
Reborn in MHA with a diet SCP-4001

A young man is sent across the multiverse at the whims of a Random Omnipotent Being, with his cheat power being his own copy of SCP-4001, Alexandria Eternal, an extradimensional library that is a veritable Akashic Record. Except, there's a catch. The library is completely empty and the mc has to fill it himself! And he is pissed! Watch as he wrecks the worlds he visits and challenges all notions of protagonist-dom. First world is My Hero Academia. Support me on patr-eon for future extra chapters for all my fics! .https://www.patreon.com/goldenfingers #ruthlessmc #manipulativemc #cunningmc #evilmc #chessmaster #mastermind and most importantly, #noharem

GoldFinger · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

55. Happy Days.

"Fine. I'm in. Let's get this bastard. Where is he?" Shinso asked.

"Now now." I coughed, "Hold your horses. We won't be fighting anyone yet. And certainly not with a ragtag band of student vigilantes. No.

We aren't nearly strong or skilled enough. Nor do we have the numbers.

We will fight them, but only after we have gotten our provisional hero licenses.

The best thing we can do now is train.

In the meantime, I will work with principal Nezu and All Might-sensei to vet pro heroes to join our cause. I already have a list of potential candidates.

Remember, we are up against the worst, most powerful villain in the world. We cannot afford to mess up.

In fact, this meeting was just an advance warning." I said, turning to Nezu.

He nodded appreciatively.

"Well said Yuji-kun. I wouldn't have allowed you to do it any other way."

"Neither would I." I replied, "Though I have a favor to ask. Sensei, can we get one of the training grounds reserved for the next month or so?"

"Of course. But you will train under the supervision of three teachers at least. And it won't be easy. To grow stronger than you've ever before in little over a month will require bitter work. So if you want to quit, now is the time." Nezu warned.

No one did though, not this far in the game.

"Good. We'll start tomorrow morning, 7 am sharp. Be ready. This might just turn into the fight of your lives." Nezu said, getting up.

"Thank you sensei!" I said, bowing, before continuing, "I'd also like to transfer Shinso and Mineta to the hero course so they can accompany us to summer training camp."

"Only if they want to." Nezu replied, looking at the two desperately nodding teens.

He let out a squeaky little chuckle at their antics as he walked out.

"Now, I'll send all of you information on the league, their assets, quirks, usual tactics, etc. Memorize them.... "

In a bar in Yokohama, a girl clicked the recording off, as the screen by the bar flickered angrily.

"So, am I in?" She asked, grinning cheekily.

"How did you even manage to get this?" Shigaraki asked, suspicious.

"I killed his father. Transformed into him and sewed a bug into the seams of his pants. Easy peasy lemon squeazy. Though, I didn't expect to get such juicy info off of him this early. I knew he was going to be important but to this extent...hehehe... ." She chuckled, licking her knife.

"That is a very useful talent, Shigaraki. You should consider her." Kurogiri advised.

"Shut it. I'll decide what I want to do." Shigaraki snapped.

"You, psycho chick, why should I take you in?"

"Ara~" She intoned, poking her cheek, acting cute, "Didn't you want to hire people. Make a league. Take down hero society? I want the same!

I want to destroy this world of judgy heroes with a stick up their butts, looking down their noses on us. I want them to bleed! I want them to scream in pain, and beg for death~ hyihyihihihi!" She laughed, blushing profusely, gripping her face.

"Then," she continued, squealing, "We'll make a new world, where I can live happily with my darling~

A world where no one will judge our love, or blame us for anything!"

"What?" Shigaraki asked confused, " Dar..ling?"

"Yup." She nodded, pulling out her phone, displaying a picture of a chestnut brown german shepherd.

"Isn't he the cutest?!" She cooed.

"You...do you...." Shigaraki asked, at a loss for words, "You know what, never mind. I don't want to know."

"Welcome to the league of villains, Himiko Toga."

"A-yay!" She cheered, hopping like a bunny.

"Let's have a celebratory toast! Whiskey on the rocks!" She demanded, slapping the counter, only to be flatly refused.

"No." Said Kurogiri, "We don't serve minors."

"Aww, c'mon! Just a couple of drinks...." She whined, to the stern glare of Kurogiri.

"One drink...?" She added.

"No means no." He reiterated.

"Tch. You're willing to kill heroes but won't break the law when it comes to drinking age?" She goaded him.

"Kids shouldn't be drinking." He replied.

"Hypocrite. Cheapskate. Meanie! Bleh!" She taunted, poking out her tongue, as she stormed out.

Once she was far enough away, she pulled out her phone and made a call.

"The fish is on the hook." She said.

"Understood. Good work, Sweet Jelly." Aiba replied.

"You tell darling about it yet?" She asked.

