
Reborn into twilight. (Twilight FF.)

Reborn into the twilight universe as the younger brother of Bella Swan.

Uchiha_Lover21 · Movies
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3 Chs

Full moon.

2 weeks later...

In the backyard of the Moonlight Manor, two shirtless men are staring each other down, they look ready to tear each other apart. Both men are behemoths, their bulging muscular bodies glistening with sweat.

Kalan pov.

"I'm definitely winning this time." Sam says with a cocky smirk.

Sam's been saying that for weeks, but his statement has never comes true and it never will. Our fights barely last more then a few seconds if we're not in our wolf forms.

Sam rushes at me and tries to tackle me, but since I already expected this, I use his own momentum against him, by side stepping his tackle, grabbing him by his shoulders and tossing him to the floor. Sam goes flying to the floor and hits the ground hard. "Arghh!!!" Sam groans from the impact. I don't let him recover and instantly tackle him while he's still getting up. I quickly place him in a choke hold and start choking the life out of him. Sam struggles for a few seconds, trying to loosen my grip, but my grip is iron. Sam starts tapping furiously on my arm signifying his defeat, so I release from my hold.

Sam inmeadiately starts gaping for air.

"Howw... how do you always counter my attacks?" Sam asks frustratedly.

I reach out my hand to help Sam up. Sam gladly grabs my hand so I pull him up. "Well your attacks are very predictable, also you're too agreesive." I chastise. "In our wolf forms that wouldn't be much of an issue, considering we have terrifying claws and sharp teeth, so our opponents would be more cautious, but in our human form vampires would be less hesitant at meeting us head on, so we have to fight smarter. Strength isn't everything."

Sam looks down contemplating what I said.

"Come let's go inside, I'm sure Sue's finished with Lunch." I start walking towards the manor.

I can't help being slightly worried about the full moon tonight, since this is Sam's first full moon. I can already feel it's effects slowly trying to take over my mind. I can feel my anger building and my urge to rip something apart getting stronger and stronger. I've found that Sam seems to be surprisingly calm, it's as if he isn't affected by the full moons effects.

As we walk inside a delicious smell invades my senses. Sue has taken it upon herself to act as our personal chief a few times a week. Her food's delicious so I'm not complaining.

"Hey Sue, lunch smells great." I greet as I walk into the kitchen.

"Good afternoon Sue." Sam greets awkwardly.

The reason for Sam's awkwardness is because he's dating Sue's daughter Leah, but ever since his transformation, he's been staying away from Leah afraid that he'll accidently hurt her. Apparently from what Sue's told him, Leah's been crying alot lately because of Sam. However Sue isn't angry at Sam because she understands why he's staying away from Leah. If they get into one argument, the consequences could be dire for Leah.

Sue is a woman in her early 40's with long black hair and dark brown eyes.

She turns around a smile on her face. "You boys are just in time, lunch is ready." Sue smiles at us with warmth. A smile that very much reminds me of my ditzy childish mother.

"Smells great, thank you Sue." Sam tells her.

Sam seems slightly calmer after seeing her smile.

"You're welcome Sam." Sue says as she places two massive portions of chicken and rice on the table in front of us.

Sam and I take a seat at the table and immediately start ravaging the food in front of us.

"Mhmmm mhmnm mhmmm...#^$^@hious as always Sue." I tell her with a mouth full of chicken.

Sue chuckles gently. "Don't talk with your mouth full." Sue reprimands playfully.

"@#rry" I mumble and continue eating.

Sue just shakes her head at my antics, but I don't miss the small smile on her face.

After lunch Sue wanted to talk to me alone, so we went outside and sat on the patio, while Sam washed the dishes, perks of being Alpha.

"What did you want to talk about Sue?"

Sue looks at me with concern. "Is...is the creepy dungeon really necessary?" She asks her voice slightly shakey.

I let out a sigh, I'd rather not lock myself up aswell but it's better then accidently murdering somebody. "It's a precaution Sue, if we're left to our own devices we could really hurt somebody, or even worse... kill them."

Sue seems to understand my reasoning. "So about Sam... is he really such a danger to my daughter? does he have to stay away from her?" Sue asks a look of concern in her eyes, she seems to be really worried about Leah. I do understand her concern, and sadly I know it's about to get worse because next week is the tribe bonfire.

Sue told me that Leah's cousin Emily is coming to the bonfire, meaning Sam's about to imprint if that even applies to werewolves like us.

I let out a heavy sigh. "I'll be honest with you. I think Sam can see her again, but he's terrified of accidently hurting her... I mean one mistake could be disastrous for your daughter." While Sam is quite good at handling his anger, there's always that chance he'll lose control accidently. Honestly I've told him, he should atleast speak to Leah, but he refused. They're that couple that's always arguing with each other, so it's probably better that he stays away because one outburst could mean Leah's death.

Sue looks down with a disheartened expression on her face. She probably feels sorry for her daughter. I know I do, especially if Sam imprints on Emily next week.

"Anything else you'd like to talk about Sue?" I change the subject.

"No, that's all. I just want my daughter to be happy again." Sue says with a sad smile on her face.

I look at her with understanding. That's all every good parent wants for their child, and Sue is a very good parent.

"I understand Sue, maybe I'll convince him to go see her at the bonfire." I try making Sue a little happy, even though I know this could backfiee and break Leah's heart, but it's better if it happens sooner rather then later.

"Thanks Kal." Sue's warm smile makes me feel a little guilty, but I don't show it on my face.

"You're welcome." I force myself to smile at her, making my smile slightly awkward looking, but Sue doesn't seem to notice.

Sue and I spoke for about 20 minutes before she leaves, needing to start dinner for her own family, leaving only Sam and myself in the manor.

