
The beginning

As I opened my eyes there was a woman looking at me with tears in her eyes and a baby next to me crying. It seems I have been reincarnated because I was sure I got killed, am pretty sure being beheaded their is no way to survive so the only logical explanation is that I have been reborn.

Being a otaku I knew I have being

reincarnated this is probably due to me having tiny hands. As I look at my new mother I began to cry this is probably due to having a baby body, She then said don't cry my children. And then proceed to feed us, which I was not really prepared for , I mean feeding from breast again is not something everyone is prepared to do again and due to my adult mentality this was weird but I had to do it in order to survive but a midwife took us from our mother how then said the older one is Gold D Rock and the younger one is

Gold D Ace . It then clicked is this not one piece and while I was thinking my new mother whom I assume to be Portags D Rouge then died , The midwife then proceed to take us away and give us a man whom I assume to be Garp or better know as the hero of the marines . Before I could realize I had fallen asleep

As I woke up I saw a screen In front of me showing my status it showed

Name : Gold D Rock

Age : 8 hours

Str : 0.2

Agi : 0.1

Dex : 0.1

Int : 45

Luc : 15

Will : 5

Skills: Status

Looking at this I knew this was my golden finger my cheat in this my world. The average status a any person in one piece is 10 as it was shown in the status. My cheat seems to allow me to see the status of anything regardless of the power difference as I look to my right to see the marines hero status

Name: Monkey D Garp

Age : 56

Str : 465

Agi : 398

Dex : 433

Int : 30

Luc : 10

Will : 500

Skills : Haki ( Armament and observation) (Expert)

Marine martial arts ( All) ( Expert)

Strong fist ( Expert )

Fist of love ( Expert )

Looking at his I couldn't help but think monster I guess I know why he is the marine hero with those stats I am sure he could easily destroy this island if he wanted. It seems that the ranks are divided into beginners, amateur, master, expert .


Timeskip 5 years

Me and ace are now 5 years old my status as now improved

Name : Gol D Rocks

Age : 5 years

Str : 5

Agi : 7

Dex : 9

Int : 52

Luc : 10

Will : 78

Skills : Status

Swordsmanship ( beginner )

Martial art ( beginner )

Those are the skills that I have acquired for the years though they are at beginner it is still good for my age though it cannot be compared to the monsters out there .

Garp has already given us to the bandits house and , the leader she has been taken care of since we were born , we have already meet sabo and have already formed a bond we have not meet luffy but it seems that shanks has not yet arrived . I started training since I was 4 it has been one year since I started training . it consists of swinging my sword a stick 100 times a day doing at least 20 press up , 20 situps and run around the house till I am unable to move again it has been quite hard but my body has adapted to it ace has decided to change his name to Portugas D Ace because of our father while I decided to change it too because of safety I am now Portugas D Rock.

Timeskip ---------------------------

Luffy has been brought to the bandits house and has meet shanks and has decided to become a pirate , ace and sabo too has agreed to become pirates while I decided to become life my life to the fullest and enjoy this life because my last life was not okay . Luffy asked me to join his crew but I rejected saying I am going an my own adventure and life my life to the fullest . And then I decided to become an ....