
Reborn Mechanic Lords

Finding yourself reincarnated to Terminator World is hard. Found out that you get reincarnated into a Fanfic Universe is harder. Between capturing the loyalty of sexy robots, gaining followers, waging war with other worlds, and ensuring your world influence do not fall. There is no rest for the wicked. Inspired and my own take version of a Chinese Fanfic, Mechanic of Infinite Legends by Sir Mirror. Considering he/she delete the fanfic, this is my take of his version. The premise and system won't always be following the canon storyline. Because, the one getting reincarnated is not the same person.

Kur0s · Movies
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60 Chs

Chapter 33 Battle End

Leon was fed up after that woman destroyed the T-1, so he used shunshin to capture her as her hand with one Mech Arms once she pierced T-1 body. Blood Rose's eyes go wide as she is surprised with how fast Leon moves.

After that he punched her away using his Spider Mech arms. Even if she was augmented with Terminator technology, being punched by the heavy Mech Spider threw her quite strong through the wall.

"Damn, you John Connor!" curse Blood Rose as her head falls down and her body goes limp.

Christina just gives a pout to Leon.

"What? You expect me to have a lengthy battle with a crazy bitch? Not a chance!" Leon waves his hand.


In another area, Sarah and her team are having a fight against some T-1 Terminators.

"Fuck! Why the hell are we dealing with Killer robots?" complain Levy.

"Just shut up and keep shooting!" scream Sarah.

Levy aimed at the robot sensors, destroying one of them. While Shenhua jumped place to place and threw her knives to behead the mercenaries she could get.

Sarah brings out her grenade launcher and launches some grenade to another T-1. Effectively destroying it. Levy jumped to another desk and shot her gun at another T-1. Tsunade throws grenades and shoots her guns with ease. She also punches one T-1 that ends up hitting a mercenary to the wall, flattening that man.


The next room Leon walks to he found a laboratory. There Leon found T-800 remnants. So he just stowed it into his space bag. He also uses his ability to move tons of data into a hard drive he put inside his spider mech.

It was in the next room that they saw something that give them a pause. T-1001 is fighting for her lives against T-XA.

"John, run!" she said. But Leon doesn't think that way.

Catherine was slash and stab her way against T-XA as it was her only way to fight. The Ion Cannon on T-XA hand would decimate her easily.

"Christine, Kill him!" Leon ordered, "Catherine, Move out of the way!" as he throws Nuibari to T-XA. The sword quickly pierce the robot and the wires with Lightning chakra stun T-XA for a moment. Leon then order his Spider Mech to slash the Ion Cannon of T-XA hand. T-XA try to slash the Mech using his free hand, but Spider Mech used its claw to slash his hand and steals the Ion Cannon.

Christine quickly fired her on Ion Cannon against T-XA. T-XA eyes go wide when he watches the ion cannon on <Cameron> hand. T-XA was quite surprised as he think it was not T-X.

"T-X? You betray Skynet?" he said as Christine fired her second shot.

"My mission is to Protect Leon and destroy Skynet," she answered. Leon just says "Eh?". Why did she use her Main God Space name rather than John Connor?. Hmmm, strange.

Each shot from her Ion Cannon evaporated the Polymimetic alloy of T-XA.

T-XA tried to run away, but Leon activated his Torbjorn Gauntlet and combined the Ion Cannon with his spider Mech and also fired at T-XA.

"Aaaaaaaarrrrrrggghhh" scream T-XA as he was evaporated. His remnants then deactivated. It seems the last shot destroy its core.

Leon walks through the place and they soon find the Command Center and the Server room. Leon brings out his C-4. With the help of Catherine and Christine they put it all over the place. Catherine then calibrated then activated the detonator.

"How much time you put in?"

"Five minutes"

"Good, let's get out of here" said Leon as he put the Shinobi wires around the area of the bomb and ordered the rest of the team, "Everyone, we have found the core. Get out right now!"

Very quickly they leave the building and stay outside for a moment. Leon brings out a coke he stole from a refrigerator on his way out and drinks it, not too long a few people come out of the building.

"Ah, nice job" he said to Kosen and her team, in return they gave him a strange look. Hojo Tokio shows a sinister look at him. He just smirks and raises his coke can.

"Never thought that you could make T-X change sides, and defeat T-XA. It seems I am underestimating you" Kosen sigh. She underestimate John Connor ability, if she knows this she wouldn't be this messed up.

"No wonder, he is the protagonist. Why should we help him with T-X in the first place" Hojo sneers at him.

"Stop Tokio, don't make anymore problem! They help us finish the quest" said Zhao Yang. He doesn't dare to do anything with Catherine and Christine beside Leon. Not to mention he could smell danger from two other women that stayed beside Leon.

"Need me to deal with them boss?" ask Shenhua.

"Nah. They are not our problem, it's over anyway" Leon answered, he is quite tired to deal with these people. Yes Kosen did help him most of the time, but this boy is quite a problem being outright hostile against him.

Kosen looks at the Mercenaries beside Leon, she seems trying to recognize most of them.

Quickly a series of detonations followed by a big vibration. One part of the compound rise up for a moment before it fall down, formed a diameter of almost hundreds of meters wide. Make him a little bit unsteady. At that time Hojo's hand seemed to be trying to attack him but his hand was stopped by Kosen "Don't make a problem! We don't know if we could succeed" she whispered.

Too bad that Christine and Catherine heard it and tell Leon through his ability. He just smile at Kosen. As the vibration and explosion continues, suddenly from the center a golden sand rise up, and from inside a winged bald man came out. His body was scared and have great muscle. In his hand was <Witch>, <Wolf> and <Hunter>.

"Hehehe, Priest. It seems your Angel form did have its use" Kosen sneers. The Underworld team watching Leon and Kosen team doesn't talk back and seems gloomy. Their mission already failed in the first place, and they lost Vamp in this mission.

Another larger rumble was heard. At that moment a warning was felt by them "Quest Complete. You have 24 Hours Left to return to Space", Kosen received it from her bracelet.

Leon from his "L" Tattoo gets a prompt "Extraordinary Quest Completed. <<Terminator 2>> world. Role : John Connor, now granted full Access to Laplace Multidimensional Cosmic Calculation System in 24 Hours"

At that moment the angelic "Priest" talks to Leon. "John Connor, well this is our first meeting"

LEon raised his eyebrow.

"The team battle is over, we are no longer a threat to you. Please accept this as a show of our respect for your bravery" he said as he threw a bottle jar filled with red liquid. Christine captured it before it reached Leon.

"Why give me this?" ask Leon.

"Let's just say that I feel we will meet again in the future", he spoke as after that with a white flash he and his team, <Underworld> disappeared.

"Well, no matter what our Quest is over, so we won't stay here for long," says Kosen. "Oh yea, before you fought T-XA, I leave a Grass puppet Talisman that would act as a substitute for a fatal attack on you. I give it as a gift. We see you next time" after that the <Frozen> team also disappeared.

Christine took a sip from the red jar and spoke "Analysis result. This liquid has a component to accelerate wound recovery speed. Difficult to duplicate with the current science and technology. It has an unknown component, and can't identify its structure. It is harmless to the human body" she said as she gave it to Leon.

"Thanks," he said as he drank it quickly. Wounds healed at a fast pace. Now what Leon is thinking is what he should do in 24 hours before he is sent out on Quest again.