I decided to sit down on the living room couch and have a talk with Sam. I wanted to hear how he was feeling about tonight.

Sam turns to me, his expression curious.

"How're feeling?... about tonight?" I ask with sincerity.

A hint of nervousness appears within Sam's eyes. "Is...is it really as painful as you say?" Even though he's trying to hide it, I can hear the small hint of nervousness in Sam's tone.

I take a deep breath as memories of my last few transformations flash through my mind. I can still feel the agony from the breaking of my bones.

I look at Sam with no emotion on my face. "I'll be honest with you... the pain is practically unbearable. The more you fight against your instincts, the worse the pain gets. You see once you transform, you'll lose all control and you'll want to murder anything and anyone in front of you." I say solemnly. "You need to fight your transformation in order keep your sanity and that's where the pain comes from, everytime we transform we break every bone in our body, so when we stop ourselves from transforming our body heals our broken bones, only for our bones to break again and the cycle continues until the sun comes up." I sigh heavily thinking about tonight.

I enjoy the power, I just wish it didn't come with such a painful price.

Sam's russet skin pales after I finish speaking, he then takes a deep breath. "How do I fight it?" Sam asks.

"You need to fight your instincts, you need to fight the anger that'll rise within you. You need to stay calm, as long as you keep your calm, you won't transform and as long as you don't transform there'll be no pain." I explain.

"You make it sound so easy." Sam chuckles solemnly.

"I wish..." I say jokingly. "The truth is I have no idea how I've managed to stay sane after suffering through 10 full moons." I chuckle gloomily.

My answer doesn't seem to sit well with Sam, if the hint of terror in his eyes is any indication.

"Scared?" I ask teasingly.

I didn't expect him to nod, but that's what he did.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. On my second transformation, I actually cried out for my mother." I admit. "If you tell anyone you're dead." My tone was playful. I wouldn't kill him, I'd just beat the shit out of him.

My playful banter seems to have calmed Sam down a little, he doesn't look as afraid as he did previously.

Suddenly I feel that urge to kill intensify. Seems It's time.

"It's time, wait for me down stairs, I need to phone Harry."

Sam nods and heads downstairs with slight apprehension on his face.

After calling Harry, he quickly rushed over.

Harry quickly runs through the front door breathing heavily. "Let's go." Harry says with urgency.

"Right, follow me." I lead him downstairs to the basement.

When we arrive in the basement, I notice Sam doubled over hugging himself.

"Harry stay behind me." I warn him.

Seems Sam's already feeling the effects of the moon, even though the moon hasn't reached its peak.

Harry hearing my warning creeps behind me, slightly nervous.

"I...I'm fine." Sam manages to talk through gasps.

I walk over to Sam and crouch down beside him.

"Harry open one of the cells, quickly!" I call out to Harry.

Harry quickly runs over to the cell behind Sam, he fumbles with the keys for a few seconds, trying to find the right one.

"Urghh...." Sam groans. "I can... I can feel it, it's like a tiny voice in my head whispering seductively out to me. 'Kill him', 'Rip him to shreds' 'Devour his flesh' 'Let go', 'Embrace your true self'." Sam cries out, the pain clear in his voice.

"As tempting as it is, don't listen to it Sam. If you do, you'll kill Harry, Leah's father. Imagine how distraught Leah would be if you killed her dad." I appeal to his love for Leah, maybe that'll be enough to get him to combat that annoying voice.

"Open!!!" Harry yells.

I quickly lift Sam up and escort him roughly to his cell. I don't have time to play nice so as soon as we reach the cell, I toss him inside. "Lock it Harry!!!" I yell not able to contain the anger welling up within.

Harry quickly locks the cell in a panic hearing the seriousness in my voice.

"Open the next!" I order Harry through gritted teeth. 'Killllll himmmm', 'Give in to your true self'. That sweet voice tries tempting me. I know how good it'll feel if I give into my instincts. I'd just black out, there'd be no pain, no suffering, just sweet release.

"It's opened!!" Harry's voice breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Thanks" I say as I walk into my cell.

*Bang!!!* I hear my cell door slam behind me.

I imeadiately sit down on the ground and try keeping calm and ignoring those sweet whispers.

I hear Harry whisper he'll be back in the morning, but I barely hear him since all my concentration is spent on not keeping my emotions in check.

*crackkkkk!!!!" The sound of broken bones, echoed throughout the basement. "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!" Sam's yells echo with it.

"Keep calm Sam and nothing will happen." I try talking in a soothing tone, hoping it would help.

*Crackkkkkk!!!* My leg bone twists unnaturally. "Hmmmmmmmmm!!!!!" A pained groan escapes me.

Even though I've went through this almost a dozen times, the pain just never gets any better.

I can feel my leg bone healing, when suddenly *Crack!!!* "Ahhhhhhh!!!!" Sam cries out as another bone breaks.

My concentration slips for a second as Sam screams out. *Crack!!!* "Ffffffffffffkkkkkkk!!!" I barely suppress my screams as some bones in my left arm break.

It didn't take long for Sam to give into the pain and transform, honestly I don't blame him, I would've done the same, if I didn't pass out from pain. The night passes slowly and I had to spend it listening to Sam in his werewolf form banging against his cell and howling in pain everytime because of the wolfsalbane. Whereas I only lost control a record 5 times. I was surprised that I was able to keep a level head despite Sam's constant howling. Eventually the sun rose and Sam and I both passed out from exhaustion.

Even though I know that because we're in our cells and there's no need for us to stop our transformation, since the chances of us breaking out of here are nonexistent. I want us to learn to be able to control ourselves during a full moon and the only way to do that is if we're able to go through an entire full moon without succumbing to our instincts even once no matter what. Then we don't have to be locked up like animals every full moon.