
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasy
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48 Chs


Liliana smiled as she woke up, the morning sun casting a warm glow across her room. She stretched languidly, her mind still half in the dream world where adventure called her name. Today felt different, special somehow, and she was eager to see what it held.

She hopped out of bed, her feet hitting the cool wooden floor with a soft thud. Today, she decided, she would visit the market. There was something thrilling about the hustle and bustle, the myriad of colors and scents, and the potential for discovering something—or someone—new.

She quickly dressed, choosing her favorite tunic and leggings—comfortable and perfect for a day of exploration and discovery.

After dressing quickly, Liliana grabbed her staff, which leaned against her bedside, its wood warm from the sunlight streaming through the window. She gave it a twirl, feeling the familiar weight and balance that made it feel like an extension of her own body.

Stepping out of her room, Liliana's smile grew even brighter when she saw Kite emerging from his own room across the hall. She didn't hesitate for a second before rushing over and wrapping him in a big, cheerful hug.

"Good morning, Kite!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with the infectious joy that always seemed to surround her.

Kite, caught slightly off guard but no less pleased, returned the hug with a gentle laugh. "Morning, Liliana. You're certainly full of energy today."

Releasing him from her embrace, Liliana twirled the staff in her arm expertly. "Of course! Every day is a chance for new spells, new places, and new fun! Especially when we're all together."

He chuckled. "I supposed it is."

Together, they made their way downstairs, where the delightful aroma of breakfast promised a delicious start to the day. The rest of the house was waking up, the familiar sounds of their friends and family mingling with the clatter of dishes and the sizzle of food on the stove.

As they sat down to eat, Liliana shared her plans excitedly. "After breakfast, I'm heading to the market. There's a new shipment of herbs and crystals that I can't wait to check out. Maybe I'll find something that'll help with my next big spell!"

Kite nodded, his interest piqued. "Sounds like a plan. Mind if I join you? It's been a while since I've browsed the market stalls."

Liliana beamed at him. "I'd love that! We always find the best stuff when we go together."

Liliana's mama giggled. "You kids really see every day as a new adventure, huh?"

Tomas blinked as he looked around. "Where are Pa and Grandpa and Grandma?"

"Morning," Liliana's papa said, yawning as he walked into the kitchen.

Liliana smiled at him. "Morning, Papa."

Elara smiled. "About time you wake up. You were up all night going over those old scrolls you and the kids found."

"Morning," Darian said, stretching out the sleep from his limbs as he joined the bustling kitchen. He poured himself a cup of coffee and took a seat at the table.

Kite took the opportunity to inquire, "Did your parents make any progress with the scrolls we found in the ruins?"

Darian took a sip of his coffee before answering. "Not yet. Those glyphs are tricky, but they're working hard on it. They've got every book and scroll they can find spread out all over the study. If there's something to be learned, they'll figure it out."

Liliana nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of disappointment and hope. "I can't wait to hear about what they find. It's like a puzzle waiting to be solved."

Kite agreed, "Yeah. If we can uncover the language at least, then we can read what my sword says."

Darian smiled at their enthusiasm. "Patience, you two. These things take time. But I promise, as soon as we know something, you'll be the first to hear about it."

Reassured, Liliana finished her breakfast with renewed excitement for the day ahead. "Well, in the meantime, we've got a market to explore and new treasures to find!"

With breakfast over, Liliana and Kite gathered their things and set out for the market, ready to discover what the day had in store for them.

The market was bustling with life as Liliana and Kite arrived, the air filled with the sounds of merchants and shoppers. They made their way through the crowd, heading straight for the herb shop that Liliana had been so eager to visit.

As they browsed the selection of herbs, Kite picked up a bundle of fragrant leaves, turning to Liliana with a curious look. "Why are you buying herbs here? Don't you usually gather them from the Forest of Whispers?"

Liliana's eyes sparkled with excitement as she selected a few sprigs of an exotic herb. "These are special, Kite. They're from the Sunlit Highlands, a region on the other side of the continent. The climate there is much warmer, and the soil has a unique composition that infuses the herbs with different properties."

She held up a vibrant, purple-leafed plant for him to see. "Take this Starbloom, for example. It only grows in the highlands where the sun touches the land just right, creating a potent magical essence within the leaves. It's perfect for enhancing the strength of my spells."

Kite nodded, impressed by her knowledge. "That's fascinating. I didn't realize how different the environment could affect the potency of magical ingredients."

Liliana grinned, tucking her purchases into her bag. "That's the beauty of magic and nature—they're always full of surprises. Although, I plan to use these to have Grandma make me a cultivation pill."

He blinked. "Cultivation pill? What's that?"

She gasped. "Oh, right. Guess Grandpa hasn't explained it yet." She crossed her arms and hummed. "Ludo's better at explaining this stuff than me. Come on, let's go to Auntie Cat's shop."

Kite chuckled. "Okay."

Liliana and Kite made their way through the vibrant streets, the chatter of the market slowly fading behind them as they approached a quieter part of town.

"Auntie Cat, are you here?" Liliana called out, her voice echoing slightly in the quiet apothecary.

 "Liliana, Kite, welcome! What brings you two here today?" Auntie Cat asked, wiping her hands on her apron.

