
Reborn in One Piece with unusual setting

A man reincarnated in One Piece; during Gold Roger era. Read the first chapter first.

Embra · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

On Enterprise,

Esdeath who is drinking a cup of coffee in the navigator room is approached by one of the navigator. Esdeath looks away from the newspaper she is reading to the navigator with a smile on her face. She just read a second Alba newspaper which is issued this week. Today newspaper talks about definition, duties and responsibilities of 'Marine', 'Pirate', and 'WG'. Of course, as usual, the news or the discussion was a slap to WG and Marine which makes Esdeath smiles a bit. Anyway, she snapped back to reality after the navigator spoke.

"Your majesty, we will be making contact with the warships in an hour, do you want me to draw back the drones?" (The navigator)

"Hm. Drones, huh? No, Do not back out the drones yet. Instead, drop some 'warmer' and 'tracer' on their path and go higher, about another 50 meters. Tell Tsugumi to be extra caution not to get caught." (Esdeath)

"Understand, your majesty." (The navigator)

When the navigator walked back towards her own workplace, Esdeath gets out of navigator room, which also serves as control room for the whole ships and the drones. In here, the 'warmer' that, Esdeath spokes of was a little device that can heat up the metal by absorbing surrounding heat energy. Its size is just around an adult palm size but, the ability to heat up the metals can reach up to 300 degree Celsius in an hour. The tracer is just what the name imply, they are tracing devices that has the size of an small ice cube in drinks.

Walking out, Esdeath manipulate the watch on her hands and calls all the combatants who will face the pursuers, to the captain room. She reaches to the room first and waits for everyone while enjoying the sea breeze.

Half an hour later, everyone gathered at the room which prompted Esdeath to close the windows to call someone. A huge screen appears at the wall of the room and everyone stands up while facing the screen where a 'call' icon can be seen, calling to someone. The screen lit up in white and a man appears sitting on the obsidian throne with a little sleepiness evident on his face. Everyone in the room kneels to the man who is wearing a white suits with black overcoat on top. Najenda, who was a little late to kneel as she didn't know the person but kneels because everyone do, raise an eyebrow at the young man sitting on the throne.

'EH? That is the King? Isn't he too young?' (Najenda's thought)

Embra, who is sitting on the throne immediately changes his face as soon as he sees the people kneeling on the floor on one knee. He coughs and greets them.

"*cough* Be at ease, everyone. I am glad to see everyone in this early morning." (Embra)

"Good morning, your majesty" (Everyone)

"Umu. You all have such a strong determination and battle ready spirit in your eyes that, my sleepiness disappears. haha." (Embra)

Everyone smiles a little at Embra's words which makes their tension lower. Senjumaru replies as while showing a little concern,

"Speaking of sleepiness, My King, are you alright? Did you sleep this night? I am a little worried as I hears that, you have been pushing yourself a little these days." (Senjumaru)

"HAha. Well, I was pushing myself because I feels like I am going to hit a limit in my DF you see. OH, setting that aside, my dear queens, you should at least calls me, your husband, with affection if you wants to heal my tired mind, you know? " (Embra)

Esdeath, Senjumaru and Grayfia smiles warily at Embra's relaxed attitude but, they can see that, Embra did not got enough sleep these days just by looking at his eyes. So, they decided to comply Embra's request a little while appreciating the fact that, he stays awake even after his night training.

"Dear husband, you sometimes sounds childish, you know that?" (Grayfia)

"Well, seeing that Husband is doing his best, till this meeting is over, we shall address you as Husband." (Esdeath)

"I shall also do that, Dear Husband." (Senjumaru)

"Buhahaha, Good Good." (Embra)

Embra busts out laughing seeing a hint of red on their face. He guessed that, maybe they are feeling a little shy because they are in front of their subordinates. So, Embra decided to change the subject by looking at an unfamiliar face. He remembers that, she is Najenda, a former marine vice-admiral and one of the character in 'Ak*me ga K***' anime. He smiles while looking at Najenda,

"I see, So, this is Najenda, the former vice-admiral of marine. Good to see you, Najenda. This is our first time meeting, right?" (Embra)

"Y-Yes, Your majesty." (Najenda)

"Ahaha. No need to be stiff. I am glad that, there are still true marine in the current marine. Have you read the newspaper this morning?" (Embra)

"Yes." (Najenda)

"So, what do you think about that? In that particular article of Alba, it says that,

'A marine is a protector of people, the embodiment of Justice, and Navy is a peace maintaining organization in the sea. That is what we, civilians believe in their heart. In general, they are to protect to the weak and innocent people from the dangers from sea, such as pirates and Sea monsters. So, is it right for the marine to obey the Celestial Dragons and World Government? Is it right for them, who takes 'protection taxes' from the people to obey the delusional Gods and capture people as slaves?'

