
Reborn into the Nasuverse with a System (18+)

(xOXXOX WARNING: currently editing, so some things may be out of place, I don’t recommend reading this.) You probably already know. Dude gets ran over by van. Meets God. Gets a sick ass system. Goes to other worlds. Pretty generic, nothing special here. I forgot the plots for some of these so don’t get triggered if I skip or miss some details. I will mess up the plot a lot cause I think it’s easier to write that way. Harem... Though I don’t really like them, gotta do it. I have many characters I like anyways. Note: I’m young and failing in English class, don’t expect much. I’ll be happy if you read it though :3 Purely wish fulfillment. I’m not good at plots. Will still work on this when I finish editing.

OreoNut · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 4: (18+) and saving Illya

Morning came and even though Shirou was tired after going through all those rounds with Sakura, he remembered that they weren't alone and the room smelled. ' oh shit! System, can you clean up the room?' 'Fuck no! The fuck would I clean up your jizz, I'm a male system!' Shirou tried asking for a way to clean it, but it was futile. The system only had items, armors, and skills for sale and didn't want to help now.

Shirou gently poked Sakura and she became awake. "S-Senpai..?" She then remembered what happened last night and covered her blush using the blanket. Right now, they were completely naked, so when she pulled the blanket, she revealed her own naked body, making her look away in embarrassment. Shirou wanted to laugh or tease her, but he wanted to wash up first. "Sakura.. I didn't tell you but I brought you home with Shirou and Rin.." Sakura looked at him in shock "Ehh!?!" She then looked at how messy the bed and they were.

Shirou suggested "let's take a shower first, there's only one in this house so we'll have to take it at the same time." Sakura heard him and felt embarrassed, but nodded. "Senpai.. I'm still weak down there.. can you carry me?" "Oh yeah.. we did do it too much for our first time.." "hmph! I said we could do it again, but I didn't think you'd do it more than that!" She looked away with a pout while folding her arms. Shirou picked Sakura and they went into the bathtub.

The bathtub wasn't that big, it was wide enough for one person and long enough for three. Sakura sat beside Shirou while they bathed in the water. "I'll wash your back Sakura." Sakura nodded shyly. Shirou rubbed his hands together with soap and started washing her back, Sakura shuddered a bit while he was doing it. Shirou then moved to the other side of her body and started rubbing her breasts. "S.Senpai! You said my back!" Sakura became flushed. Then, she felt something hitting her back and became all red.

Shirou was only going to rub her back but when she started shivering, her had the urge to rub her large breasts, which made him horny;thus, he had a boner and become lost in lust.

Shirou pulled Sakura closer to him from behind and started rubbing one of her tits and her vagina making Sakura moan "hgn" and bite her lips. Shirou then pulled Sakura and pushed her forward towards the wall so her top body bent towards the wall while she supported herself by pushing on the wall and behind her was Shirou who started groping her ass cheeks. "Ahh! This pose is embarrassing Senpai!" "I wanted to try this, so can't we?" Sakura bit her lips again and nodded.

Shirou slowly inserted his dick into her hole and when he was halfway in, he suddenly pushed it all the way in, making Sakura moan loudly "Ahn!" She wanted to stop her moans so she closed her mouth afterwards, still making muffled noises due to the pleasure as Shirou moved inside her.

Shirou moved his hands off her butt and held her waist, pulling her towards him so she wasn't bended anymore and removed her hands and started kissing her deeply. "Hng" "hm!" Sakura kept making low moans. Shirou then felt he was about to ejaculate so he did it harder and faster, making Sakura moan faster. He thrust it in deeply and let it all out inside her while they still kissed. He then released Sakura from the kids while supporting her weak body. "Ha.." "huff.." They panted a bit "Senpai.. look what you've done.. we have to wash up again." Sakura said while smiling. Shirou smiled back and pulled her into a hug. They both washed themself up and went out. Luckily, they woke up earlier in the morning, so no one was up yet.

Shirou started to make breakfast so that he could clear up some of the smell. He made a really fragrant fish soup and fried rice with the help of Sakura. He made enough for everyone and placed them on the table. Sakura and Shirou then sat next to each other preparing to eat.

Out of one of the guest rooms, Medea and Rider woke up with a bit of an annoyed face. Then, Rin and Saber came out with a tired face. Afterwards, Emiya came out looking as energetic as usual, but had a puzzled face. "What's wrong? Why does everyone look like they're in a bad mood?"(Sorry for making him this dense :P)

Everyone looked at Emiya in surprise. Rin spoke "you didn't hear those loud noises at night?" Emiya replied "yeah I did, but it was easy for me to ignore it." They all opened their eyes wide to this. The rest then glared at Sakura and Shirou, who was still sitting and looking at them, making them blush and Sakura looked away.

