Leon, can I ask you a question?".

"Yeah, ask away" Leon answered.

"Why don't you use my body to relieve your sexual tension? As I found out a human male in puberty age could release its semen daily. And it's been more than 24 hours since you released your sexual fluid" she asked.

Leon face was dumbsmacked... this girl sexual harassment is quite blatant. Daniel, who is sitting not far from them spurt the coffee he is drinking at the moment.

Leon really has a great headache. "I do need to punish that bitch for teaching you stupid things" he grumbled.

"Do you dislike me?" she asked again.

"Daniel! Get out!" order Leon to Daniel. Daniel quickly walks out of the room while trying to hold his laugh. Leon then rises up and holds Christine's cheek with his hand.

"Silly girl. I don't hate you. But human male do not need to have sex that often, especially in this condition"

Leon starts to talk to Christine all about human common sense. He also talks about how human relationship are, that sex is just a part of it not the only driving force. It's like talking to a kid whose knowledge of the world is still few. Leon right now regrets what he did to Christine in the God Space chamber.

"Now do you understand?" he asked. Christine nods. Leon kisses her lips to soothe her a bit.

"This is enough for now. So any new information about Carla?"

"Ummm, just get confirmation that the boat and the midget submarine went separate way 5 minutes ago. The boat right now is patrolling the river while the midget submarine moves to the estuary. Hold on a moment, intercepted a communication from the midget sub"

"Let me hear it!" said Leon.

"Transaction are closed" Carla voice was heard from Christine.

"Very good. But at the moment the Eastern Slav also has some condition, so you need to turn around" a hoarse male voice was heard replying to Carla.

"What condition?" ask Carla.

"Not far from the place you trade, in the city of Ruikamir, there is a T-Virus leakage incident" said the man.

"I don't remember we do anything in this city. Isn't this city under Rebel control"

"Find out what the cause is. According to information I obtained, the one disseminating the virus are giant insects. Prevent the matter becoming a big issue, if the United Nation is involved with this issue, we must terminate our business in Eastern Slav, you know what to do!" order the male voice.

"You really know how to order someone, Simmons. Fine I will go back to check it" said Carla lazily. "There is no further communication" said Christine.

Leon then asked Christine "Can you trace the other signal location?"

Christine just shake her head "Don't know why, but the signal is fuzzy. The only clue is it came from the southern part"

"If that is the issue, we still need to trace Carla. However the insect….. It seems an associate is causing problems. Christine, call Daniel!"

Daniel get in the room, "Leon did you call me?"

"Yup, we have a situation. In nearby city, Ruikamir we have a biological weapon terrorist attack. According to information we just intercepted, the perpetrator used giant insect to spread the virus. Another issue is Neo Umbrella have no idea about the circumstances of these matter. What do you think?"

"Insect? Is it A Fan? Isn't he the one who use the centipede, and people attacked by the centipede become zombie." he shouted.

Well that fix it. Leon than called a Rebel soldier.

"Where is Ruikamir?" he asked to the soldier. "It is a small city with light industry, housing 50,000 people. Our Ammunition is partly made there" reply the rebel soldier.

"We must go there!" he whispered.

"Don't we need to trace Carla?" ask Daniel.

"Carla is also going there. Beside if a biological weapon attack happened again, the B.S.A.A would send more agents without a doubt. It would quickly bring United Nation interference"

"Isn't that good? We would finish the quest quicker" said Daniel.

"Well, let me tell you this first. We must make a big wave with our involvement. The United Nation interference is a safeguard for Newbie, so most people would quickly go that path. Once United Nation intervene, the Quest is considered complete. But it would bring minimal reward. It's not what I want" said Leon.


"Must go to Ruikamir. Carla would go there. Beside A Fan definitely has a plan. Since he don't consider us, then don't blame me. Anything he is planned must be prevented. What is more important is you make contact with B.S.A.A. bring proof of Neo Umbrella existence, make sure the United Nation does not interfere. And finish the plot before the time runs out!"

"Oh!" Daniel seems excited.

"But you cannot go with me. Listen. I have another mission for you!" said Leon.


"Right now you are just an average person. If it was just a Rebel soldier, 4-5 person it's not a big deal to you. On finishing your first quest you should focus on survivability. Moreover you have done enough, if this Quest completed your reward wouldn't be small, so you could expect better future development"

"Ah, I see…. So what is the quest you asked me to do?" Daniel now show an understanding look.

"You meet Mr Wolfe and his team. They would also make some progress. You also try go to Holigrad to check Leon Kennedy mission. If he shows up, it means the United Nation interference are close!"

"If I find Kennedy?" ask Daniel.

"Find ways to bring Neo Umbrella corporation to his attention!"

"Understood little bro. I won't disappoint you!" he give a salute.

"Very good, I would told them to help you!" Leon then call Robert Wolfe using Moros special made phone.

"Ah, Connor. Why are you calling me?" ask Wolfe vigorously.

"How does progress on your part Mr Wolfe?"

"Well It went perfectly. Moros succeeded to gain 5 million US Dollar, all cash. Also had communication with several high ranked leaders on the phone. Some are interested in your proposition, but we still have some troubles"

"What troubles?" ask Leon.

"5 Million dollars is a hot issue. Beside your proposition are too risky, many rather believe the biological weapon they could grasp" answer Wolfe.

"This is an issue. Have you talked to Moros?" Leon becomes worried.

"He is a busy person, so finding him is quite difficult. However I secure some mercenary as security through him. I calculate we could deal with the contact" he superficially answered, but Leon becomes less optimistic. Even Moros just leave them to the Mercenary.

"I prepare to go to Ruikamir. There had been a biological weapon attack over there, also tell the news to Moros. I arrange Daniel to go to your side, he have his own mission, you talk with him over there"

"Ah good. We depend on you on finishing this Quest, Connor. God speed!"