
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Planning for Adventure

"Welcome home kids, found anything interesting during your trip?" Derian asked. For some reason, he was doing one finger pushups in the middle of the living room.

Tomas was trying to mimic his dad, but failing. Kite felt even he would be hard pressed to do it that way, even if he had his original eighteen-year-old body back.

Liliana bounced on the balls of her feet, barely able to contain her excitement. "Dad, you won't believe what we found!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with the thrill of their discovery.

Kite, standing beside her, nodded in agreement. "We found some kind of ancient ruins in the Forest of Whispers," he added, his voice steady but filled with a sense of wonder.

Darian pushed himself up to a standing position, his interest clearly piqued. "Ruins, you say? Tell me more," he said, crossing his arms and giving them his full attention.

Tomas, momentarily forgetting his failed attempts at pushups, looked up with curiosity shining in his eyes.

"Well," Liliana began, "Kite's sword—it started glowing and led us to this hidden staircase in the ground!"

Kite pulled out the Blade of Lumina, which had since ceased its mysterious glow. "It was as if the sword had a will of its own, guiding us there."

Darian walked over and examined the sword, his expression thoughtful. "This is no ordinary blade, that much is clear. And you say it led you to a staircase?"

"Yes," Kite confirmed. "It revealed a passage leading underground. We didn't explore it yet—we thought it best to come back and prepare. We're planning to go back tomorrow with Ludo."

Elara walked into the living room, a look of approval on her face. "Good thinking. It's always best to approach the unknown with caution. I'm proud of you for being responsible." She glanced at her husband. "Unlike a certain someone when he was age."

He chuckled nervously. "Uh, still remember that cave visit, huh?"

"How could I forget?"

Tomas tugged at his father's sleeve. "Can I come too, Dad? Please?"

Darian ruffled his son's hair, chuckling. "We'll see, little man. We'll see. These ruins could be dangerous."

Liliana grabbed Kite's arm, her enthusiasm undiminished. "You should come with us, Dad! You're strong, and you know a lot about ancient stuff thanks to Grandpa.

Darian considered it for a moment, then smiled. "Perhaps I will. It's been a while since I've had a good adventure. But for now, let's get some rest. Tomorrow could be a big day."

Kite nodded.

"Come, let's eat," Elara said, waving her arm.

Liliana blinked as she looked around. "Where are Grandpa and Grandma?"

"They went to my sister's place," Darian said, standing up.

As they all made their way to the dining room, the enticing aroma of Elara's cooking filled the air. The table was already set, and a delicious spread awaited them. Everyone took their seats, the atmosphere buzzing with excitement and anticipation for the next day's adventure.

"Mom, this smells amazing!" Liliana said, practically bouncing in her seat. "What's for dinner?"

Elara smiled warmly as she brought over a steaming pot. "Tonight, we have stew, fresh bread, and some of your favorite roasted vegetables. I thought you all could use a hearty meal after your exciting day."

Tomas quickly clambered into his chair, eyes wide with excitement. "I can't wait to go to the ruins! Do you think there will be any treasure?"

Darian chuckled as he helped serve the food. "Who knows, Tomas? Ancient ruins can hold all sorts of surprises. But remember, it's not just about the treasure—it's about the adventure and what we can learn."

Kite took a bite of the stew, savoring its rich flavor. "Thanks, Elara. This is just what we needed. And you're right, Darian. We need to be prepared for anything."

Liliana nodded enthusiastically. "And who knows? Maybe we'll even uncover some ancient secrets! Imagine what we could learn about the history of this world."

Sylvana, who had been quietly taking in the conversation, smiled. "It sounds like an incredible opportunity. I'm excited to see what we find."

As they ate, the conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and shared stories. Elara and Darian shared tales of their own adventures, regaling the group with stories of their younger days.

"You know," Darian said between bites, "your grandfather once found an ancient artifact in a cave not too far from here. It wasn't treasure in the traditional sense, but it held great historical significance. It taught us a lot about the people who lived here long before us."

Elara nodded, her eyes twinkling with nostalgia. "Yes, and it brought the community together in a way we hadn't seen before. Everyone was so eager to learn about the old scrolls."

Kite listened intently, feeling a sense of connection to this new world and its history. He couldn't help but think about his old world and how much he had missed out on learning about its past thanks to the war. Here, he had a chance to start anew, to uncover the mysteries of this land and also to live a nice and peaceful life.

Sylvana smiled. "That sounds so nice. This village really is different from my own town."

Kite glanced st her and grinned. "In a good way, right?"

She nodded.

After dinner, they all helped clear the table and clean up, the camaraderie making the task enjoyable. Once the kitchen was tidy, they gathered in the living room, where Elara had set out some tea and sweets for them to enjoy.

"Let's go over our plans for tomorrow," Darian said, taking a sip of his tea. "We'll need to bring supplies—torches, rope, some provisions. And of course, our weapons."

Kite nodded, making a mental checklist of what they would need. "We should also bring some parchment and charcoal for making maps and taking notes. We don't know how extensive these ruins are."

"Good thinking, Kite," Elara said, her eyes reflecting her pride. "And remember to stick together. Safety in numbers."

Liliana clapped her hands, her excitement bubbling over again. "This is going to be so much fun! I can't wait to see what we discover."

As the night wore on, they continued to discuss their plans, each of them giving suggestions for stuff to bring and imagining what they might find there.

Eventually, it was time to turn in for the night. They all said their goodnights and headed to their respective rooms, the excitement for the next day's adventure thrumming in their veins.

In his room, Kite lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. His thoughts drifted to his glowing sword and the mysterious staircase. He felt a deep sense of curiosity and a burning desire to uncover the secrets hidden within the ruins. Talking to the others about them had only increased his curiosity.

He laughed, now he felt like Liliana and Elian.

With these thoughts, he closed his eyes, letting the anticipation for the next day's adventure lull him to sleep.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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