


Current Status

5 months time skip

Name : Gol D Rocks

Age : 5 years

Str : 5

Agi : 7.5

Dex : 10

Int : 52

Luc : 10

Will : 78

Skills : Status

Swordsmanship ( beginner )

Martial art ( beginner)

Trap making ( beginner )


We can see a young child with black long hair that extends to his back and black eyes. Who can be seen swinging a wooden branch while shouting 45,46,47,48 progressively until 120 .

Surpassing his limit once again.

Rocks pov

It seems that Luffy and ace are being pursed by Garp once again. Those kids I told them to lie that they won't become pirates but it seems I overestimated Luffy intelligence .

End of pov

We can then see luffy , ace and sabo all and the ground with bumps on their head with luffy shouting why does your punch hurt I am a rubber man why why why while crying like a child.

Then Garp saying come out kid I know you

are there in which rocks comes out and looks at his brothers then shakes his head while sighing

The marine hero then proceeds to ask are you going to become a pirate too with rocks answering no .Then the hero then says finally so you are going to be a marine but the mc then says na I don't won't to be a dog for the world government I am going to be a adventurer in which he the receives a ouch on his head knocking him out.

With Garp saying who the hell is a dog while shouting at the fainted child and then he starts to laugh thinking at least one of them is not going to be a pirate.

The next day

We can see the four brothers set up a trap with rocks being their leader they are currently trying to capture the king of the forest a tiger who likes to bully them in luffy words.

The trap was simple a hole about 8 meters deep with sharp sticks at the bottom each of those sticks is covered in poison from snakes they hunted the bait was a wild boar which the tiger likes to hunt .

After waiting for a while the brothers where asleep until they heard a roar coming from the trap but caused him to be awake except luffy whom was still sleeping.

They quietly approached the trap only to look to find that it was lion which fell for there trap and not the tiger they sighed and as they where going back they heard another roar and then they realized that the tiger was at there back.

Quickly they acted sabo took his pipe , Luffy now awake got ready to attack so as the rest

luffy attacked shouting gomu gomu no pistol

stretching his arm and attacking the beast as he was a rubber man and the rest attacking it eyes.

The managed to push it into the trap and the beat king was then killed but they were too exhausted to move and they all laid on the ground catching their breath.

For rocks this was his most intense fight since he came to this world and he was now aware of the dangers of the world.

Due to this fight his status viewer evolved he is now able to see the condition of what he is viewing.


Name : Mountain beast ( Tiger king )

Condition : Dead

Age : 11 years

Str : 29

Agi : 33

Dex : 39

Int : 3

Luc : 1

Will : 1

Skills : Bite ( master )

Claw slash ( master )

Rocks pov

Seeing that even animals have will that gives me an idea though I will implement it later . It seems due to my appearance ace and the others have become stronger but it is still not enough the people in this world are too strong that only those with power can leave in peace.

End of pov


Sabo has been claimed to be dead the brothers cried even rocks though he knew sabo is not truly dead.

The remaining brothers decided to work harder in order to prevent any of them dying they then decided to leave the island in some years time.

Rocks decided to leave the island one year before ace in order to get an head start before his brothers.

We can see the bandits , ace and luffy crying due to rocks about to leave them to head on his adventure.

The mc is now left the island in order to start is adventure while also eliminating and stopping future threats such as blackbeard


Name : Gol D Rocks

Condition : Healthy

Age : 16 years

Str : 30

Agi : 37

Dex : 45

Int : 63

Luc : 10

Will : 91

Skills : Status

Swordsmanship ( amateur )

Martial art ( amateur)

trap making ( beginner )

Haki ( observation {beginner})