
Reborn in Naruto with an Unbreakable Shield

A Man from our universe meets GOD and gets the opportunity to get reincarnated in the world of Naruto with some powers. Will, he be able to survive and thrive or will he fall into despair and die.? SI Fanfic. Find out in the next episode of Dragon ball Z. First world - Naruto May include crossovers in the future.

crowkenz · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Unbreakable Shield - Chapter 9 ( The Donut)


My eyes involuntarily closed as I hit the tree however the pain I expected to come never came.

I opened my eyes to see what was going on.

Instead of my fist stopping at the bark of the tree my fist went through the trunk of the tree like it was made out of butter.

What the?

How did i that?

sure i hit it with all my strength but i shouldn't have been able to make a fist size hole is a tree.

" Zeke " someone called out.

i turned around to see who was talking to me.

It was Mr Subaru and standing next to him was the pig.

There was a small dark spot on his trousers. I guess he must have pissed himself after seeing me turn the tree into a doughnut.

he must have realised that if mr subaru didnt save him that he would most likely be the one with a fist size hole in his body.

It was then the realisation hit me.

AH shit I almost killed someone..... and a student no less.

I looked around. all the students looked like they were scared of me.

Some even looked away when I looked at them.

"Ahhh. there goes my plans of making some friends."

" Looks like im destined to be a loner in this life as well" i thought to myself bitterly.

"Zeke, come here. we are leaving" Mr subaru called out once more.

I walked over to Mr Subaru. He put one hand over my shoulder .

"close your eyes"

Before i could say anything. I felt as if my whole body was being flattened and squashed and the next thing i know we were standing in an empty ground.There were no students to be seen anywhere.

"was that teleportation" i asked.

"hmmm no, we were just moving really really fast. it was this technique i used to save that other boy" he said.

"aah, so you were watching me?" i asked.

"yes i wanted to see how well you would do in a fight. You were actually surprisingly good for your age."

"you even manage to somehow coat your entire body with chakra " he said.

"that explains why it didn't hurt.

wasn't sakura and tsunade able destroy the entire training ground with one hit after using chakra to coat their fists" i thought to myself.

mine just made a hole in a tree.

oh well we all have to start somewhere.

Subaru sensei " didnt you seal my chakra?" i asked.

"yes that is what i thought too"

"lift up your shirt. i want to check on the seal to see how well it's holding up." said subaru sensei.

i lifted my shirt up and looked down .

for me the seal looked exactly the same as i last seen it.

however it looked like it was different for an experienced seal master like sensei

He looked at it intensely and poked at different points in the seal.

"It looks like the seal is weakening a little and your chakra is slowly leaking out of it"

"Strange , this only happens in jinchurikis, the hosts of tailed beasts." he said

" Is this bad?"

" am i going to go berserk again?" I asked in a worried toone.

"no , you are fine."

" Thankfully your body is slowly adjusting to the chakra."

"I'll slowly loosen the seal in the coming weeks. At this rate you might have to join the academy in three month rather than six" he said as i pulled down my shirt.

"Sensei, what are we going to do today?" I asked.

"Today we are going to make a training method for you to make your body stronger . But since you are only 5 right now we won't incorporate weights into your training method yet."

" We don't want to stunt your growth." he said with a smile on his face.

" we will only start using them once your body have can handle your enormous chakra. "

"Sensei why can i train using weights when my chakra is unlocked rather than now?" i asked

" That is cause chakra strengthens your body and make it more durable."

" It's a mysterious power that allows people to defy what we call the human limits.Thats why ninjas are so much stronger than normal civilians. but it can also be considered a double edged sword since we need to eat more food to keep us going than a normal civilian would.''

"That is why the majority of the ninjas you see have a lilith or muscular frames."

"Very rarely will you see ninjas that can be considered fat."

"That is also the reason why you should eat more healthy food instead of ramen all the time. It would be a shame if you stay a midget your entire life" he said with a smile.

I couldn't help but nod my head subconsciously at that.