They all then went to the table and started eating under a silent atmosphere. Medea spoke first, "So.. master.. what were you doing at night that kept you up?" The duo blushed again, Shirou wacked his brain and came up with a answer "W-well.. I was just talking to Sakura her past and found out that she's Rin's sister!" Emiya was shocked while the others didn't care much because why would they? Rin was the most surprised and then glared at Shirou. If what he said was true then.. he just did it with his sister while she was sleeping in the same house! Rider on the other hand was happy for her master because she felt sympathy for her old master who had a terrible childhood, though she seemed a little jealous for some reason.

Rin was mad and spoke "So what you're telling me is that y-" Sakura felt that her sister was mad, but didn't like it because she was mad at her lover while she didn't even do anything for her when she was small, though she knew that she couldn't, even so, she still hated her old family. "Don't yell at him Onee-Chan!" Sakura said while hugging Shirou. She adopted the new title for Rin just like that because of her personality. Rin was surprised and couldn't say anything. Medea on the other hand broke her chopsticks that she was about to use to put the rice in her mouth.

"What's wrong Medea? Is it not tasty?" Shirou asked. "Hmph! No master. It's not that." She said while looking away with a pout. Shirou was surprised at her reaction 'is she jealous?' Shirou couldn't think of any other reason so he just went with this and decided to make sure he does something for her too. Sakura on the other hand felt a little weird as she looked at Medea. 'Could she be?' She felt more uneasy. She knew Shirou said he'd have more girls, but this was too soon for her. She decided to at least confirm something.

"Senpai, I was your first right?" Sakura asked with a determined face "R-right.." Shirou answered, embarassed. Everyone was surprised at this conversation and some had tick marks on their heads. Even Emiya understood what this was about. "Oh wow! Congrats Ayano! Sakura!" He started congratulating them, making Sakura blush and smile and Shirou smile while others got annoyed.

There a long silence again as they ate. "You guys know the Einzberns?" Shirou asked. Rin answered "oh? I do. We fought one when I took Emiya to the church." Emiya nodded. "Well, just telling you now but I found out that Kiritsugu, Emiya's father, had a child before adopting Emiya. The child was Illya Von Einzbern, a homunculus and probably the vessel of the lesser grail due to her mother being the previous one." Everyone was shocked again, in fact, everyone seemed to always be surprised since meeting Shirou.

Emiya stuttered "T,then.. I have a sister?" "That's right, but she's a child from a homunculus and a human, so who knows how she looks like." Rin then said "While we were fighting her, I think she said that was her name... she wanted to kill us though."

"Hmm" Shirou thought for a moment. "Let's visit her later. I have to asked her some stuff." "Okay!" Emiya answered. They finished eating and Shirou stood up with the plates to go wash them. "Wait Senpai! Let me help!" Sakura stood up and tried to go help but she felt pain from her legs and started wobbling and fell down in embarrassment. Medea scoffed at her and looked away. Rin just rolled her eyes while Shirou smiled wryly. "It's alright Sakura. I'll handle it."

Shirou cleaned up the dishes and got ready to go. "I'll go with Shirou and Rin with their servants, the rest will stay here." Medea and Medusa were slightly disappointed "Un!" Sakura agreed, she didn't want to move much now due to yesterday night's activity. Medea and Medusa wanted to have a little chat with Sakura, so they weren't against staying either.

"Then let's go Emiya, Rin, Saber!" Shirou said. They all went out and towards where the Einzberns lived. Archer was still following them while invisible. They reached the forest and kept going until they could see a large building, but it had broken walls and entrances.

"What happened here!?" Shirou yelled 'Did Gilgamesh come already?' "I don't know, let's check it out!" Rin said while running towards the large holed at the entrance. They looked inside to see broken walls and furniture everywhere and in the middle was a girl that was covered in blood from all over and had a hole in her stomach"that's Illya?" They were all shocked by this bloody scene. Emiya even started to shake a bit due to the fact that the girl lying there was supposed to be his sister.

'Hmm' "I can still save her." Shirou spoke up. "How?" "I have mystic eyes that can resurrect people, though, at this time, I can only do it if they recently died." Shirou had asked the system if he could revive people, the answer he got was that it would cost a lot of mana and he would have to keep her near because there needs to be an energy source from him to supply her. 'This was different from the anime' Shirou thought. The system then answered [You'll be able to do it like how it should be when you get stronger. It's too strong for you now.]

(AN: I'll start using brackets so it doesn't confuse anyone.)

"Isn't that too overpowered!?" Rin had her mouth opened wide. "Yes, but it uses a lot of energy. I'll do it now." Shirou walked up to Illya and activated his Rinnegan. He made a hand sign and said "Summoning Jutsu: Impure World Reincarnation!" After saying that, mana flew around Illya's body and formed papers that started covering her body until it looked brand new. She then was lifted up to stand. Her body didn't have cracks though, but when she opened her eyes, it was black with a red pupil.

