
Reborn in MCU to be the Invincible Ghost

#marvel, #mutants, #multiverse travel This is my first story on Webnovel hopefully you guys will like it I got the inspiration of this fan fic from another novel in the app called fanfic ideas. this story is about a guy who is brought into the multiverse of marvel by one above all to add a little spice to the boredom of one above all and Loki the god of stories. after experiencing the same type of story every time one above all gets mc from real god to see what fun changes he will make to the plot. Mc gets a system when he dies at the hands of a certain big tin can and goes on to become the invincible ghost. follow the journey of the mc as he faces the challenges that shape him to who he is.

Rebelcombat_1 · Movies
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Chapter 18: Trying To Help Daredevil.

Chapter 18: Trying To Help Daredevil.

One day on my way to home after a light walk in the evening I saw something red lying in a pool of blood, I first ignored it thinking someone unlucky has been killed and thrown into the gutters again.

Sigh what is going on in this world they are killing people on a daily basis here and the cops don't do anything at all it is as if it is just a show that the cops caught someone it is as if they just turn a blind eye to all the crimes happening around and but I still think it is a shame that people die every day.

But suddenly there was a groan from the dead body I again got curious and got close to it then turned the body to my utter surprise it was daredevil his costume dyed red with blood there were bullet holes in his body as well as katana wounds and I can see he is on the verge of death considering he is barely breathing seeing this I took his clothes off him and went around to find a cloth to cover his body and then I carried him home.

As soon I reached home, I can feel daredevil struggling to get free "just calm down it is me" I said after which he calm down a little and followed along with my arrangements.

The problem was I didn't have any equipment's to perform a surgery on his body not that I have any hands-on experience, I only know about the knowledge from the books and haven't practiced any of them except the time I had to take out the bullet that hit me back then but I think I can perform well if I focus on it. If Dr. Strange can learn it in a single glance, what more when "I have learnt it for two years only from what is written in the books so you don't have to worry about not getting healed though I am not as efficient as a professional doctor I can still help you don't worry it will not be painful in a while let me get the anaesthetic first but I can't get if from any local stores though wait I can make it though what was the process to make the anaesthetic again aah yes let me get some ingredients and some apparatuses just hang on.

After that I went to the store near the house I was in and bought a bunch of stuff and went home then I went to do a very usual electrolysis for getting oxygen there are two balloons one will be filled with hydrogen other will be filled with oxygen.

But to quickly make a lot of oxygen I had to get about five of car batteries and then join them to increase the voltage and very quickly the both balloons began becoming round one is bigger than the other though and very quickly they became round enough that it is barely enough for matt till I take out the bullets but after that I will have to use another balloon to store more of the oxygen.

After that I opened the cloth covering Matt then I took a lot of cotton and then opened a bottle of 80 percent alcohol vodka and started to wipe the wound with it after that I went to the kitchen and took out a carving knife then went to the stove and heated it till it became red hot then I waited till the red color faded and then looked at Matt who clearly cant hold on any longer. So as soon as the red color of the knife completely faded did I started to take out one bullet after another and after five bullets I stitched the wounds carefully then started stitching the other wounds caused by blades as he has lost a lot of blood and under the influence of anesthesia he fell asleep very quickly.

After he slept, I peacefully bandaged the minor wounds and I also had made sure his broken bones don't get misplaced after joining them that is why while he was sleeping, I put the parts of his bones that were broken in a cast after that I started pouring plaster of Paris into the cast after that left him to sleep peacefully then I went for a shower and continued with my martial arts training but I ended it early and went to sleep in the sofa in the living room then I watched news for some time then fell asleep.

The next day I naturally woke up at three o clock then I went to check on Matt and looking that he is in pain I went near his head and his head is boiling then I went to the sink took out a bowl, poured cold water then took a towel dipped it in the water then folded it and placed it on his head, then I went to the various apparatus I bought today and then after disinfecting them I processed various ingredients and after two hours or so I successfully made acetaminophen though it is not that concentrated as found in the market it is still useful after that I took a precise amount of it and fed it to Matt after some time he calm down and once again fell asleep. For those who don't know what acetaminophen is it is commonly known as paracetamol so don't worry he will be better.