" Now tell me, what kind of exercises do you do at home? when i watched your fight i couldn't help but notice that your body was more muscular than the others around your age. especially your legs and arms."

"Your stamina is also very good compared to your peers.. you were even able to outlast an academy kid but I guess it is kind of an unfair comparison as you are from the uzumaki clan. After all We are considered to be stamina freaks .

I couldn't help but feel happy due to the praise I recieved. It is always a nice feeling when somebody acknowledges the hard work you put in to something. Especially if it is from someone you respect.

" I just followed a book I read in the library" I answered.

``Hmmmm, what book did you read ?" He asked in a curious tone.

" AHH some book called the basic guide to taijutsu , i just do 100 squats ,100 push ups and a 100 sit up everyday" I said scratching my head.


He just stared at me in disbelief. It was as if he wanted to say something but didn't know what to say.

"so you only did these exercises and got these results" he asked in disbelief

Not sure what else to say i could only nod my head.

" prodigies sure are a different breed" i heard him whisper

"Anyways since you can do a hundred of those easily now. i want you to do a 1000 of each set and a little bit of kenjutsu everyday"

"Now give me 20 laps around this ground."

"hurry" he shouted out while clapping his hands.




After 40 mins of non stop running I found myself exhausted.The muscles on my legs felt like they were being poked with fiery sticks.

I couldn't help but bend down and put my hands on my knees.

Beads of sweat were dropping from my face to the ground.


"This is so tiring. The 10 km laps i normally do are nothing compared to this."

"And the sun.... Ah the fuckig sun."

" why is it so hot today?" i thought to myself as i wiped off the sweat from my forehead.

Subaru POV

Sitting on a branch of a huge ork tree nearby. i watched my pupil run around the big field.

It was getting clear that even with his impressive stamina that he was getting more and more tired after each lap.

He was getting noticeably slower after each lap to the point he looked like a dead man walking.

Taking a water bottle from a bag i kept stored in my storage seal on my forearm i walked towards my tired student.

Subaru pov end




I lifted my head to the direction of the footsteps to see sensei walking towards me with something in his hands.

"Catch" he shouted out as he threw a cylindrical object towards me.

It was as if my hands were on autopilot.

They moved up just in time to catch it before it hit my head.

" OI OIOI sensei are you trying to hit me?" i shouted out

"now why would i do that zeke Kun."

"i knew you would be able to catch it."

"Now why don't you drink some water.You look like you need it." he said with his hands covering his mouth.

"is that so....." i said as i looked at him squinting my eyes at him .

"whatever" i said as I opened the cap and gulped the water down.

Feeling refreshed i threw the water bottle back at him.

"THanks sensei" said as i started running once more.


"Ouch "

It was almost 3 pm.

I was walking back from my training session with Subaru sensei.

That man was a true slave driver. There wasn't a single bone in my body that wasn't aching after the intense training we had.

My palms had tiny cuts on it due to how hard I was holding the wooden sword sesi gave me.

He made me swing that thing 500 times for god sake. It wasn't even different kinds of swings. It was just one downward swing 500 fucking times.

Apparently sensei was a firm believer that mastering one single skill is better than knowing many.

Not that i'm disagreeing with him or anything.

Zenitsu from demon slayer is great example for this. He was able to learn only one step of the thunder breathing style but he mastered it to such an extent that he could be considered one of the if not the best thunder breathing style user to have ever existed in the demonslayer verse.


"Hold your sword high and grip the handle with both hands."

" Imagine there is an enemy in front of you."

"now cut him down."

"Your legs are too wide. bring them closer and plant your feet firmly on the ground." as he hit my legs correcting my form with a stick he found on the ground .

Flashback ends.

"Im home" I shouted out as I opened the door.

As expected there was no reply. It seems that my parents were at work.

I got inside and closed the door behind me unaware that I was being watched by a masked fox.


check out p@treon/crowkenz to read 6 chapters ahead.:)

chapter 14 is out on my p@treon/crowkenz

Please give me ideas and feedback so I can improve my writing skills in the future.Hope you guys enjoy reading it. Peace out.

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