
Reborn Mechanic Lords

Finding yourself reincarnated to Terminator World is hard. Found out that you get reincarnated into a Fanfic Universe is harder. Between capturing the loyalty of sexy robots, gaining followers, waging war with other worlds, and ensuring your world influence do not fall. There is no rest for the wicked. Inspired and my own take version of a Chinese Fanfic, Mechanic of Infinite Legends by Sir Mirror. Considering he/she delete the fanfic, this is my take of his version. The premise and system won't always be following the canon storyline. Because, the one getting reincarnated is not the same person.

Kur0s · Movies
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60 Chs

Chapter 19

Leon falls into a deep trance. Well 10 years of Chakra training really help his mind to not break like Tang Yu. He would still grumble of being sent to Naruto World for 10 years. A long time where his body would be reset to his first condition after suffering that long. His only gain is knowledge. Still need to rebuild his Chakra and retrain his body the old fashioned way. Training like an idiot. Well at least remembering medical knowledge helped him to advance his training and create a new Shinobi clan here. Cyber Ninja, baby!

Fine, not to remember his past grudge on the system. He now focuses on the White Void of Cameron system. He then accessed the core, hmmm some strange data existed here, okay rewrite that, and fix something here. The deeper he entered, he realized, she was different than T-800. Inside, he found a girl, very similar to Cameron.

"Whats your name?" he asked.

"Allison" she answered, before he was forced out from the Core in a flash.

"John, are you alright?" asked Sarah as Leon opened his eyes.

"Ummm, mum, I'm fine" he answered.

"You are out for like 4 hours so we are worried," Said Tsunade.

"I see now why you are quite special. You have a soul" he smiled.

"What?" Sarah Connor asked.

"Imprinting, an imprinted memory of a human is inside her" Leon answered.

"I don't understand" said Cameron

"Naah, maybe you will find out later. Let's go then" he order her.

"My duty is to protect you, not following your order" Cameron answered.

"Yeah, whatever. Let us move out" he told them.

"I can't trust her" Sarah said as they were a little bit far from Cameron.

"Don't worry mom. I have checked her system. She is cleared. I remove most trace of Skynet protocol from her core" Leon said.

Sarah was surprised. "Are you really my son?"

"Who knows, I am too smart to be your son" Leon jest.

"Brats!" Sarah smack his head. Yup, still his wiseass boy alright.

"Mom, It seems I have an ability to empathize with machines, I could switch them, alter them, or know their weakness" Leon told her mother of his secret, "It ain't perfect. More advanced machines like those Terminators still need more mental strength"

Sarah brings them to a garage. There they found a few bikes. The owner is probably a bike enthusiast.

"Mom, don't be surprised. I got this cool gadget from the Dragon group" Leon said as he brought out his glove.

Sarah was surprised. The gloves changed to become very advanced sci fi tools, if not for his son warning he would think that his son was replaced by a machine.

Cameron seems interested in what Leon is doing. She stand behind him in daze.

There are many things he thinks of watching all those bikes. When he saw the bike, he was already thinking of some cool bikes, like the Fenrir of Final Fantasy VII, or transformers bike bots, or those Terminator bikes he saw in Salvation.

Hmm decision, decision. Well a few years of reading technical books and manuals and a whole decade dealing with creating combat puppets really give some advantage.

"Tsunade, bring them out!"

Tsunade then brings out a scroll, puts out her hands and three combat droids, aka his puppet was out. Leon knows, dealing with T-X and T-XA is not a simple deal. So he brought out his big guns.

Sarah was surprised, "What the fuck happened while I'm in prison?"

"I met a wandering old Shinobi from Japan a year ago and he taught me Ninjutsu," Leon said like it was not a big problem, a very cliche story he picked up from a typical martial art novel. Cameron tilted his head, while Kate and Tsunade just facepalm. It seems since he met his mother his shamelessness was raised to the max.

"Graaaaah, I don't even want to know" she shouted. Leon just gives his mother a worried smile as she gets out of the room to vent, Tsunade looks at him, Leon nods, so she walks out to accompany her.

"So you are also a Ninja?" Sarah asked the girl.