"No. Why?" Aiba answered.

"Because I will." She smiled and cut the call, skipping away.

Ding dong.

The bell rang and Kuribo went apeshit almost immediately, running over tot he door and scratching at it happily.

I smiled, watching him fumble, before opening the door to find Himiko standing before me.

"Darling~ I'm home!" She said, jumping into my arms.

Twirling her around, I kissed her forehead.

"Welcome back." I replied, hugging her tight, carrying her to the couch as Kuribo trailed behind.

No sooner had we settled on the couch did he jump into her lap, licking her all over, while she pet him, rubbing and scratching his droopy ears.

"I missed you too, Kuri-chan!" She cooed.

Watching the happy scene, I felt a pain in my heart.

Was I really going to leave them here?Left for dead? Could I bear to, anymore?

Perhaps.....no. No. I can't fall in love here. I need to focus on the mission.

The multiverse awaits. And I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Mentally slapping myself, I reached out and held Himiko's hand, gently rubbing it, as she looked at me with the do-me eyes.

"So...how did it go? Aiba said you wanted to tell it to me in person?" I asked.

"I pulled it off like a pro!" She chirped happily, "You should have seen his face when I talked about my darling~ little pupper. His eyes were big as potatoes." She laughed.

I laughed along, absentmindedly running my hand through her hair.

"You already knew it though, didn't you?" She said, suddenly turning to me.

"I...." I acted stunned, before shamefully replying, "Yes. I read it in your book."

She pouted, crossing her arms around Kuribo.

"You promised you wouldn't!"

"Sorry. I got impatient, baby." I said, pulling closer to kiss her as she planted a palm on my cheeks, pushing me away.

"Nyope. I'm mad at you." She said, turning away.

"I'm sorry, baby." I said, hugging her by the shoulder, as I scooted closer again, whispering in her ears,"How about I make it up to you~"

She shivered, as a blush crept up her face.

"No. No bedroom action for you today!" She insisted, even as her ragged breath and flushed face revealed something entirely different.

I stepped back, acting offended.

"I was talking about your favorite chicken pot pie!" I humphed, hands on my hips, "Why do you assume I'm always horny!?"

"Eh?" She exclaimed, embarrassed, "Is that so? I'm sorry then."

"Are you?" I flirted, "Because I think I'm going to eat it all by myself."

"Noooo...." She cried exaggeratedly, burying her face in Kuribo's fur, "My pot pie...."

I snickered, amused, and shook my head, walking into the kitchen, bringing out the dinner.

"Go and wake up Eri." I said, putting down the pot before pulling Kuribo off of her, and setting him down in his seat.

As I set the table, Himiko appeared carrying a sleepy Eri in her arms, and sat her down in her lap, caressing her.

"She looks so cute sleeping~" Himiko said, looking on with a motherly gaze, "I almost didn't want to wake her up."

"I know. But she needs to eat so she can grow up to be a big, strong girl." I said, walking over.

"Eri." I called out, pinching her cheeks.

"Wake up. It's dinner time."

"Uhm....papa.....five more minutes." Eri groaned, swatting my hand away.

"No. Get up before dinner gets cold or I'll ban you from watching 'Pretty Cure Mars' for a whole week."

As if struck by lightning, Eri's eyes shot open and she jumped up, out Himiko's lap and into her chair.

"I'm awake. I'm awake. Please don't ban pretty cure, papa! Please!" She squeaked.

"Hmm.... let's see. If you eat all your veggies, maybe I won't." I teased, plating her a piece of pie.

"Gah!" Eri cried, poking at a piece of carrot, "My old enemy, Mr. Carrot!"

"Well, if you want to watch tomorrow's episode, he better become your best friend, Carrot-chan!" I chided.

"Umu!" Eri pouted, scrunching up her face, as she looked up from the carrot towards Kuribo beside her, hopefully.

"And you can't give it to Kuribo. Don't think you can sneak past Papa. I can see everything." I warned, as we began to eat.

Of course, it didn't work because midway through the meal, I caught her passing the carrots to Kuribo below the table.

Finishing up with dinner, I put Eri to sleep as Himiko led me to the bedroom, and pulled me into bed.

"I thought someone said there'd be no bedroom action tonight?" I teased.

"Oh shut up!" Himiko said, slapped my shoulder, plunging into a kiss with the other.

"Now that's one way to shut me up." I said, as we made merry the rest of the night.

sorry for the small reveal.

but I think some of you guys can already tell where I'm going with this can't ya?

so just a little longer for the big reveal.

I realised I had to set up the reveal a bit so one more training chapter and then operation filter coffee is a go!

who will they kidnap? what is his goal?

take a guess at it in the comments for a reward of one whole internet cookie!

GoldFingercreators' thoughts