After feeding him the medicine I went to my usual meditation but every half an hour I had to change the towel on this head as well as check on his condition after that at 7.00 Am I went for jogging and then came home an hour later but on entering I can smell my house stinks, like really stinks after that I went to check on the condition of matt who now looked a lot better and if everything is ok, he will be waking up in an hour or so.

With that I went for my daily routine but after finishing those I went on to clean the house there are various blood stains like everywhere and various waste laying here and there and I had to clean them otherwise it will give out an even bad smell.

After an hour while I was cleaning Matt woke up and looked around then like a leopard leapt up and rushed towards me to hit me but I dozed and after that I said "calm down Matt it is me you have multiple fractures and the cast hasn't completely dried yet so you better lie down on the bed." I said after which Matt calmed down and went back to the bed and sat down after which he started frowning and I can see he is feeling pain. I went near him and asked "how are you feeling you need to rest for at least a month to fully recover and not leave any injuries for future you have to know what you are fighting against are immortal and they would not hesitate to take advantage of any short disadvantage you show so you better not engage in any action for this month."

Matt just nodded and asked "who exactly are you, you even know how to perform surgery but I don't think you have all the things required to perform a surgery here how did you do it?"

Well, I am jay who employed you and I can't have my employee die in front of me can I. You see when I found you if I didn't give you immediate treatment you would have died and I can't send you to hospital immediately but that store outside had all the required resources to perform a successful surgery on you though it is my first time doing this I believe I did a good job at it.

"Thank you" said Matt and just laid on the bed with his eyes open curious I asked why don't you close your eyes to which he replied "what does it matter all I can see through my eyes is just black what does it matter if I keep my eyes open or closed"

I just want to say you should not keep fighting so regularly like you usually do you know when I found you, you were on the verge of death I would have thought you were a dead body and left if you hadn't gowned in the last moment making me want to see who it was and thank your lucky stars it was me otherwise if it was anyone from those you fought you would not be even here to see the day light today.

But you must rest for some days and then you can go to your home and after that what you do has nothing to do with me if you want to be able to fight in future without doubt you better heed to my advice.

After that I went on with my work and after that I started my daily programming sessions and Matt was just sleeping on the bed I don't really know if he is sleeping or not but he is really calm and just lying down on the bed I had already decided to not go on a walk in the evening but stay at home and look after Matt as well as practice in the yard and so I did I looked after Matt and also practiced the martial arts in the yard.

And so, days went by at the end of the month I had successfully taught some basic stuff to the Ai and then I had to introduce it to the internet but I clearly have to restrict its freedom in the internet. But that might hinder its growth then again, a slow growth is also a good thing as it will consolidate the various things it learned these days.

Then I started making a scanning device as I plan on going to various libraries and scanning all the books then have the ai learn and understand them clearly only then I can fully open the internet for the Ai to explore and with the gradual increase in the intelligence it might have the intelligence to develop and create like humans but that also needs supervision otherwise it might develop something that might destroy the world that is why I have to have to have some backdoor code that will force the Ai to stop and Shut down but for that one will have to have a very high access level and that is the only creator level access and that is a card that is made of Vibranium though I haven't made it yet.

I am planning on making it, it is supposed to be like a random password generator which generates a password but this is also different as it is something that once comes near the main server of the Ai it will directly connect to the Server then it will generate a password that will open the lock to the Ai code and once you also enter the creators code you will be able to manipulate the Ai or even destroy it. But for now, I need to add different levels of access to the Ai for now and only the creator can allow various access to the various types of function to various people and the creator can also restrict the Ai from doing anything that the Ai wants to do which the creator think unnecessary and also the creator can stop the Ai from accessing the various devices and things developed if he thinks these are very dangerous.