Rin and Shirou was shocked and Illya, who started gaining control touched her face. "H-how?" She then looked over to Shirou's group "you guys?" Shirou answered "I'm Shirou Ayano, the person who brought you back to life." "How!?" She was feeling weird, her body was full of energy. "With my eyes," Illya then, took a look at his eyes, they were purple and had many rings. She kind of felt pressured by them. "I-i see.. Then, why did you do it? I mean.. I don't have the lesser grail anymore and I've already lost in the war.. Berserker.. berserker..." she murmured the last part.

"Oh well, why don't you live your life in a fun way?" Shirou sugeested "plus, your brother is also here." Illya took a look at Emiya "Onii-Chan?" Emiya went up to her "Yes, that's right. Sorry for now knowing earlier.." "No! I don't blame you.. I just didn't like you because Dad left me and mom for you.." Illya shook her head. This time, Shirou spoke "You know, he didn't leave you." "What do you mean?" Illya asked in disbelief. "I mean, he didn't abandon you. He lost his magic circuits so he couldn't enter pass the barrier." Illya was shocked. "He even tried to visit through your grandfather, but was always refused." Illya was thinking deeply about her father, not caring about how Shirou knew soo much. Rin on the other hand was skeptical about him.

"Oh yeah, dad used to go out of town to do something and came back only after months sometimes." Emiya realized. When Illya heard this, she began crying. Shirou saw her pitiful appearance and patted her head. "No worries, you still have a long time to live, so you should enjoy it." Illya then hugged Shirou, but she was short, so she buried he head in his stomach while he patted her. Shirou, Rin, and Saber were smiling seeing this.

"So.. what will you be doing now?" Shirou asked. Illya wiped her and smiled "I'll be following you!" "E-eh!?" Shirou shouted. "I thought you'd want to live with your brother?" Illya replied "hmm? Why? I kind of like you more, so I'll do what I like." Shirou was dumbfounded while Emiya was at a loss since his sister chose someone else over him. "Fine.. I guess you could live with me." Shirou awkwardly smiled. "Yay! You're the best!" Illya hugged his leg harder.

"Okay okay, let's head back." Shirou and the group started to head back towards their house when he suddenly felt his phone vibrating. "Beep.. beep" Shirou picked up the phone and heard Sakura talking. "Senpai! When are you coming back?" "Now." "Oh okay." And she hung up. Shirou felt she was acting strangely and shivered a bit.


At Shirou's house


"So... Sakura. What did you and master do last night?" Medea asked staring at Sakura. "Ehh!?" Sakura was unprepared "Isn't it obvious? They had sex." Medusa answered for her. "Oh I know, I just want to know how it began." "Well.. I really liked him and he helped me with my problem. Plus, he said he liked me, so we ended up doing it."

"Ugh.. I was supposed to be master's wife.." Medea sulked. "Oh you don't have to worry about that! He said he'll probably have a few more." Medea regained her energy "really?" "Yes.. I took the first spot though." Sakura smiled. "Hmph, I'm going to be next." Medea said. "Do you think I can be with him too?" Medusa asked with a nervous smile. "Of course! You have the best body out of all of us!" Sakura encouraged her old servant. "Then, I'll try too!"


Back to the group


Shirou and the group was still walking through the forest until they felt something move in the bushes. Shirou used his Sharingan to see it in slow motion and what he saw shocked him greatly, it was true assassin! 'The hell? Did Zouken summon him? I don't even know how..' "watch out guys! It's a servant!" Everyone put their guards up.

Balls of magic shot at them from above, but they were able to dodge it. Then, a old man came out of the trees. "You guys have lost. Give up or die." He said with a 'old voice'. "What are you talking about?" Asked Emiya. "While you were busy with my attack, my servant has already has taken a hostage. With my order, one of you will die. Give up and hand over your command spells." They all look toward the direction and saw Assassin with a heart in his weird looking hands. Shirou realized what was going on and immediately put Assassin in a genjutsu, it succeeded easily because of his low endurance.

He then made him think that Zouken told him to stop his noble phantasm. Assassin did just that and the heart disappeared. "What are you doing Assassin!?" The robed man screamed. He used a command signal to get Assassin back under control, but before he could do anything else, he was already stabbed in the chest by Archer. "Agh.. damn you.." and he died. (Note: Very anticlimactic Sorry don't know much about making my own battles especially when I don't know their powers that well...)

Assasin also started fading due to his master being dead. He tried to do one last attack in, but Shirou used black flames to burn the old man and servant to ashes.

The group breathed a sigh of relief. "That was mentally taxing. Someone almost died." Rin said "but someone did die.." Emiya said. "Don't worry, he's one of the most scummy person alive." Shirou said. Then, they continued back with Emiya a little guilty.