There is also continuation to that article and there are many um, direct words used there. To me, it sounds like the desperate cry from a former slave and the fact that, there is even a photo of marines dragging chained woman and children to a Celestial Dragon's ship, further adds fuel to the fire, if I have to say. So, what do you think about that article, Najenda? " (Embra)

Najenda bites her lips in frustration as she remembered the feeling when she read that article this morning. She was ashamed of herself. No, her former self, who have sworn to protect innocent and weak as a proud marine. She still remembers her young self who is overflowing with sense of justices when she receives the rank as a marine soldier. Of course, as she rises up in ranks, she begins to see the dark side of marine and she was disgusted at first but, there was no better organization in the sea where she can works to protect the people.

So, as disgusted as she is with the dark side of the marine, she put up with it and became a vice-admiral but, now, she sees that, she did a good, no, the best choice, in quiting the marine. Thinking this far, Najenda looks up at Embra again and this time, there is a fire burning brightly in her eyes, a fire of justice.

"Your majesty, I am a woman who believe that, strong should protect the weak. Because I was a woman who wanted to protect the innocences using her strength, I joined the marine and became a vice-admiral but, there is a regret in my mind. A regret that there is also a dark side to the embodiment of justice. So, I quit the marine and decided to serve under Queen Esdeath whose objective is to overthrow the Celestial Dragons.

This morning, that article made me cry. As your majesty has said earlier, that article sounded like the cry of a former slave which also grab my heart with guilty. After reading that, I want to make sure, there are less people like the writer of that article, in the future." (Najenda)

The people in the room raise an eyebrow at Najenda's answer to Embra. Little by little, they begins to respect Najenda for her sense of justice. Embra, who is also listening to her from other side of the screen was impressed with Najenda's answer. His smiles widen and he speaks while extending his hand to her,

"Nice Answer. Welcome aboard, Najenda. I am glad, I got a woman like you joins the crew. In the future, don't lose that sense of justice and do not doubt yourselves." (Embra)

Najenda has a shocked reaction while Esdeath and other queens are smiling. Others are also smiling at Najenda to congratulate her which makes Najenda kneels and says from the bottom of her heart,

"Thank you very much, your majesty. I will not betray your expectation." (Najenda)

"Umu. I will be counting on you. oh right, Speaking of that, Esdeath, if possible, I want you to recruit Garp. Well, I am sure, Garp would not join immediately but, at least spark his rebellious spirit. I am counting on you." (Embra)

"!! Yes, My K- Husband. I will try to do that." (Esdeath)

While Esdeath and others are surprised at Embra's order, Embra was thinking about how to sway the stubborn old man. Others listening to him are baffled at Embra's order because Garp is one of the people in the list of people to avoid fighting. They are told not to fight him alone or in groups. So, they were confused when Embra ordered Esdeath to try to recruit Garp. However, Esdeath clears those thoughts instantly and decided to confirm it with her own eyes whether Garp can be recruited.

"*cough* Sorry. I took longer than I intended. The point is, survive everyone. There are three queens and two divine generals but, do not hesitate to run away with teleportation in the case of danger. Use the wide sea to your advantage and last but, not least, be careful of Cipher pol agents. They will use whatever method available to achieve the goals. So, be careful of them.

Well, though I am saying that, I am sure you all will be fine. See you soon, everyone." (Embra)

Embra ended the call and the screen disappeared. Some wondered why was Embra in a hurry but, they paid it no mind as they also need to prepare a thing or two for the battle soon. After they have sorted out their thoughts, everyone turns towards Esdeath, Senjumaru and Grayfia who has the most authority in here.

"... Yesterday, I informed you all of your position in this battle, right?" (Esdeath)

"Yes, your majesty." (Everyone)

"Remember those positions and wait the hand signals from us queens. For the Cipher Pol, I will try to draw them out and if it is not possible, I will leave it to Senjumaru and Izumi. After all, you two are the only one who can see the future." (Esdeath)

"Yes. You can leave it to us. I will watch the front. Izumi, you watch the back." (Senjumaru)

"I Understand, your majesty." (Izumi)

"I will prepare the teleportation and back up in emergencies. Everyone, do not be tense and carry out your responsibility with calm mind." (Grayfia)

"Yes, your majesty" (Everyone)

Everyone gets out of the room to get into their positions and watch the surrounding. As for Esdeath, Senjumaru and Grayfia, they walked towards the fore deck of the ship, looking at the direction where the warships will be coming. Standing on the deck, they review the information of the sea floors, current, winds and tides of the sea around them. As ordered by Embra, they are making the most of the wide sea around them to their advantages. For this battle, three queens will face the enemy head on while two divine generals will support them from the sides.

Behind them, three snipers are placed at various places of the bridge where the view is good and a remote sniper rifle is placed in the watchtower or crow nest above the main mast. The rifle can be controlled from the control room and they are to shoot any aerial enemy by the order of the queens and divine generals.

There are also people at the stem of the ship, watching the rear. They are also responsible for doing something in case of retreat. But, it is likely to happen, as there are also Cp-0. So, they are prepared the most.

For other people, half of them will be placed on the deck along with the divine generals and half of the personnels are to ready the cannons, which are made to looks like the cannons of pirate ships in OP, but, their firepower is guaranteed. And so, with everything prepared, the ship Enterprise heads towards the warships.