"Yup!, He promised to marry me, so…. Here I am?" answer Tsunade with a chirp.

"Someday I'm gonna kill my son. He has this ability yet he hides it from me?" ask Sarah.

"Well, it's because at that time the Dragon group existed, that is why he tried to hide it" answered Tsunade.


"A year ago, John was transported to another world, by some kind of God, Omnipotent being, or whatever he calls it a System. He was sent to my world. He was given a quest to do. My world is at the brink of war, and he befriends me there. After a long time we get close, and he told me he was an Experimenter who was sent from another world" say Tsunade.

"How long has he lived there?" ask Sarah.

"10 years"

"So why is he still a child?"

"The System send him back to this world the same time he was sent, and reverse his body"

"And you?"

"Get reversed to my childhood the same age as John, I follow him because I pledge my love and loyalty to him"

"So those Dragon groups are another Experimenter?" ask Sarah.

"Yeah, John tell me stories of Experimenter fight against each other, betray other Experimenter for their own gain"

"There are other universes?"

"Yeah! It was what John told me. There are other things John hid, but it was his decision to tell you. This is as far I know about him"

"Sometimes I feel sorry for John, I really wish to give him a regular childhood. Not going everywhere in South America for fear that he will be killed. He is my son, I gave birth and raised him all this time, I wish I could give him a normal life" Sarah speaks as some tears fall from her eyes.

"John told me that he always worried about you. He told me that his wish is for you to find and marry a good man, be happy and enjoy your life" say Tsunade, hugging Sarah.

Meanwhile Leon thought hard about what he really wanted, so he dismantled his drones and created a combat Jeep, with a lot of hidden weapons, and a Fenrir bike that could transform to be a combat puppet. Why combat puppet? A Shinobi puppeteer response is a whole lot faster than a regular combat robot. While it couldn't win against high end Terminator, it could still give them run for their money.

Well he is still worried when his mother goes crazy and runs out of the workshop. But seeing Tsunade with her, at least he was less worried.

"Don't worry. The one really in danger right now is you" said Cameron

Kate is now getting close to Leon. "Need some help John?"

"Go train your chakra control while I am working on this shit here. It's still to early for you to help me build this" Leon said as he pat her head.

Kate pout heavily.

"Who is she?" ask Cameron.

"Kate Brewster" answer Leon.

"Ah. Kate Brewster, wife of John Connor. Second in command of the Resistance"

"So you have my data huh. I become your wife?" ask Kate with happy face.

"In one version of the future. This John Connor, would get many wife. Because no single lady could win against me, they need to team up"

"Bullshit" Kate said with a deadpan.

"Ask Tsunade?" say Leon with a bragging smirk.

"Pervert" Kate said with a blush, but she then focused on her training.

Cameron tilted her head "Are you planning to marry many females?"

"Only those who love me. If they give their love to me, I would be their husband and protect them" Leon said, "And I am very possessive. If a girl has become mine, I would kill anyone who dare to flirt with her"

Cameron strangely smiles and goes closer to Leon watching him work. With her beauty of course Leon was tempted. Damn, this puberty is sucked. Worse as he was no longer a virgin in this lifetime, still his dick was sorely tempted. But he hid it.


In the afternoon they seek some ATM so they could shop for more metal and machinery. Not too long they found an ATM. The plan is to take some ATM spread out on different location.

So when Leon put his hand on the ATM he said. As his ability getting more advanced, he could do a whole lot of thing.

"This ATM has like 82,450 USD" he said.

"Just take 8,500 from it" Sarah said.

"It would be inefficient, it would be better if we empty this ATM. This ATM is very remote, people who take money from here are not many. Better do everything quicker as we dont have much time" Cameron insist.

Sarah quickly intercede "It would bring out Police interest"

"Right now the LAPD are paralyzed. Because in order to deal with the crazy Police, right now the LA Public security was completely underpowered status. Right now the LAPD Chief is injured, his leg was broken from an accident" Cameron told them.

Sarah, and Leon see him strangely.

"Where do you get this information?" Leon asked.

