
Reborn into the Nasuverse with a System (18+)

(xOXXOX WARNING: currently editing, so some things may be out of place, I don’t recommend reading this.) You probably already know. Dude gets ran over by van. Meets God. Gets a sick ass system. Goes to other worlds. Pretty generic, nothing special here. I forgot the plots for some of these so don’t get triggered if I skip or miss some details. I will mess up the plot a lot cause I think it’s easier to write that way. Harem... Though I don’t really like them, gotta do it. I have many characters I like anyways. Note: I’m young and failing in English class, don’t expect much. I’ll be happy if you read it though :3 Purely wish fulfillment. I’m not good at plots. Will still work on this when I finish editing.

OreoNut · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 5: Fighting with Lancer, Archer attacks Emiya(18+ again)

While they were going back, it became dark quicker than they expected so they stayed at Emiya's house which was closer than Shirou's. Shirou called Sakura to let her no and in the background, he could hear some whispers like "our plan won't work.." but he ignored it because he didn't know what it was about.

Rin and Archer went home to check on stuff so it was only the four of them left. They had dinner and talked a bit, then, Shirou went out so he could give Emiya some time to speak with his sister. He then sat down near on the porch in the yard. A few moments later, Artoria came out. "What's wrong?" Shirou asked. "You can truly fix the grail right?" Artoria asked worriedly. "Yeah, no doubts." Artoria breathed a sigh of relief "since you're so confident about it and you are very skilled, I'll believe you."

"So.. May I ask why you want the grail so badly?" Shirou asked. Artoria was deciding wether to tell or to not. "If you don't want to talk about it then you don't have to force yourself." "No, I'll tell you." Artoria began telling him about her past, how it all ended, and her regrets. She wanted to erase all of that and make it anew, which if anyone heard her, they'd definitely say she was wrong.

"I don't think that's something you should do." Shirou said. "What, you mean my wish?" Artoria asked. "Yes.." "What do you know!? Maybe if there was another king.. it might've been better.." Artoria became a bit mad at Shirou's opinion. "But Artoria.. if there was a better king then you, they would've already become king. Plus.. I think you did great as a king even though you weren't perfect." Hearing this, Artoria felt a little warm and rethought about her past. She had done a lot for her kingdom, but never looked at her achievements before. "And, if you revert all of your mistakes, what will happen to the things that resulted from it? Also, everyone has things they regret but they never go back and erase it all." Artoria started looking sad, realizing that he was right and the path she took was not at all righteous "T-then.. what do you think I should do?" She said quietly. "Hmm.. maybe you could do the same as Illya and move forwards?" He suggested.

Artoria thought about it. To her, it was a good idea because she could slowly accept her mistakes and try to do new things and live a new life. She was determined to move forward like a warrior would and not look back anymore. "I-I've decided.. I'll follow you as well. After the war is over that is.." Shirou was dumbfounded and wanted to ask "wait.. how do you know I'll be leaving for a journey or something and not living a normal life?" "Well, with your powers and how they're way too strong, I could guess that much. But if you want to live a normal life.. I wouldn't mind. It doesn't stop me from doing what I want." "I-I see.." Shirou was a bit embarrassed, he didn't know if Artoria was talking about just following him or something else..

"Sorry to interrupt you lovebirds, but I'm here to fight, so get ready." A voice came from above them. They looked up and saw a person in blue holding a spear on his shoulders. He jumped down in front of them and got in a battle stance. "I've got orders from my master, so prepare yourselves!" He said as he charged forward. "Let me handle this, Shirou." Artoria said and equipped her armor and sword and rushed towards him.

They clashed a lot, Artoria swinging faster and using mana burst to block and strike. Lancer kept thrusting, swinging, and spinning his spear, he was faster than Artoria, but she managed to block the attacks. They continued for a while and broke a lot of things around. "Hm I think this is enough. If you can last this attack, It'll be your win." Saying this, he got in a stance, pointing his spear towards saber. He charged up and there was some aura around the spear. He then yelled "Gae.. Bolg!" And charged towards saber at lightning fast speed.

Even with the Sharingan, it was still hard for Shirou to follow his moves. It was about to hit Artoria, so she tried to block with her sword, but the strike zig zagged pass it and headed for her heart. She shifted a little bit and it barely missed her heart, but blood seeped out. "Hm? You managed to dodge it again... my master told me to only find out what you guys can do, so I'll be going." "Wait!" Shirou called out. "What, kid?" "I'll fight you too." Shirou pulled out Excalibur with invisible air on. "Oh? You guys are alike.. fine then, let's see what you've got." Shirou released invisible air and Excalibur appeared in its full glory. "No.. that sword.. but, you aren't a servant. Which means.." Lancer was slightly shocked seeing Excalibur. "Enough talking, let's fight!" Shirou yelled and charged.

