
Reborn in One Piece with unusual setting

A man reincarnated in One Piece; during Gold Roger era. Read the first chapter first.

Embra · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Currently, I am planning for the trip to outside world in my office. As usual Belfast is at my side and giving me advises here and there. But, we are not the only one in the room. There are also Greyfia, Esdeath, Senjumaru and five generals in the room, sitting around a rectangular table, with me at the top. The topic of discussion includes which ships we should travel with, which route we should takes, which people should accompany, where to go, what to do and such. The meeting has been going on for an hour and we have settled most of the problem.

".... That is all from me, Lord Embra. what do you think of my suggestion?" (Esdeath)

"Hm... 'Placing a backup arm force outside the calm belt' Your proposition is certainly good, Esdeath-san. I think we should apply that, Lord Embra." (Senjumaru)

"I am also in favor with the proposition, Lord Embra. Me and my information gathering team will scout head. So, that leaves you vulnerable in case a powerhouse is nearby." (Greyfia)

I am glad, the meeting is processing as I have expected. Placing a scout ahead of me which is lead by Greyfia, a divine general and placing a reinforcement on the entrance of calm belt... They have matured, quite nicely.

I turns towards Belfast, at my side and signal her with my eyes. Belfast, as perceptive as always, bring out eight thick folders from my desk behind me and distribute the folder to three divine generals and five generals.

"Before the meeting start, Lord Embra has already draw a plan, 'getting a foothold on outside world'. Security throughout the trips, what to prioritize, what to avoid and what to get are written in detail on the documents inside. Please read the documents carefully and if there is anything to change, feel free to point that out." (Belfast)

All the generals have a surprised expression on their face looking at the documents on which detailed plan is written. Although, Senjumaru and Ichihara are not surprised anymore because they have already witnessed my calculative power before. But, that cannot be said for the same with other generals, who still do not know the extent of my calculation power.

I have drawn the plane based on the location we are in. According to the data collected from drones which are sent out to scout the surrounding of the Agartha island, we are not far from the west blue, where Ohara exist. So, we will be going there first, in the form of merchants who deals with clothings, antiques and jeweleries. There are many reason for choosing Ohara as the first island to visit because first - marine and WG certainly have no influence over there, second - the people there are knowledgeable and can be reasoned with, third - the route there is relatively safe.

Btw, the drones we sent out to the surrounding of the islands are made with advanced technology such as 'solar power converter', 'long distance communication', 'Invisibility' and 'self-destroy'. They can last up to one week without taking a rest and are perfect scouts.

Going back on topic, we will go to Ohara with a multi-purposed ship and three submarines. I will go with the ship and in front of me, a submarine that carry Grayfia and her intelligence gathering team will go ahead with three hour distance between us. In the same way, behind three hour distance away from me, a submarine that carry Esdeath and her team that consists of assassins will provide support in case of emergency. All the submarine has 'invisibility' technology and can travel for more than three week with the fuel on board only.

Furthermore, they also have technology for 'solar power' can function on that for a week. Oh right, the last submarine is there to act as a bait, in case we are followed. That last one has normal technology for this world and carry nothing valuable beside explosives. That submarine will be remotely control from Esdeath's ship and Esdeath has authority to do whatever she wants with the ship.

Next, the people who will go with me are Belfast, Izumi, Morgiana, Koko, Shizuku, three cooks, two palace maids and a few servants. I make sure to include men in the group because they are disposable paw- I mean, valuable servants.

Ahem. That is about the general plan for this trip. Beside this plan, I also make sure to write people to watch out for such as marine admirals, vive-admirals, especially Garp and infamous pirates. The jolly rogers of Roger pirates, Whitebeard pirates, Golden Lion Shiki, Big Mom pirates and Hundred Beast pirates are on top of the list of 'Pirates to absolutely avoid' and there are also other jolly rogers of vicious pirates, courtesy to articles from daily newspaper.

Anyway, with this, we are somewhat prepared for the trip. The only thing to watch out for is unforeseen circumstances. Sigh. I really pray that, this trip is peaceful...

"Excuse me, Lord Embra. I have a very important question to ask." (Koko)

"Hm? Ask away." (Embra)

"Can you see the future?" (Koko)

"... Yep. I can see up to three seconds. Why do you ask?" (Embra)

"Nani ! Then, how did you even plan this actions to take in case of emergencies? There are actions to take for in case of meeting with pirates from the list of 'Pirates to absolutely avoid', actions to take for in case of meeting WG officers and Marine admirals, actions to take for in case there are big sea monster attack. There are even actions to take in case of being robbed and being suspicious by some individuals. What do you even mean by

'When you meet Vice-admiral Garp, offer him bags of rice cracker and drink together with him merrily',

'When you meet Pirate Gol D. Roger and Whitebeard, absolutely avoid them. In case you can't, offer them all the alcohol first and negotiate for your lives by acting strong and talk about how no own owns the blue sea and the likes'

'When you meet a ship that have WG symbol and celestial dragon symbol, stay as far as possible and if you can't smear your face in mud and use perfumes to make yourself smell bad. Never looks into their eyes.''

