
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Ruin Exploration

Kite got up early, his excitement for the day's adventure making it easy to rise with the sun. He quickly got ready and met up with Liliana and Sylvana, the three of them setting off towards Ludo's place to see if he wanted to join them and Elian at the ruins.

When they reached Ludo's shop, they found it closed, the shutters down and the sign flipped to "Closed." Liliana, never one to be deterred, cupped her hands around her mouth and called out, "Ludo! Wakey-wakey!"

Sylvana seemed to shrink at her friend's action. "Maybe he's still asleep."

Kite chuckled. "Knowing Ludo, he probably stayed up late working on one of his projects. Let's give him a minute."

A few moments later, they heard some rustling from inside the shop. The door creaked open, and a disheveled Ludo appeared, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"What's all the commotion about this early in the morning?" Ludo grumbled. "Wanna wake up the whole neighborhood? Let people rest."

"Ludo, we found something amazing yesterday!" Liliana exclaimed, her sunrise-like eyes sparkling with excitement. "We discovered ancient ruins in the Forest of Whispers, and we want you to come with us to explore them!"

Ludo's eyes widened, the grogginess quickly replaced by curiosity. "Ruins, huh? That does sound interesting. Give me a moment to get ready! I also need to ask Mom or Dad if I can go."

He disappeared back inside the shop, and they could hear him bustling around, gathering his gear.

Sylvana turned to Kite, a smile playing on her lips. "He seemed pretty excited once he heard about the ruins."

Kite nodded. "Yeah, Ludo's always up for an adventure. And having him with us will be a big help."

It wasn't too long before Ludo reemerged, now fully dressed and carrying a pack of supplies. "Alright, I'm ready. Let's get going."

As they made their way back to the house to meet up with Elian and the rest of the group, Ludo asked, "So, what exactly did you find?"

Kite pulled out the Blade of Lumina, which had led them to the hidden staircase. "This sword started glowing and led us to a hidden passage underground. We thought it best to come back and prepare before exploring further."

Ludo examined the sword, his eyes gleaming with fascination. "This is definitely no ordinary blade. It's got some serious history behind it. I can't wait to see where it leads us."

When they arrived back at the house, they found Elian and Darian already waiting, their gear packed and ready. Tomas bounced around excitedly, clearly hoping he'd be allowed to join the adventure.

"Ready to go?" Darian asked, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Absolutely," Kite replied. "We've got Ludo with us too, so we should be well-prepared."

Elara appeared at the door, holding out a basket filled with provisions. "Here, take these with you. And remember, be careful. Stick together and watch each other's backs."

Liliana hugged her mom. "We will, Mom. Thanks for the food."

Tomas tugged at Darian's sleeve. "Daddy, can I pleeease come with you?"

Darian knelt down, meeting his son's eyes. "Tomas, this could be dangerous. I need you to stay here and help your mom and grandparents. We'll tell you all about it when we get back, okay?"

Tomas pouted but nodded, understanding the seriousness of the situation. "Okay, Daddy. Be safe."

Elder Mirrin patted his grandson's head. "It's okay. Maybe later we can go see Skyla. You can go on your own little adventure."

Tomas's eyes shined. "Okay!"

Ludo frowned, probably hope he meant a metaphorical one.

With everything in order, the group set off towards the Forest of Whispers, their footsteps quick and full of purpose. The early morning air was crisp, and the sun was just beginning to rise, casting a golden hue over the landscape.

As they approached the forest, Kite couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The hidden ruins held so many possibilities—ancient artifacts or maybe long lost history.

Liliana led the way, her excitement palpable. "We're almost there! I can't wait to see what we find."

Sylvana walked beside Kite, her eyes scanning the forest with a mixture of curiosity and caution. "It's beautiful here. I hope we find something amazing."

Ludo brought up the rear, his pack clinking with tools and supplies.

"Whatever we find, it's going to be an adventure," Elian said, giggling.

Kite laughed. Liliana and him sure saw everything as an adventure.

When they reached the spot where the hidden staircase was located, Kite unsheathed the Blade of Lumina. The sword began to glow softly, as if recognizing the place.

"Here we are," Kite said, his voice steady. "Let's see what lies ahead."

With a deep breath, they descended the stone staircase, the light from the Blade of Lumina guiding their way. The air grew cooler as they ventured deeper.

"These ruins really are something," Darian said, studying them.

Kite stoped and saw Darian staring at some writing on the wall. He got closer to help illuminate the glyphs.

"Can you understand it, Uncle?" Ludo asked.

He tilted his head. "Nope. No matter how much I look at them, I can't tell what they're saying. Although, the glyphs do resemble those on the Blade of Lumina."

Kite stared at the sword, then back at the wall, feeling a strange connection between the glyphs on the Blade of Lumina and the ones etched into the stone. The soft glow from his sword illuminated the ancient symbols, casting eerie shadows that danced along the corridor.

Liliana stepped closer, her eyes wide with wonder. "Do you think the sword will help us understand the glyphs?"

"I'm not sure," Kite replied, his voice thoughtful. "But it's worth a try. Maybe the sword can reveal something."

Sylvana, standing beside him, nodded in agreement. "It's possible. The sword led us here for a reason. It might hold the key to unlocking the secrets of these ruins."

"Or vice versa," Ludo said.

Kite raised the Blade of Lumina, bringing it closer to the wall. As the sword's glow intensified, the glyphs began to shimmer, as if responding to the presence of the ancient weapon. But nothing else happened.

Darian hummed and turned to look at his nephew. "Ludo, got any paper and pencils on you?"

Ludo rummaged through his pack and pulled out a notebook and a couple of pencils. "Got them right here, Uncle Darian."

Darian took the materials, his expression focused. "Thanks, Ludo. Let's see if we can make a proper imprint of these glyphs. It might help us understand them better later on."

He carefully placed a sheet of paper over one of the glyphs and began shading over it with the pencil, creating a detailed imprint. The ancient symbols slowly emerged on the paper, their intricate designs becoming clearer with each stroke.

Kite watched intently, holding the Blade of Lumina close to the wall to ensure they had enough light. "The designs are fascinating. My gut tells me this is a story."

Liliana leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "A story? What kind of story, do you think?"

Darian finished the imprint and studied it closely. "It's hard to say without understanding the language, but the patterns and symbols suggest some kind of historical or mythological significance. Maybe an important event or legend."

Sylvana examined the imprint, her eyes tracing the lines and curves. "It looks like there's more to these ruins than we initially thought. This could be a significant discovery."

He nodded. "My parents or sis might be able to figure them out."

Elian, who had been exploring the chamber, called out from the other side of the room. "Hey, I found another passage over here! It's hidden behind some vines."

They all turned to where Elian was standing, his excitement evident.

"Let's check it out," Kite said. "Maybe it will lead us to more clues." He eyed his blade, hoping to learn more about it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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