
well this is going to suck

System: WARNING WARNING JACK YOU WILL SOON BE Leaving your mother's Worm. Jack: Well this going to suck. Miss Witwicky: "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh my God it hurts why did I let you talk me into having other kid". Mister Witwicky: "Come on darling you can do it just remember the old Family saying no sacrifice no victory". Miss Witwicky: stop with that old saying because it is NOT HELPING!

Doctor" Ok just a little bit more Miss Witwicky. Miss Witwicky: " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH". Doctor: "I'v got him!. Jack: well that was something I Hope I never have to do again and I better start crying " wahhhh wahhhh". the doctor and nurse do the things they need to do to make sure that Jack is all right and won't have any problems.

Sam Witwicky: hopeful everything is going well. heirs has mother screaming. then heirs a baby crying. Sam gets tolled later by his father that everything want well and that he is now has a younger brother named Jack Canon Witwicky. meanwhile Jack is lying in a baby crib.

Jack: system why is it that do not have access most of things in here. System: because Jack your human body to young and you're to low level to have access to some of my functions. Jack "uh" Ok I guess this what God meant by some tewks. Oh do I get a starter pack system.

System: Yes you do Jack would you like to open the starter pack. Jack: Yes. System Ok opening starter pack. congratulation Jack you got one autobot and Decepticon Identity and the skill Cybertronian language. Jack: YES that will help a lot. Jack: system how can I level up.

System: one of the ways is through killing things like a fly. witch will give you EXP. Jack: ok there is still a problem how I'm going to get this EXP.

without going on a mass murdering spree. System you will get a dungeon summoning ability when you turn 5 year old you will be able to get exp from that. it is also when you get your two starting forms. Jack ok thank you system.

yawn I butter get some sleep because I do have a baby body right now I need to sleep because of it. System: ok jack sleep tight. time Skip 5 years. Happy birthday they to Jack. Happy birthday they to Jack. Hip hip hooray hip hip hooray.

Jack blows out the candles on the cake. [clapping noises] "one two three four five and one to grow". Jack: "Mom can I go to my room and play with my new toys". Mom: "ok darling but make shor you came down in time for dinner". Jack: "ok mom". Jack runs up stars and his room and shuts the door. Jack: ok system status. System: status.


level 5 {note has Jack gets older his level natural increase}

Age: 5

HP 15/15

Strength: 5

Resistance: 5

Dexterity: 5

stamina: 5

Agility: 5

Intelligence: 105 {note Jack has been reading some books so that is way his Intelligence has gone up by 5 points}


{Regeneration: 3} can heal normal sized cuts {understanding of computers 11} {note Jack has been using a computer that is why is understanding of computers 11 gon up by one} {understanding of Mechanical parts: 15} {note Jack has been helping his dad on the car and that is why is understanding of Mechanical parts has gone up by 5} {Cybertronian language} {Dungeon summoning 1}

{New} {Dungeon summoning} {New} {transformation} {New} {inventory} {New} {shop} {new} {Quest}

Jack: Yes that's good I was hop that didn't need to a Quest to get the shop. ok system can you open the shop for me. System: DING {New} Quest. Opening shop.










Jack: system why is it that I only have access to things from the Transformers Universe. System: Because Jack you ether havent been to other Universe unlock them or don the Quest for. Jack" Ok that makes a lot more sense.

system can you open the transformation section. System: you know Jack that you can just think of opening and it we'll do it. Jack: I thought of doing that but then I like the sound of your voice. System: thank you Jack.

Jack: oh system why is there a time limit on my transformation. System: because Jack your body can not handle the transformation. so your body doesn't die while you are in your other in from.

Jack: ok that makes a lot of scenes. now it's time to see what autobot and Decepticon forms I got and there Identities. system can open the transformation section.

System: here you go Jack. Jack: thank you. Now lets see hear ok I have one Decepticon called Viper and one autobot called Canon. ok So Viper is a Flying type and Canon is a land type. system is there anything I can buy to change what type Vehicle that can change into.

System: Yes there is Jack. but you don't have Enough points to buy that because it cost 50000 points and you have currently 50 system points. Jack: well system do I get points from the dungeon. System Yes you can get points you can get points from Quests as well. Jack: ok thanks system. ok let's look dungeons.


{Zombie Dungeon}

{Locked} {Skeleton Dungeon}

your not high Enough level to see the rest.

Jack: OK let's go into the Dungeon, but first I need a weapon. system can you open the Weapons shop. System: here you go.






{blunt weapons}

{locked} {guns}

your not high enough level to see the rest.}

Jack: ok System I would like to look through but don't know what sword and Armor that i should buy. System: that's fine and don all the stuff you need in your inventory Jack: thanks system. oh system what is the passing of time like in the dungeons compare to real life. System: 10 minutes in real life is one day in the dungeons.

Jack: thanks. ok let's see how many points I have left and then equip my sword and armour. system how many points do I have left. System 30 points. Jack: ok so the armour and sword cost ten points each. so now let's equip my sword and armour let get that out of my inventor. System: would like to equip your sword and armour.

Jack: yes. there was a bright light and his basic leather armour appear and his sword appeared in its sheath by his side. Jack: OK time to go into the zombie Dungeon. System do you wish to enter the zombie Dungeon Yes/No. Jack: Yes. System: entering Dungeon in 3 2 1. Jack: Ok nothing has changed. System: look outside Jack. Jack goes to the window and looks outside. Jack: OH there is some zombies outside. system what level are most of the Zombies. System in this area they are one level above you. but be careful because as you get closer to the middle of the dungeon there will be higher level mobbs and there will also be different high level mobbs.

Jack thanks system for the warning. ok now all have to do go down stairs and hit the zombies with my sword. Jack goes down stairs and out of the house and he see his first target. Jack: do as they do in the movies go for the head.

I run at the zombie and try to go for the head but I realise that I'm still short because I'm 5 years old. so I went for the knees of the zombie. witch is really hard because go for it's knees while dodging it's attacks. finally I managed to get one it's legs and it fell to the ground and after hacking at it's head finally heard the thing I want to hear.

System: you got 100 EXP for killing a level 6 zombie and you got 5 system points and you leveled up and got a 2 point. Jack: system can you put one point into strength and one point into stamina. System: don Jack. now time to find more zombies.

it is so hard to find zombies without getting attacked by zombies. System Quest kill 50 zombies before your mum calls you for dinner which will be in 3 hours. Jack: well this going to very painful. I' walking around when I see this huge group of zombies.

maybe at least 40 zombies. so what need to do is make a little bit of noise so that only a small amount of zombies will come near me so it is easier to take them out. Jack throws a rock he found in a on the ground. at a car it makes a metal sound.

it attracts ten zombies. Jack: well now this is going to very hard. jack run to the first zombie just manages to get the zombie's knee and he somehow manages as the zombie is falling to get his sword to where it goes through the zombie's eye and into its brain.

Jack: that was so lucky. System: Ding you killed a basic zombie level 7 100 EXP and you unlock the skill swordsman level 1. Jack: time to run. jack run's to the nearest alleyway with 9 zombies be behind him. Jack: SYSTEM HELP. System: Jack turn right. Jack: OK. uh system this is a dead end! System: Jack you have to listen to me. focus and a imagine that the sword in your hands has fire coming out of it and that it can not burn you. Jack: guess I have no choice. I imagine that there is a flame coming out of my sword and the flame can't hurt me. I open my eyes and see.

hi all. the amont of Chapter I will be able to writing will not be a lot becuse I'm going back to school. I will try to get a Chapter out mybe one a month more depdeing on what is going on.

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