'Never insult any individual at face value, mock about their looks, voice or actions as there maybe crew mates of pirates.'

How do you even know about all of this? Seriously, how far did you plan, Lord Embra?" (Koko)

"Buhahha..." (Embra)

I laugh out loud hearing her questions and seeing the same expression on other five generals. Even Belfast is laughing softly beside me. Well, that is understandable because I literally wrote a travel guide for this one trip. haha.

"Ara ~ Ara, Good job at pointing important things out, Koko. You are certainly smart and perceptive, aren't you? Why not accompany me in the evening, there are certain 'questions' I am not unclear about? I can use your intellect, Koko." (Belfast)

*chuckle* It is always a pleasure seeing the act between Belfast and Koko. Three years ago when I first summoned Belfast, I wrote her settings as someone who has a thing for white haired women. And, because of that, there are some interesting things going on between the three white-haired women, Belfast, Greyfia and Koko. Though I am fairly sure that, Koko is the vict- I mean, younger sister to the other two.

"*shrudder*" (Koko)

Oh right, in case you don't get the meaning, Belfast words can be translated as: Ara~Ara quite daring for you to point the useless things out. Why not come to my room? I have certain questions I want to ask, p.ri.vate.ly.

No that I think about it, Belfast's 'M' side awakened because of Koko, isn't it? Hm...

"Ahem... Please refrain from talking about private things in the meeting, you two." (Greyfia)

"Of course, Greyfia-san. Please excuse for my rudeness Lord Embra, everyone." (Belfast)

Belfast face become serious as soon as Greyfia points that out and apologizes by bowing to me and everyone at the table. Koko also follows suit and bows to everyone. However, my haki did not miss how Belfast's smiles is widening a little, Koko's is trembling a little and Greyfia's eyes have certain glint to them.

"Lord Embra, I do not have any things to add or point out to your carefully drawn plan. Though, I am quite curious, when did you write this, Lord Embra? I can't help but, notice the orders of things on the paper and can only interpret that, this has been made not long ago." (Senjumaru)

"Haha. Your analysis skills have improved, Senjumaru. You are right. I only write this plan this morning. Though, I wrote it on the computer, I didn't have time to edits some errors or mistakes. So, you all will have to excuse me for that." (Embra)

"There is no problem, Lord Embra. We can read and understand it just fine. Although, I am quite ashamed that, I could not think this far, even though I have voiced out about placing a reinforcement behind your majesty's ship. Please forgive me for my incompetence." (Esdeath)

Esdeath bows towards me with a hint of disappointment in her eyes. Hmm. it seems I was rushed in taking this folder out. Certainly, you would have disappointed with yourself if someone has already made a detailed plan for something you just voiced out. Sigh. It seems I need to work on my timings... ANyway, let me tell a thing or two before she become disappointed further.

"*smile* I am happy to hear that, you have realized your own shortcomings. Tell me, Esdeath, what should you do after you have realized your own shortcomings?" (Embra)

"I have to learn from this and improve myself, Lord Embra." (Esdeath)

"Umu. That is a good attitude to have. I will be expecting some more ideas from you in tonight meeting, Esdeath."(Embra)

"... *renew light* Certainly, my Lord." (Esdeath)

Fire returned to her eyes as soon as my words end. I am sure, she will brainstorm about ideas in the stimulator. Alas, it is good that, she is learning things. The reason she is acting unlike her original self in anime is because of me editing her settings. It is no doubt that, she has the strongest combat power with just her DF alone and added to that, her high status make her unparalleled in combat skills. Her only shortcomings are in tactics and planning, courtesy to my editing. I also wrote some things on her settings as safety measure but, I will not mention it here. Anyway, let's end this now, I am starving.

"Ahem. Now that everything is discussed, I conclude this meeting here. Let's all have lunch." (Embra)

"Yes, Lord Embra" (Everyone)

Although, I drank a few glasses worth of milk from Belfast and maids, I am still carving for some real food. In fact, I am impressed that, I can hold out this long till it is 12 a.m by not eating any breakfast because my lately, my appetite has become bigger and I am eating more food than I normally do. I don't know whether it is because of the influences of OP world but, there is no harm in that, anyway. So, I leave it be.

As soon as the meeting is over, we all heads towards the dining room with me at front and followed by Belfast at my side. On the way to dining room, every palace maids are lined up at the side, bowing and paying respect. It was always quite a sight to see many beautiful women standing at the side bowing to you. It always bring me pleasure and pride. However, I takes extra precautions to ensure that, I do not becomes prideful or become conceited. After all, the last thing, I want to become is a narcissistic, delusional bastard like Celestial Dragons who are all bunch of the lowest of the lowest trash.