Liliana stepped forward, her staff tapping against the wooden floor. "We need Ludo's expertise. Kite has a question about cultivation pills, and I thought Ludo would be the best person to explain."

Auntie Cat nodded, her eyes twinkling with understanding. "Ah, yes, the art of cultivation. Ludo's been studying quite a bit about it. She giggled. I could explain it to you if you would like. Although, I'm sure Ludo would be more than happy to do so. Let me fetch him for you."

She disappeared into the back of the shop, and soon enough, Ludo emerged, his eyes bright behind his glasses. "Hey, Liliana, Kite! Cultivation pills, huh? What do you want to know?"

Kite held up the Starbloom herb Liliana had purchased. "Liliana mentioned these could be used for a cultivation pill. I'm curious about what they are and how they work."

Ludo took the herb, examining it closely. "Cultivation pills are a type of magical supplement. They're used to enhance one's internal energy, making it easier to perform magic. Think of them as a boost to your magical 'muscles.'"

He placed the Starbloom back on the counter. "The ingredients, like this Starbloom, are crucial. They determine the potency and the specific effects of the pill. It's a delicate process, combining the right elements to achieve balance and harmony within the body."

Kite listened intently, the concept of cultivation pills new and intriguing to him. "So, it's like training, but in pill form?"

"Exactly," Ludo confirmed. "It's a practice that's been refined over centuries. The right pill can accelerate a mage's growth significantly."

Liliana beamed, clearly proud of her find. "And with Grandma's skill in alchemy, she can make some of the best cultivation pills around."

Auntie Cat returned, carrying a tray of tea and cookies. "Why don't you all sit down and enjoy some refreshments while you talk? It's not every day we get to discuss such interesting topics."

"Mom, you know more than me."

She hummed. "Well, you got the basics down. Although, cultivation pills don't come without their risks. Whether kids should take them is kind of controversial. Some argue it could mess up with one's magical flow."

Kite blinked. "How so?"

"Well, the people of Eldoria have a special organ. This organ can be damaged if one isn't careful. Young bodies are delicate."

Ludo nodded. "Using my previous analogy, it would be like working out as a kid. The strain could potentially harm our development," Ludo continued, his tone serious. "If kids like us take a cultivation pill that's too strong, or if we take them too frequently, it could overload our system. It's all about finding the right balance and timing."

Kite hummed. "So, it's a tool that must be used wisely. Sort of like a vitamin."

Liliana nodded, her expression turning thoughtful. "That's why Grandma is so careful with her alchemy. She always says that the best growth is natural growth, supplemented gently by the pills."

Auntie Cat set the tray down on a nearby table and gestured for them to sit. "Exactly, dear. Magic is a part of us, just like our physical bodies. We must treat it with respect and not rush the process."

As they sat and enjoyed the tea and cookies, the conversation shifted to lighter topics. Kite looked deep in thought.

Liliana, sensing Kite's contemplative mood, reached over and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "Don't worry, Kite. When the time comes, we'll make sure you get the best advice and the right pill for you."

Kite smiled, grateful for Liliana's support and the knowledge shared by her family. "Thank you, Liliana, Cat, Ludo. I'm lucky to have you all guiding me."

Auntie Cat smiled. "You're welcome, dear. If you need any medical advice, magic-related or not, feel free to ask my parents or me."

He nodded.

Liliana smiled at him. "Now, let's go get the crystals!"

Kite blinked. "Crystals."

Auntie cat chuckled. "Seems we have more to explain, don't we?"

Ludo nodded.

"Crystals are essential in alchemy, especially for making cultivation pills. They're dissolved during the process, releasing their magical properties into the mixture," Auntie Cat explained.

Kite's eyes widened in surprise. "Dissolved? I had no idea crystals could be used like that. But how exactly are the pills made? I doubt the crystals are all like sugar"

Ludo gestured towards a sturdy-looking pot in the corner of the shop, its surface etched with runes. "That's a cultivation pot. It's specially designed to withstand the intense magical energies needed to create cultivation pills. The process involves precise heat control, timing, and of course, the right combination of ingredients and magic. Fire, water, and plants are some of the best for cultivation and potion making."

Liliana leaned in closer to the pot, her eyes reflecting the runes. "Grandma uses one just like this. She says it's like cooking, but with magic. You have to be careful to get everything just right, or you could end up with a dud—or worse, something dangerous."

Kite approached the pot, intrigued by its design. "It's fascinating how much care goes into making a single pill. It really is an art form."

Auntie Cat nodded, her expression one of pride. "Alchemy is a delicate balance between science and magic. It's taken generations to perfect the techniques we use today."

Ludo picked up a small crystal from a nearby shelf. "And these crystals are the key. They're not just ingredients; they're what give the pills their power. Without them, the pills would be nothing more than fancy herbs."

Kite turned the crystal over in his hand, feeling the latent energy within. "I have a lot to learn about alchemy and magic. But with all of you to guide me, I'm sure I'll get there."

Liliana smiled warmly at him. "And we'll have a lot of fun along the way!"

With their newfound knowledge Liliana and Kite left Auntie Cat's shop, their minds buzzing with ideas for their next magical endeavor as they headed for the crystal shop. The world of magic was vast and full of wonders, and they were just beginning to scratch the surface.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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