
Reborn Mechanic Lords

Finding yourself reincarnated to Terminator World is hard. Found out that you get reincarnated into a Fanfic Universe is harder. Between capturing the loyalty of sexy robots, gaining followers, waging war with other worlds, and ensuring your world influence do not fall. There is no rest for the wicked. Inspired and my own take version of a Chinese Fanfic, Mechanic of Infinite Legends by Sir Mirror. Considering he/she delete the fanfic, this is my take of his version. The premise and system won't always be following the canon storyline. Because, the one getting reincarnated is not the same person.

Kur0s · Movies
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60 Chs

Chapter 17 Hideout

For now Leon and Sarah find a rest stop as Sarah now drives. They changed car a few times, and they arrived at the hideout at night.

"Thank god you are alright" Kate hug Leon, then she slowly sobs.

"What happened?"

"One of our friends in school was attacked by someone, he was killed. Someone is looking for me, at school before killing the teacher"

Tsunade watched their exchange with worry.

"It's no longer viable to leave her alone. We must bring her with us" said Tsunade.

"What about the others?"

"As long as we aren't here. They would be safe. If the threat has passed, we would return here"

"So you made an orphanage here?" ask Sarah.

"Yeah. Did you know mom? They are a good soldier, and loyal"

Tsunade rolled his eyes, knowing that Leon forced those loyalty in the first place by Cursed Seal.

"I don't want to know '' said Sarah as he could see Leon lying through her teeth.

"Leon-dono, we have secured enough provision for one month. We also already prepared the bus for transport. If the need arrived we could leave this place anytime" says Cam.

All the children, even the small one beside Tsunade all was already branded with the Curse Seal. Even Kate.

Right now only Danny, Cam and Robert are the most disciplined in training. Because they are an elder brother which needed to protect their younger siblings, and Cam because she needs something to quell his grief, regret, loss and anger.

Knowing that an unknown Terminator is after him, Leon thinks fast. He couldn't trap them with Addams Residence. Bringing them here is a no go. The best he could do is to lure them across the city.

"Mom, we must leave the hideout! Bring Kate with us. We must find the lost terminator Chip and Miles Dyson whereabout. If he was with us, he could help us make a cybernetic counterattack for Skynet Chips. And it would be better to destroy those Terminators outside rather than here" Leon

"Yeah" said Sarah.

"What about what you say about me dies of Leukimia"

"I don't know, but one of the Resistance soldier told me you died in 3 years because of leukimia" he said, throwing the so called Dragon Group under the buss.

"What about those gauntlets?"

"They give it to me. It seems they get some high tech gadget somewhere that makes it easy to hack the robots"

"You know mom. With Skynet time travel, it would be possible that the future they know is different than what we would deal with. If according to you Judgment day is 1997, while what they know is 2004, there is chance all we are doing are only postponing it"

Sarah was silent. Thinking that it is probably the case.

"Beside, we could find out quickly if something was wrong with you" Leon said.

"You are right John. It seems it is time for you to be the Captain. I am sorry" said Sarah.

"I really don't want to be the Captain you know. I really wish to grow up, playing games, go to school to get a girlfriend, get another girlfriend at high school, get rich by making computer programs, and finally retire to enjoy life in an island when I am 30, while having a harem of ladies by my side" Leon said to Sarah. Kate and Tsunade's heads and lips were twitching showing they are both pissed hearing his dream and both pinch Leon's stomach.

"Ouch ladies, I am still considered single now! I haven't even reached puberty for god's sake!"

"Something probably wrong with how I raise my son" Sarah shakes his head as others laugh watching their interaction.

Leon then made his stern face to his Clan. "Don't go out of the hideout. Unless we contact you. If we are not contacting you in 1 month, Danny you are in charge, Robert, Cam you train our younger ones!" Leon ordered.

"Yes Captain" they all said. Tarissa was silent watching them all. These kids are acting like a kid soldier. Perhaps it was their way to cope with an unreasonable world that has harmed them. The best she could do right now is to be a cook for these kids and be a mother for them.

