
Reborn in One Piece with unusual setting

A man reincarnated in One Piece; during Gold Roger era. Read the first chapter first.

Embra · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Senjumaru got the news about the surprise prepared by the three queens of Embra. And, deciding that, she must have her hand in it, she decided to send scout teams to North Blue where Germa Kingdom is and order her subordinates to find Judge's location. Belfast was also informed of that but, as she was about to give birth to Embra's child, she can't help much but, distract Embra.

Three queens surprise turns into all five queen's surprise plan but, Esdeath is more than happy to get her sisters' help. While Esdeath is traveling to North Blue in submarine, Ichihara is sending drones which are equipped with weaponry system to North Blue and Grayfia is gathering information on Judge's movement with the help of Senjumaru.

Three days later, submarine which is carrying Esdeath and eighteen members of Sunset pirates reaches near the vicinity of Germa Kingdom. Unlike any other Kingdom in the world, Germa, Its "territory" is comprised of platforms surrounded by railings, that are build on the shells of large snails resembling Den Den Mushi. The snails are unaffected by the Sea and they are called ships with numbers. These ships usually move independently, depending on the kingdom's activities at the time, but can be interlocked as they come together to the form the kingdom's "proper shape". As a consequence, the size and the bounds of the kingdom's territory are constantly fluctuating, depending on how many of its ships are assembled at one time.

The Kingdom is still a member of World Government, which support WG in technological things. Once, the Kingdom ruled the whole North Blue as Germa Empire but it was 300 years ago. However, the dream of re-building that empire again burn brightly in the hearts of Kings who sits on the throne, generations after generations. This time, it is Judge's turn to fulfill this dream and he is doing that by supporting the research and scientific technological development of World Government. He is especially interested in researching on lifeforms and it was when he met Dr.Vegapunk.

Years later, a theory which was never heard before come to fruition because of the combined efforts of two geniuses. Naturally, this information is restricted by WG as it is super secret classified information and can brought chaos if let out to wrong hands. However, that super secret information is captured by a drone that is sent out to spy on Germa Kingdom by one of Grayfia's subordinates in North Blue.

Germa may have advanced technology but, it still cannot compare to that of Sakura Kingdom. Naturally, they still do not know invisibility technology or drones. So, the information discussed in the so-called 'secure' room of the castle was heard by the sensors of the drone and now, they have got the attention of someone they could not win against.

"So, Judge's on the Blue island, huh?" (Esdeath)

"Yes, he has not get out from that island at all for the past months." (A subordinate of Grayfia)

"How about Germa Kingdom itself? Are there really no one how knows about the theory?"(Esdeath)

"yes, I am sure. I overheard the conversation between Judge who is on Den-den-mushi and the prime minister of the Kingdom. Judge wanted him to build an underground base for laboratory to practice his theories. The prime minister was only ordered by Judge on the call. So, it is unlikely for the prime minister to know or possess the actual theory. We should go to Blue Island as Judge has not come out of that island yet." (A subordinate of Grayfia)

"I see. Well then, let's go to Blue Island." (Esdeath)

The submarine heads to the island which is 2 days far from their original place and in the meantime, Esdeath has already got the information on the island. It seems, there are 300 marines stationed there and the strongest marine there is a vice-admiral. But, Esdeath knows very well how WG is crafty. So, she has already prepared herself and her subordinates for a battle with 1000 enemies.

At night, near the vicinity of Blue Island,

There are three small warship near the island which seems nothing more than a jungle with mountain range in the middle of the island which seems like just an uninhabited island. But, the truth is far away from that as under the mountain, in the man made cave is a huge laboratory where dead sentenced prisoners are experimented on. Currently, there is a submarine which is watching the island from two miles distance. They have been scouting the island for hours with hundreds of drones, equipped with invisibility tech and weaponry system.

From the scouting report, they have gathered where the soldiers are staying, the entrance to the man-made cave and the scale of the underground structure. The mission this time looks easy if it is just to destroy the island but, this time it is not their objective. So, they have to carefully place the drone in place where the soldiers are and after putting every soldiers on target, Esdeath waits till their hourly report.

On the Blue Island,

Marines are petrolling the islands with full attention with little to no knowledge that every soldiers has a drone behind their back, aiming to shoot on order. So, without knowing anything, they dutifully report at the usual time where they have to report to the base.