Lancer also got in a stance and started dashing towards Shirou, his speed was faster than Shirou's. When he moved, you could only see a blur until he stops and dashes again. Shirou wanted to test his sword skills, so he ran straight towards him. The first clash, Shirou's sword fell back, but he quickly brought it forward. On the other hand, Lancer was tirelessly swinging.

Soon, Shirou seemed to have already tested his sword skills enough. "Alright, let's end this." Shirou jumped back. "Oh?" Lancer was a bit excited. Shirou held his sword towards Lancer. "Ex.." his sword glowed bright golden and golden energy shot out of it into the sky. "Caliburr!" He swung it towards Lancer. Lancer was sweating because of how much magic power the strike contained in in. Before the beam could even hit, he already started running away. After shooting that beam, Shirou held his sword down. "He left?" "It seems so." Artoria replied. "Your strike was very powerful." Artoria complimented. "Thanks."

Illya came running out of the house "help! Onii-Chan was kidnapped!" While crying. "I don't know where they went though.. I was put unconscious." The duo was startled "Master was kidnapped!?" Shirou tried to sense where they were and he found them. They were not too far away. "I've found them, let's go!" Shirou said while picking up Illya in a princess carry. "Kya!" Illya was a bit red. Artoria just followed behind, a bit afraid of her master's safety.

They arrived at a open field. Archer was standing over Emiya, who was kneeling with blood on his arms. "Tsk. I couldn't finish it I guess." Archer said when he saw the group arrive. "What's the meaning of this Archer!?" Artoria asked "it's exactly as you see. I was killing him." Artoria got mad and was about to charge towards him. "Wait Artoria." "What is it?" She was a bit confused as to why she was stopped. "I can deal with this." "Oh.. okay."

Shirou walked towards Archer "whatever you were trying to do, it won't work." "Oh? So you know what I was trying to do?" Archer raised his brows. "Of course. I could probably help you if you want. But my method is a bit different, and a lot less bloody." He said while looking at Emiya, who was now unconscious and in Artoria's arms. "Speak." "I can take you out of the Throne of Heroes." Archer was surprised "how?" "Don't worry about the details, but I can do it." Shirou asked the system once about doing a favor for Archer, though the reply he got was that it would use a lot of SP since the system was weak now. There was a new quest to help him, which gave some SP back and a cool skill, so he accepted it. The quest was:

[Help out a bro: Save Archer(Emiya) from his endless fighting. Time: before the war ends Rewards: 40,000 SP, Skill: Absolute pressure(A+) Can apply pressure to any target, but has no real strength.]

"I'll do it now, you'll truly be freed after this war though." 'Alright system, remove the data for Shirou Emiya in the throne of heroes.' 'Okay, using all points...' after a bit of waiting, 'Done!' 'Beep'

[Mission completed! 40,000 SP and Absolute pressure(A+) acquired.]

While Shirou was looking over at how to activate his new skill, Archer was surprised. He could feel his connection to the grail war weakening and didn't have to depend on Rin anymore. It was almost as if he wasn't a servant anymore, but he could still feel a connection to Rin.

Shirou saw his look and said "You'll have to wait until the war is over so that you can see if you're free or not. If you are, you can supply yourself with your own Prana and move independently." Archer nodded, he could feel that it could happen. "Thank you. I'll help you during this war since my only wish has been granted." "No need, just help Rin." Archer nodded again and disappeared.

Shirou stretched his arms "Woo! Now that's taken care of, let's bring Emiya back shall we?" Artoria nodded and took ran back with Emiya on her back. She didn't know what happened or why, but she was glad Shirou resolved it peacefully. She didn't like that her master was beaten up by Archer though.

"Let's head back Illya." "Un!"Shirou held Illya and started running back. After a few minutes, they got back and placed Emiya in his room bandaged up. Illya was sleeping next to him just in case and Artoria and Shirou stayed outside in the living room after treating him.

It was silent at first, but then, Artoria spoke "So, what happened back there?" Shirou was a bit sleepy, but was awoken by her question "you mean about Archer?" "Yes." Shirou pondered about something "Hmm. I guess he wouldn't mind if I told you. He's the heroic spirit of Emiya Shirou." Artoria was shocked "what!? You mean master!?" "Yes. I think you've known of it, but Emiya wants to become a hero of justice." "I see.. Then why did he try to kill master?" Artoria questioned "Well, he didn't exactly become the hero he wanted to be. He realized that it didn't matter what he did, there was always losses. He grew tired of it along the way." Artoria was confused "that doesn't make any sense, wouldn't he try harder?" "Well..."

