
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasy
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78 Chs


As Liliana and Kite made their way to the crystal shop, the air filled with the scents of herbs and spices. The vibrant colors of the stalls added to the sense of wonder that enveloped them.

The crystal shop stood at the other edge of the market, its windows filled with beautiful, gleaming gems of all shapes and sizes. As they entered, a soft chime sounded, announcing their arrival.

A friendly voice called out from behind the counter, "Welcome, young ones! How can I help you today?"

Liliana and Kite approached the counter, their eyes wide with curiosity. The shopkeeper, a kindly old man with twinkling eyes, smiled at them warmly.

Liliana spoke up, her voice filled with excitement. "We're here to learn more about crystals and their magical properties. Can you tell us about them?"

The shopkeeper nodded, his expression turning thoughtful. "Ah, crystals are truly fascinating. Each one possesses unique energies and properties that can be harnessed for various purposes, including healing, protection, and enhancing magical abilities."

Kite's eyes sparkled with interest. "How do you know which crystal to use for a specific purpose? Do they have different meanings or powers?"

The shopkeeper nodded. "Indeed, each crystal has its own energy and vibration. For example, amethyst is often used for protection and spiritual growth, while rose quartz is associated with love and harmony. It's important to choose a crystal that resonates with your own energy and intentions."

Liliana scanned the shelves of crystals, her eyes lighting up as she spotted a shimmering blue gem. "What about this one? It's so pretty!"

The shopkeeper smiled. "Ah, that's a blue lace agate. It's known for its calming and soothing energy, perfect for enhancing communication and creativity. It can help you express yourself more clearly and connect with your inner voice."

Kite picked up a clear quartz crystal, turning it over in his hand. "And what about this one? It looks so pure and powerful."

The shopkeeper's eyes twinkled. "Clear quartz is often called the master healer. It's a versatile crystal that can amplify energy, cleanse negative vibrations, and enhance spiritual growth. It's a great crystal to have in your collection for overall well-being."

Liliana and Kite listened intently, absorbing the shopkeeper's wisdom about the magical properties of crystals. 

After absorbing the shopkeeper's wisdom about the well-known crystals, Liliana and Kite's curiosity deepened. They wanted to learn about the more obscure and rare crystals, particularly those used for cultivation pills.

Liliana leaned closer to the counter, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "What about crystals specifically used in alchemy for making cultivation pills? Are there any rare ones we should know about?"

The shopkeeper's eyes twinkled with delight at their keen interest. "Ah, now you're delving into more specialized territory. There are indeed rare crystals that are highly sought after for their unique properties in alchemy. Let me show you some."

He reached under the counter and pulled out a wooden box, opening it to reveal a collection of exotic and lesser-known crystals. Each one seemed to pulse with an inner light, their colors and textures unlike anything Liliana and Kite had seen before.

The shopkeeper carefully picked up a vibrant, fiery red crystal. "This is a Pyrothyst. It's incredibly rare and is known for its ability to boost the energy and vitality of the user. When used in cultivation pills, it can significantly enhance physical strength and endurance."

Kite's eyes widened as he examined the Pyrothyst. "It's like holding a piece of fire. I can feel the energy radiating from it."

Next, the shopkeeper held up a deep, midnight blue crystal that seemed to shimmer with tiny specks of light. "This is a Nocturne Shard. It's prized for its ability to enhance mental clarity and focus. Those who use cultivation pills made with this crystal find their minds sharper and their magical abilities more precise."

Kite reached out to touch the Nocturne Shard, feeling a cool, calming sensation wash over him. "It's like looking into the night sky. I can see why it's so valuable."

The shopkeeper then picked up a crystal that looked like a piece of captured lightning, its jagged edges glowing with a bright, electric blue light. "This is a Stormstite It's known for its ability to enhance speed and agility. When used in cultivation pills, it can make the user faster and more responsive, perfect for those who are speedsters."

Kite marveled at the Stormstite, feeling a tingling sensation in his fingers as he held it. "It's incredible. I can almost feel the power of a storm in my hands."

Finally, the shopkeeper revealed a crystal that seemed to glow with an ethereal green light, its surface smooth and almost translucent. "This is an Aetherial Gem. It's one of the rarest crystals and is known for its ability to enhance spiritual growth and inner peace. Cultivation pills made with this gem can help the user achieve a deeper connection with their magical essence."

Liliana gazed at the Aetherial Gem and smiled, feeling a sense of tranquility wash over her. "It's beautiful. I can see why it's so special."

The shopkeeper carefully placed the crystals back in the box, closing it with a reverent touch. "These crystals are rare and precious, and their use in alchemy requires great skill and knowledge. But when used correctly, they can create cultivation pills that greatly enhance one's abilities."