"Area A1, No abnormality." (A marine)

"Area A2, No abnormality." (A marine)





"Area E2, No abnormality." (A marine)

"Area E3, No abnormality." (A marine)

As soon as they soldiers end their report via mini-den-den-mushi, hundreds of drones above their head shoot simultaneously. No sound was issued till a hole appear in the middle of the marines' head and they fall down on the ground with *thud*. Like this, all the hundred marine were take out like it was a joke. As soon as their jobs are done, the drones are sent above air to gain some altitude and at the same time, Esdeath and other assault the three marine warships and killed everyone as silently as possible. All twenty of them are using the talisman of Mito to hide their aura. So, as long as they don't deliberately let out their aura, they would only be perceived as ordinary people.

The marines on warships let out some sound but, because Esdeath freeze the atmosphere around the warships, the sound did not get too far. After the clean up, Esdeath ordered all the personnels to head to the entrance of the man-made cave from front and back. Naturally, Esdeath choose the front side with ten subordinates while Izumi choose the back side with eight subordinates. Izumi is to enter after half an hour later Esdeath so that, she can catch of there is any escapees.

The entrance door was opened up by Esdeath freezing the door lock and breaking it down. Again, Esdeath freeze the air molecule to not let sound travel afar. As Esdeath's haki capture two presence behind the door, she also freeze their movement before she broke the door. She makes a swift work on the two door guards and stealthily, she enters the cave with subordinates in tow. The man-made cave is well done in the inside as there are enough lightning on the walls and the floor is wide too. But, there is only one main way that leads to the inner parts of the cave after the resting area of guards. On the main way which leads to deeper parts of the cave are lamps with strange tribal marks on them placed on the wall with equal distance between them. And, at certain interval, there is a strange statue with huge eyes, inside them are strange symbols.

Seeing them, Esdeath feels a little strange but, it soon disappeared. Looking back on the long main road again Esdeath decided to make teams.

"*signaling to stay here* " (Esdeath)

She made one or two people as a team to stay on the long road that leads to deeper parts. The reason for that, is so that, she is not on a maze or something that tricks human senses. And, when she was left with only one sniper beside her, she reaches a wide dome which is made with polished stones and there is literally no one but, two doors can be seen on left and side of the wide dome.

She immediately message the ten subordinates to gather near her by using the watch on her right wrist. When all ten subordinates are gathered, she enters the wide dome together with them. Of course, she check her own footing by tapping the floor with her sword scabbard to check any traps. While she walks towards the center of the room, she signals her subordinates to approach the two doors on the side. The ten subordinates divide in two teams and cautiously approach their side of the door. While walking towards the center of the wide dome, Esdeath can't help but, feels a little strange at the development.

'There is no one in here. I can't detect anyone with my haki in 3 km radius either. What is happening? Is this a trap? ' (Esdeath's thought)

But, before she takes another step, Embra's voice echoed inside her head. His voice when he first explain about the three haki echoed inside Esdeath's head,

'You know, the haoshouku Haki is a cheat power. Only certain people are born with it and it cannot be trained except making yourselves mentally stronger. As long as your mental strength is stronger than others, you can knock them out by spreading out your haki or you can intimidate them without knocking them out. Moreover, when your haki become stronger, it will enable you to kill someone with just your haki. Of course, there needs to be vast difference in power but, I think, the most cheat power of haoshouku haki is not them.

The power that makes haoshouku haki a cheat ability is-' (Embra's words)

'You can never be lead astray from your goal. Always trust yourself and when you are suspicious that you are being led astray, use your haoshouku haki.' (Esdeath's thought)


Esdeath finished Embra's words in her mind and as soon as she opens her eyes again, a powerful haoshouku haki wave spread out the whole cave, with Esdeath at its center. The powerful wave knocks out every living being on the island and it also knocked out a person who was about to capture Esdeath with sea prism chains. The false reality shattered and Esdeath now clearly see her surrounding where many people are knocked around her. A clap was heard from her right side where three people come out and that is when Esdeath see that, people with chains on their hands are collapsed near her subordinates who are also knocked out by her haki wave.