Shirou told her about what happened to Archer. How he killed few to save many lives, save the world, and finally his beliefs. Artoria felt bad for him "I see... then, he gave up on his ideals?" "Yes." Shirou sighed.

"So.. Artoria... you did say you wanted to come with me right?" Artoria jolted up and blushed a bit "y-yes..." "Can I ask the reason why?" Artoria looked away, "I-I mean... there's nothing to do here that would help me move forward..." "the real reason?" "Uu.." Saber made a cute noise and stood up and tried to run. She couldn't just say she liked him... they barely got to know each other.

Shirou saw this and pulled her arm, which made her fall on his laps. Startled and embarrassed, Artoria asked "Wha-" But was cut off by soft, warm lips pressed against her's. "Mmf!" She opened her eyes wide in shock and tried to speak. Shirou finally lets her go of the kiss. "Ha..." Artoria was breathing heavily. "Artoria..." Shirou said with some lust in his eyes. "Y-Yes?" Artoria replied, also feeling very hot. "Are you a virgin?" He wanted to know just in case she had no experience. Artoria was embarrassed by the question. "No-er.. Yes?" Shirou was pulled out of his state when he heard her answer. "Hm?" She looked away. "I've done it as a guy..." shirou realized "Ah!.. then..." Shirou pushed her down on the floor. "I'll be your first?"

Artoria became redder and nodded gently. Even though they just met a while ago, she had a favorable impression of him. Handsome, strong, and kind. Everything he was is what every woman should want. "What about Sakura?" She asked, a bit sad because she knew he and Sakura were together. "No need to worry, she already knows. Maybe not about this, but she knows that I'll have more wives." Artoria was relieved. "I-I see... Then, you can start." She said.

"Okay.." Shirou said as he moved his hands to unbutton her shirt. She was wearing a white top and a long blue skirt, just like in the anime that she usually wears at night. Shirou pulled the tie off her shirt first and unbuttoned the top, down to the middle so that her bras were exposed. Shirou started squeezing her breasts "ahm.." Artoria moaned a little, making Shirou turned on. He slid his hands inside her bra and started squeezing again. "Ah!" Artoria as she felt Shirou suddenly pinching her nipples, her body was twitching a bit in pleasure.

He then pulled off her bra and started licking and sucking, moving his tongue around her nipple and biting softly. Artoria felt her whole body shaking and going cold. Shirou saw her shiver a bit and pressed her body on his to keep her warm. He lifted her skirt and started rubbing her white panties. "Ahn.." she moaned softly. Shirou pressed a finger in and she moaned louder as he rubbed. He slid her panties down to her ankles, showing off her pink, wet pussy.

Seeing her already so wet, Shirou decided to just do it. He pulled down his pants and underwear and pulled out his dick. Artoria looked down and gasped at the size "Please be gentle.." she pleaded. "Of course, you're my woman now after all." Artoria felt warm, but embarrassed at his statement. Shirou placed his dick at her entrance and rubbed it to find the spot. After locating it, he pushed it in slowly. After a few inches in, blood came out. Artoria screamed in pain so Shirou stopped to let the pain go away.

Artoria was feeling numb all over. 'It hurts!' She screamed in her mind and gripped Shirou's clothes. After a short while, the pain went away. "You can continue.." she said in a low voice. Her eyes were hazy and her body was burning up. Shirou got her permission, so he kept going in, making her moan even louder. "Ahhn-mph!-" Shirou started kissing her and rubbing her breasts. "mfh.." Shirou started pulling it out and thrusting it back in repeatedly. Shirou stopped kissing her, so her moans weren't muffled anymore. "Ah!" "Ahm!" "Aht!" And the part where they were connected kept making dirty noises as fluids were mixed. Shirou increased his pace as they went on.

"I'm cumming Artoria!" Shirou started speeding up until he reached his climax and loaded it inside her. ""Hah..."" they were both panting heavily. "Thank you..." Artoria said as she fell asleep. She dreamed of her past again, but this time was different. She didn't feel as much regret. And as she was waiting in Avalon, someone came to pick her up.

Shirou realized she fell asleep, so he picked her up and went into the bathroom to wash her and himself. After doing so, he went into a room and placed her on one of the futons. "Phew.. can't believe I got two girls in less than a week.." he then went to sleep next to her.

Serious discussion about Illya:

1. Leave the loli alone.

2. Lewd the loli and risk going to jail.

3. Turn the loli into a bishoujo(Temporarily)

4. Option 3, but permanent.


I’m working on something right now, so expect a delay. Don’t worry though, it won’t be long. I literally have nothing better to do.

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