They leave their LA hideout and look for a new car. For Leon it would be better to steal a car in these conditions of being hunted. Another reason is he was wary that another Team Experimenter was probably coming here, they could even have a Team battle between them.

He knows his condition is abnormal for an Experimenter. It seems "L" are more special than he expected. Getting thrown to Roanapur is one of them.

In a small shop, while buying food before they ride again, Sarah asked.

"So any plan from the Great John Connor?" Sarah asked.

"There are few goals. Getting Arnold T-800 chips back and getting Miles out of Cyberdyne custody. For now it was the best goal we could do"

"So gathering information then"

"Don't worry. Now with these It would be easier to gain access to information. We need to access one Cyberdyne facility. But for that we would need a lot of help" Leon says while showing his Cyberglove.

Suddenly they hear a gunshot outside. Leon, Tsunade, Kate and Sarah takes cover. Sarah brings out her gun and looks over the window.

"It seems it wasn't targeted at us?" she said.

"Lets check the news" Leon said as they tell the store owner.

"Dude, can you help turn to the news?" he asked. The store owner, a Sikh look at the boy and the woman. He also heard the gunshot, so he nods.

"Emergency news. Starting from this morning a group of cops seems to go crazy, causing Chaos all over the city"

"Cops going crazy?" all of them look at each other with question marks.

"This group of cops, goes looking for some people on a list of names. Once they found someone on that list, they immediately opened fire. People who have the same name are not exempted and have been victims. LA Police Chief have ordered every other cops to do everything they can to capture, or even incapacitated these cops. The cause of these are still not clear. We remind people to stay at home and not go out"

"Would you take cover here or go home maam? I really wanted to close the store now" ask the store owner worried.

"We would like to leave quickly sir" said Sarah as she quickly paid the money for their groceries, "Keep the change". The Store owner nods as after they left the store, the store owner quickly closes the door, turns the close sign and brings down its steel shutter.

"What the hell was that?" Sarah asked, "Are they looking for us"

"If it was related to the T-1000 dog type yesterday, Skynet probably behind this"

"T-1000 have a Dog type?"

"Who knows, but Terminators which are sent to the past should be Elites. Surely they won't send a regular machine that could be defeated by regular soldier, it should be more than that"

"No matter what, Skynet's Assassin coming again is an undeniable fact. We should use this Chaos to our advantage. We must goes to the street to get more resources. The only problem is we don't have enough money"

Leon smirks "Money? How much do you want?"


Sarah, Leon, Tsunade, and Kate walk down the street with ease. Sarah wears a hooded jacket with its hood raised and wears a scarf to hide her face. But Leon was at ease, by now people would look for Sarah Connor, not his son. There are no reports on cops about them looking at his picture, he already changed and altered his photo in Child Protective Services.

The best thing? Leon's John Connor's real face doesn't resemble Edward Furlong at all, so at least there is no risk . Well he was still considered a "Pretty Boy", something he quite vexed about.

There are very few contacts that they could use to get Cyberdyne secrets. So they decide to just hang out in a street cafe just to take some break.

"Can you make a better robot than yesterday?" ask Sarah.

"Yeah, I could. I already have four of them. Still need some tech to masked them from public though, right now using them is still a hassle"

"Why? It would be better to have a truckload of robot to deal with the Terminator"

"And bring the Military on our head? Hell no! We ain't strong or influential enough to deal with the US Military? Right now the top brass only think us as an American that was chased by crazy robots, not one who could make one"

As they discuss their future plan in the cafe, a Ferrari car stopped. From it a girl and one rich bloke step down, so Leon quickly raises his left eyebrow seeing this girl. She was very cute for a 16 year old. Brown hair, smooth skin,

"Cameron, is this the two people you ask me to look for?" ask the rich bloke.

The pretty girl, Cameron then smiles and speaks to Leon "John Connor? Come with me. I have something to tell you" suddenly she spoke without greeting or anything.