"*clap* *clap* WOW. Quite a lioness. As expected of a woman worth 3.5 billion. It was a child's play to you, huh? *lick his lips* Look at that body. You are looking so delicious." (A man)

Esdeath frowns at the man who spoke to her because of the obvious lust in his voice and the lips-licking act done at the end. The man is wearing a white full-body suit with white mask covering upper half of his face. His voice sounds like he is a middle aged, nearing retirement but, the aura he is giving off seems noting to scoff at because he is stronger than the current admirals, but not at the same level with Garp and Sengoku.

"AH? Are you curious for my name? You can call me Alexander. Master Alexander, if you will. Hahahaha" (Alex)

"Well now, I wonder why is she here? To annihilate the new Cp-0?" (Deidara)

"Deidara, Don't go giving off our information so easily." (Chue)

"Isn't it fine, Mr.Chue?" (Deidara)

Deidara is a guy with a camera-like machine on his left eye and he is also wearing the same white full-body suit as Alexander. The guy who scold Deidara is a man with short physique but, with the white full-body suit and white angry mask, he is looking a little cute. The former man looks a happy-go-lucky-type while the latter man seems like a serious-type. But, both of their strength are as strong as average vice-admiral. So, they were not worth a thing in Esdeath's eyes but, she is wary of the two men. Alexander and the last man who hasn't speak a thing yet. The last man is tall with normal physique and also wearing the white mask with wind patterns on it.

"So woman, how did you kill all the marines outside instantly? I have been monitoring half of their vivire cards and all of them suddenly burnt down. How the hell did you do that? And, what is your motive? Quite daring of you to enter from the front with just measly ten members. What is your motive, huh? Answer me, Woman." (Chue)

"Chill, bro. She will obediently tell every questions I asks and every order I gives as long as I can break her spirit. SO, you know what to do, right? Just make her incapable of combat. Then, I can use my ability on her. This time, she won't get out so easily." (Alexander)

"It is gonna be easy isn't it? She can only move so fast that we can't catch with out eyes for once right? So, we just need to force her to use it, then. The rest will be easy peasy. After all, you are the only one among billion bounty pirates who doesn't have the strength to fight with Garp, that old man yet. So, we four can definitely defeat you." (Deidara)

The three kept talking trash talk while looking down on Esdeath that they did not notice a thin barrier begins to surround the ten subordinates of Esdeath's. And while they keep talking, Esdeath snaps her finger which instantly make ice encased all the ten people.

"!!!" (The three)

There, at that right instant where the attentions of the three people in front of her was diverted from her, she uses flash steps and immediately reached behind the three people while spreading out her right palm. Immediately, they lunch their attacks at her but, before their attack reach her, she makes a fist with her right hand, not only freezing the movement of the three people, she also encased them completely in ice which is shaped in a large phoenix hugging the three of them. Breathing out a white breath, she slowly mutter.

"Breath of Ice. Third form, Embrace of the phoenix." (Esdeath)

It was an instant defeat for the new Cp-0 who could not even register what the hell happened. By the time they realized it, they are already encased in ice, freeze till the extent that, their blood flow and even their internal organs are freezed in less than half a second that, they did not have time to use haki or change their bodies into their own abilities. Honestly, they should not have turned out like this if they had coated their whole body with Haki from the time they met Esdeath.

As for Esdeath, it is to prepare for this attack that, she took a little time to respond to them. No, rather, she was not even paying attention to the talk of the three men in front of her from the beginning. She has been thinking on how to kill them all without risking her subordinates. It was only because of this reason that, the three could talked for a long time in front of Esdeath. But, there is one person Esdeath did not killed, but only freeze his movement.

"I still can't understand why these dogs bark so loud in front of an enemy. Now then, give me one good reason why I should not kill you right here, right now, Mr. who-is-not-letting-out-killing-intent." (Esdeath)

Holding an blade completely made from ice, Esdeath asks the last person while putting the ice blade on his neck. She does not want to kill him yet. It is not that, she is not capable. It is just because the person in question has not let out a bit of fighting intent or killing intent or any other intent towards her. So, Esdeath let him live so she can asks some questions. Esdeath has already coated her blade with haki when asking the question and as soon as the question ended, the man answers something which makes Esdeath rethink her opinion of the man.