
Reborn in twilight

I lost the war against cancer but got a second chance to live in another world I got reborn as Alexander Black the "older brother" of Isabella "Bella" swan , but i was taken in by Renee and Charlie bellas parents when they where together. after my parents died in a car accident . (both family where very good friends )

Prince_Morningstar · Movies
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childhood & going home

I was born to the black family a very mysterious family to say the least but got along with the swan family.

I had a good childhood till the age of 5 when my family was was killed and my house was burn to the ground when I was have sleepover with Bella. When the child services picked me up Charlie and Rene fought for my custody and won so yeah but bella was the happiest one one of all since we wont get separated. Later on when we where 7 they got divorced .

At the age of 11 i went overseas to study at a privet school that my birth parents sign me up for. lets say that by the age of 14, i had the luck to taste some Japanese , French, English girls while i stayed there. and most of the guys hated me for being there and the girls looked at me with predatory eyes, it was bliss but kind of scary too.

While i was overseas i trained myself in any way possible just to find out that my body does not get tired after 400 one hand pushups in each side, i picked up Jeet Kone Do and the training that i remember from my old life that was gun fu so i"m set for any battle and to my surprise my force is grow each day and its fun to lift skirts' from the girls to see them shout. I also started to make a name for me in the underworld while fighting in underground arenas and have 100% killing rate om every contract i got .

Also im the hair to the black diamond corporation its one of the 3 biggest corporations in the world , i was given this new at age of 16, when my family layer gave me my parents will and ownership of all their shares and properties.

And now i'm stuck in a plane cabin with 15 hours till we land and honestly its one of the worst way to start summer break.

15 hours later

" this is your captain speaking please pasen your seat belts we will be landing momentarily "

As we landed i got of the plane and went to get my luggage and went to the food area to eat some pizza, while i eat my last slice of pizza i waved for a cab and left home .

once i got home i had a bella backpack for like two months and a sleeping buddy for one month.

Honestly it was a drag

---- 3 months later ----

renee keep giving hints that she wanted to spent time with her new husband a minor league baseball player named Phil Dwyer to travel across the nations and bella told her that we can spent some time with Charlie till we graduate from high school.

as we left for the airport renee and phil where honestly they where fucking happy with us going to Forks, as for me i was happy to go see some walking ice cold disco balls to mess around with.

"flight 1560 going to Seattle, Washington please board the plane at hall B section C "

it was a four-hour flight from Phoenix to Seattle, another two hours with a small plane to port Angeles.

we saw Charli waiting for us with the police curser as we got out of the small airport. Charlie gave Bella a awkward hug and he moved to give me one too.

"Look at your guys , sure does time fly" said Charlie as he looked at us

"Yea time fly's fast " i said looking at him

"how's your mother doing bella " he aked bella

" she fine , enjoying traveling with phile " bella said to him

" lets get going we should leave before it gets too late " charlie sad as he put he luggage in the trunk of the car

*one hour later*

We finally arrived at the house where me and Bella had a lot of memories of, we got of the car and I got the luggage for both of us and carried in to the house and he moved to the room where both of us used to sleep in.

" i left the room as you guys left it " charlie said to us as he leaned on the door frame looking around the room.

" it's fine , right bella " i said to them as i was unpacking some stuff.

"y yyeah its fine" she said timidly to us , i just chuckled at her and i cache a pillow that was thrown at me and returned it with a headshot .

" ha ha ha i see u guys are the same as always " he said as he turn around holding his stomach after a few minutes he stops and say " ill be making burgers to watch the game with Billy and Jacob "

" let me guess its baseball and i want tree burgers please chef " i said to him as i lay in my bed looking at him with a smile

"yeah its baseball and sure " he said as he crossed his arms

" tell me the scorer after the game ill probably fall asleep during the game " i said as i finish unpacking my last shirt

" how about you bella , want to watch the game too" he asked

"no im fine ill take a nap or read a book , and yes ill take one burger " she said putting stuff in a drawer

" alright the food will be ready in a hour o so be ready " he said as he went down stairs

---1 hour later---

I can hear a truck coming in the entrance with i think its pulling something heavy, i turn to look at Bella and say " there here get ready , and be nice also Jacob might bring things up you did as a kid so don't get flustered ok"

" fine but how did you know that there here" she asked me

" well i can here the engine from the truck that just pulled in it needs a little bit of more work on it , plus you go in too lala land when you read" i said to her as i got up from my bed and walked out of the room

As we waked out we see a faded orange or red 1963 chevy pick-upside step c-10 with a trailer in the back of it with what looks like a car .

" bella do you remeber billy black and jacob black " charlie said to her

" Yeah looking good billy and you too jacob" said bella as she looked back and forther between me and them. honestly i just chuckled at her , and i just get a glare from her.

" bella the truck is yours and alex go to trailer and pull the quilt on the car " charle said to me and Bella.

Bella seemed pretty happy with her truck, as i walked over and on to the trailer, as i pull the quit i see a black boss 429 mustang this mustang belonged to my dad.

<<< truck and car look >>>

I look over to charlie and say " how did you get this car its should of burn with the rest of them" he just smiled at me.

the day went on with bella bieng mad with jacob over the ""we used to make mud pies together""

---at night---

" alex are you asleep " asked bella

" no whats up " i said to her as i sit up

" mhmhm can i sleep with you " she said timidly

" yea but i better not get a kick to my face like last time " i said to her i as i remember get a kick to the face last time she sleept with me.

As she moved to my bad and got comfy in bed we both drifted off to sleep


As for why there are this close is that the mc did not reinincarnat will hi was 11 till that age both had a good friendship that they saw each other as sibling.

also the MC is is like this because of the older memories of the body he got reincarnated in too.

now lest go on to Rosaline looks :