Liliana and Kite nodded, their minds filled with wonder and excitement. They knew that these rare crystals held immense potential for their magical journey, and they were eager to learn more about how to harness their power.

Liliana, still entranced by the rare crystals they'd just learned about, tilted her head and asked, "These rare crystals are amazing, but do you have any that are more suitable for kids our age? Something that can be used in cultivation pills without the risk of overloading our systems?"

The shopkeeper's eyes twinkled with understanding. "Ah, yes, I do have some crystals that are more appropriate for young mages like yourselves. They may not be as rare as the ones I've shown you, but they are still quite effective and safer for cultivation at your age."

He reached under the counter again and pulled out a smaller box, opening it to reveal a collection of simpler but no less beautiful crystals. Each one had a gentle glow, radiating a soothing energy.

The shopkeeper picked up a soft pink crystal. "This is a Heartstone. It's known for its gentle energy that enhances emotional balance and harmony. It's perfect for young mages who are still learning to control their emotions and magical abilities."

Liliana's eyes lit up as she held the Heartstone. "It's so warm and comforting. I can see how it would help with emotional balance."

Next, the shopkeeper held up a light green crystal that seemed to shimmer with a soft, earthy glow. "This is a Verdantite. It's great for promoting growth and vitality. It helps young mages boost their natural energy and encourages healthy magical development."

Kite examined the Verdantite, feeling a refreshing energy emanate from it. "It feels like a breath of fresh air. This would be perfect for boosting our energy without overwhelming us."

The shopkeeper then picked up a pale blue crystal that sparkled with a gentle, serene light. "This is a Dreamstone. It's known for enhancing creativity and imagination. It's perfect for young mages who are exploring new spells and magical concepts."

Liliana smiled as she held the Dreamstone. "I love it! It's like holding a piece of the sky. It would be wonderful for experimenting with new spells."

Finally, the shopkeeper revealed a small, golden crystal that seemed to radiate a warm, steady light. "This is a Solara Gem. It's known for its ability to enhance focus and concentration. It's ideal for young mages who are still developing their magical skills and need a little extra help with maintaining focus."

Kite nodded appreciatively as he held the Solara Gem. "This would be incredibly helpful for our studies and training. It feels like a steady, guiding light."

The shopkeeper carefully placed the crystals back in the box, smiling warmly at Liliana and Kite. "These crystals are perfect for young mages like yourselves. They provide gentle, supportive energy that can help you grow and develop your magical abilities safely."

Liliana and Kite beamed with excitement, grateful for the shopkeeper's guidance. They knew that these crystals would be valuable tools in their magical journey, helping them to enhance their abilities while ensuring they stayed safe and balanced.

Liliana turned to the shopkeeper, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us. We'll definitely take some of these crystals for our cultivation pills."

The shopkeeper smiled and nodded. "It's my pleasure. Remember, the key to successful cultivation is balance and patience. Use these crystals wisely, and you'll see great progress in your magical journey."

Liliana picked the Heartstone and Kite the Solara Gem.

With their chosen crystals in hand, Liliana and Kite left the shop, their hearts were full of excitement and anticipation for the new adventures and discoveries that awaited them.

"Thanks for buying me a stone," Kite said, smiling at her.

She grinned. "Don't mention it!"

He stared at the stone in his hands. "I'll repay you one day."

Liliana put her hands on her hip. "Come on, don't be so serious. Sometimes, I think you're even more serious than Ludo."

Kite blinked. "I am?"

She nodded and stared into his eyes.

Kite averted his gaze as he felt like her sunrise-like eyes would see through him. He told them he came from another world, but not that he had died at the young age of eighteen and been reborn as a ten-year-old from this world. Although they probably knew. They knew he had experience as a soldier. Although, they interpreted soldier more as warrior.

"Was being a warrior hard?" Liliana asked, frowning. "You were scared for fireworks for some reason."

He sighed as he recalled his panic at the festival. "Yeah... Each day was a struggle. We had to be constantly alert, ready to face any danger. The sounds of explosions and the sight of fire brought back memories of the battlefield. It was... overwhelming."

Liliana's eyes softened with sympathy. "That sounds really tough. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

Kite gave her a small, grateful smile. "Thanks, Liliana. But being here, learning magic, and having friends like you makes it all worth it. It's like getting a second chance to live a better life."

She nodded, her expression filled with determination. "We'll make sure this life is full of joy and adventure. No more scary memories, only happy ones from now on."

Kite chuckled, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "I appreciate that. And I promise to repay your kindness someday, even if you say it's not necessary."

Liliana grinned, her eyes sparkling with their usual mischief. "Deal. But for now, let's focus on our magic and all the exciting things we can do with these crystals."

He smiled as he chased after her. That girl might've been a little too hyper, but she sure made everyday an adventure. Even a trip to the market felt special.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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