"My Boyfriend told me"

"Ah, forgot that idiot" Leon roll his eyes, remembering that idiot rich blokes with running away car.

Quickly they take all the money and return to the truck. Cameron bring out the city map, her eyes goes red a little, than he point a position.

"We go here. It's a metal supplier, they have metal plates and alloy" she said as she point to the map.


"Well, those ordinary steel are 3,300, the mil grade 400 BNH steel plate you asked for are also included , so all you need to pay is 10,800, we give a discount of 10%. Thanks for buying in our place" say a man with a safety helmet, he is the owner of the steel shop. His side eyeing Cameron moving the steel they buy to the car.

"Well, Cash payment. Just keep the change" he said.

"Ah thanks, your big sister is quite strong heh"

"Shes my girlfriend! Really scary huh" Leon said with a smirk.

"Damn, good luck with that man" say the Foreman with a laugh.

"Scary?" Cameron asked.

"From all I said you only hear that?" Leon raised his eyebrow. Cameron just point her head forward. AS the van was leaving the premise, they drive quite a while looking on the map for other ATM they could drain.

When suddenly a Dodge Charger crossed and stopped in front of them.

Two men go down and point their guns to them. They are Ellison and Hayden, two DC Detective.

"Get out of the car! FBI" said one of them as they brandish their FBI badge.

"Who the hell are you guys?" ask Leon, shouting at them.

Cameron and Sarah also walks out of the car.

"John Connor? You are under arrest!"

"Bullshit what's the charge?" ask Sarah going down the car.

"Sarah Connor! You release her from Folsom prison right?" said one of them.

"Both of you are to be under arrest for the suspicion on the murder of 10 female convict and prison guard in Folsom prison, you are also charged for causing 47 police officer goes crazy!"

"What the fuck? I only bring out my mother! How could I do all that? I am just an 11 year old boy, how could I be able to kill 10 adult females for god sake. Like hell I have the time and power to deal with those things. I just sneak in and out, not murdering people. No wonder the prison seems too easy to enter that night, no matter what it wasn't me" Leon insist. Sarah and Tsunade who were still sitting in the car were rolling their eyes. Leon was shameless enough to bullshitting his way out.

"I only heard that some people are after my mother in Prison, so I just try to rescue her by sneaking in!"

Both of them seem to be change their face on Leon hearing that.

"No matter, both of you are in our custody first" said both of them.

"Sorry but I can't let you capture John Connor" said Cameron as she walked up to them.

"Don't forget to include my mother!" said Leon to Cameron…. Cameron just tilts her head and answers.

"Not part of my order!" she said to Leon, Leon just gives a faked disappointed look.

"Stop, don't move or I shoot," said Ellison.

Cameron keeps getting closer to both of them. Hayden then grunted "I hate to shoot civilians" he said as he aimed for her leg and fire. But Cameron just walked to them like nothing happened. "Don't kill them Cameron. They are just human" so she just smash Hayden to the ground, steal his gun and throw it to Sarah. Ellison quickly fired again at Cameron that did nothing to her. So when Cameron tries to grab him, he quickly tries to use judo moves at her, too bad Cameron doesn't move, so he also gets thrown to the ground and his gun was taken by Cameron.

"Damn, you guys are so weak" Leon walked on to both of them laying on the ground. Until suddenly "John!" he hears Sarah's voice.

There they saw many dogs and cats surrounding them.

"Well, Mister Fed, if you want to find the murderer, and what makes the cops crazy it's probably related to them" Leon said as he pointed at those animals.

"When I was bringing out my mother from the Prison, these strange animals are chasing us from the prison and trying to kill both of us. I think it would be better for us to cooperate as this thing is trying to kill us"

"Fine, we believe you" said Ellison as he now stand up. Sarah and Cameron then give back the FBI agents their guns as she brings out a shotgun.

Hayden and Ellison quickly accept their guns and start firing at these animals. Sarah also brings out her gun and keeps firing.

From the van suddenly a motorcycle stopped and changed to become a spider robot. Leon use chakra thread to control this robot better as the robot start to use its metallic leg, fang, and gun to slash and fire at the animals attacking them